The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 367 Welcome to Zhang Family, Dad

Chapter 367 Welcome Home, Dad

It is obviously not an easy task to clean the body of patients, which requires Lu Qing to constantly challenge the upper limit of her patience.

Dirty excrement, dark basement, bad air, tired body, and those infected patients who are more than one san value mad.

As Lu Qing did these things, she admired the doctor more and more in her heart.

No matter what happened to the doctor later, at least at the beginning, he was persistent in doing this kind of thing.

It's no wonder that he went crazy later, Lu Qing felt that if she stayed in this kind of place for a long time, she might go crazy too.


When she didn't know how many patients were cleaning her body, Lu Qing paused slightly for her hands that wiped her body.

She noticed one thing, the patient in front of her had six fingers on his palm.

The size and shape can match the handprint on the note in the morning, and the doctor's voice popped out of his mind almost the moment he saw the palm of the other party.

"Is this the note that this guy left for me? How dare he call me a quack doctor?"

"Don't he know who is taking care of them day and night, this group of guys who can't even take care of themselves, who is still looking for an antidote for them when others have abandoned them? "

"It's really unreasonable. Is there anything worthy of my care for this kind of guy who will repay his kindness?"

"No, his body has been deformed to such an extent, how could he write something on a piece of paper, print his fingerprints on it and send it to my room?" Lu Qing shook her head, rejecting the doctor in her mind. words, and then continued to deal with the stains on the other party's body.

"Doctor, will my illness be cured?" At this moment, the patient who was being wiped by Lu Qing asked.

His voice sounded like a little boy's. When he spoke, he seemed a little shy, and his voice sounded a little trembling.

"It will be fine, everything will be fine." Lu Qing comforted the other party.

"Then, can the doctor help me get better soon? I want to go out to see my sister." The patient said timidly.

"How old are you?" Lu Qing couldn't help asking.

"I am 12 years old this year, and my sister is six years younger than me. She is so beautiful."

When the patient talked about his sister, his voice became a lot more excited, and at the same time, he provided Lu Qing with a piece of news that surprised her.

The other party was only 12 years old!
Looking at the body that could almost be called Roshan in front of her, Lu Qing fell silent.

"Do you like your sister very much?"

"Of course, my sister is still young, and my mother often tells me to protect my sister, so I always take care of her, and she is very attached to me. I don't know if she will miss me after I haven't been here for so long."

The little boy fell into the memory, Lu Qing looked at the other's demented face, and sighed inwardly.

The distortion of the infectious disease not only affected the body, but also the brain. The other party obviously didn't notice what his deformed body, which could already be called a freak, looked like.

Otherwise, there is a high probability that he will not be thinking about his sister.

After taking care of the other person's body, Lu Qing walked towards the next person, repeating the work that doctors do every day.

After finally cleaning up the patients' bodies, she heated up the cold paste and fed it to the patients with wooden bowls and spoons.

When everything was done, it was eleven o'clock in the evening.

After a busy day, she can have a little time to eat, and immediately after eating, she has to research the antidote for infectious diseases.

The sticky taste was not delicious, only a faint salty taste, coupled with what she had done today, made her have no appetite to eat at all.

But she couldn't eat it when she was hungry, so Lu Qing could only forcefully pour the paste into her mouth, and after eating, she went to study how to make an antidote.

As for how to study
Feed all kinds of medicinal materials collected by the villagers in the forest to the patients with infectious diseases who are about to die, and study whether it will affect them.

These are all agreed by the patients themselves. As for those who disagree, the doctor will continue to take care of them until they die, and then take their bodies out to be cremated by the villagers.

Ignoring the voices that would automatically appear in her mind every once in a while, Lu Qing was busy until three o'clock in the morning. Lu Qing finished her day's research and dragged her tired body to lie on the stiff wooden bed.

This is the daily work of a doctor, and Lu Qing just experienced the doctor's day based on the doctor's own thoughts that popped up in her mind from time to time.

To be honest, it was very tiring, a tired person wanted to die, and she didn't have the energy to think about how to leave this illusion.

Anyway, the day is finally over.

Lu Qing closed her bloodshot eyes and slowly fell asleep.

"Huh, it's finally finished."

Taking a long breath, Lu Qing wiped the sweat from the top of her head with a smile on her face.

Today's workload is much less than yesterday's. The main reason is that there is less cleaning work, which makes her spend a lot less time on cleaning.

By the time she finished all her work, it was only six o'clock in the evening.

"If it's so early, let's go home." Looking at the clock in the room, this idea suddenly appeared in Lu Qing's heart.

"Going home, are you going to see Dinah?" Lu Qing couldn't help thinking in her heart.

Before, she still had some doubts about why the doctor lived in the basement of the church. At this time, along with the thought of going home, the answer to this question emerged.

It turned out that the doctor would only live in the church when he was busy until nine o'clock in the evening, and he would try to go home when he could go home in normal times, and at this time, Dinah was not actually sick.

Thinking of this, it's time to go back.

Lu Qing hung the blood-stained white coat on the wall, changed into a set of clothes that looked cleaner, and left the basement of the church.

Just when he came out, the hunting team of the village had just returned from hunting, so a group of people stood on the street of the village, looking at the group of young people who had returned from hunting.

After noticing Lu Qing coming out of the church, they all showed a look of fear on their faces, and distanced themselves from her.

"It's the doctor who came out."

"Quack doctor, my son was put to death by him two days ago!"

"I miss my husband"

The villagers were discussing in low voices. For some reason, the conversations were obviously very low, but they were heard by Lu Qing one after another.

She shook her head, ignored the villagers, left the village, and walked towards her home.

After walking for about half an hour, she finally saw the familiar building in the distance.

Involuntarily quickening her pace, Lu Qing pushed open the door, just in time to see Dinah who was sitting on a chair in the living room in a daze.

After seeing Lu Qing, Dinah was stunned for a moment, and then a smile appeared on her face.

"Welcome home, Dad."

(End of this chapter)

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