The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 368 Mixed Consciousness

Chapter 368 Mixed Consciousness
PS: Thank you book friend Haoxia Zhaomu for the 1500 starting point coins!

The time spent with his daughter was very happy. At home, the doctor temporarily forgot the hard work in the basement of the church, and finished dinner with Dinah with a smile.

It was different from the mush that was eaten in the basement of the church. Because the doctors were responsible for taking care of so many patients, the village would also do a good job of superficially, sending some of the food obtained by the hunting team here.

Therefore, when the doctor is at home, he can eat fresh meat.

After dinner, it was almost seven o'clock in the night. At this time, the sky had completely darkened, and it would be very dangerous to go outside, so the doctor would stay overnight at his home.

This is also a rare leisure time for him to feel relaxed.

And when Lu Qing came back to her senses, she found that she was already on her way to the church, leaving only the memory of the doctor resting at home.

"Because it's my home, so the doctor's thoughts dominate?"

She didn't know how to explain this situation, as if after entering the doctor's house, she wasn't her anymore. Although she still felt like her, the thoughts and things she did were not hers.

"Why don't you try to go home now?" Lu Qing turned her head to look at the way she came from behind her, but she still didn't go back after thinking about it.

The doctor's voice that appeared in her mind from time to time, I am afraid that she is eager to go home and have a good rest. Maybe it is because she has gone home to rest that the doctor's thoughts dominate?

Well, in layman's terms, when you need to work, let Lu Qing's consciousness dominate, and when you need to be lazy, let the doctor's consciousness dominate.

"If you think about it that way, it's really uncomfortable."

Although the memory of the rest will remain in my mind, it is not myself who dominates the consciousness during the rest, but the doctor who has always wanted to be lazy, which makes people very uncomfortable.

Why do I have to do the dirty work, and you pop out during your break?

However, there is a high probability that the doctor can't be in the dominant position all the time, otherwise why would he come out of the house? Wouldn't it be better to stay at home all the time, why bother to come out of the house and let her control it?

Thinking of this, according to the memory in her mind, Lu Qing discovered a detail, that is, when the doctor's spirit dominates, her appearance will become that of a doctor.

And when her consciousness dominates, the doctor's appearance will become her.

Well, it sounds a bit weird to say, but you can understand it.

In short, does this mean that this illusion requires her to maintain her appearance at all times?
If she looks like a doctor for a long time, what will happen to her in the end?
Thinking about these questions, Lu Qing returned to the church. At this time, the young man in charge of delivering supplies had arrived at the entrance of the basement stairs, breathing boredly.

After seeing Lu Qing coming back, he coldly said "This is today's supply" and left.

Looking at the supplies on the ground that were not much different from yesterday, the doctor in her mind started talking again.

"I'm really fed up with this young man. Every time I talk to him, he will deliberately distance himself from me and ask him to help transport the supplies to the basement. He doesn't do life or death. Are the muscles on his body just for display? "

"Ah, this bad smell, I feel like my nose is going to die, it's hell here, and I'm that idiot who goes to hell every day."

"Shut up, you're not the one doing the work!" Lu Qing said angrily, then ignored the doctor's complaints, and moved the supplies into the basement one by one.

"Why has the supply decreased?" Lu Qing looked at today's supply and asked with a puzzled expression.

"There isn't enough food in the village, and what I can give you is already the limit." The young man said impatiently.

"Fart, the hunting team has obviously caught more prey these days, do you really think I'm blind?" Frowning, Lu Qing looked at the young man dissatisfied and said.

"Ha ha."

The young man smiled indifferently, and then left the basement.

"Damn bastard."

Looking at the back of the young man leaving, Lu Qing couldn't help cursing.

Her figure looks a little illusory, and from time to time, she flashes the appearance of a doctor once or twice. Lu Qing herself didn't notice this, and what she hasn't noticed is that at some point, the doctor's complaints It's no longer in her mind.

She just silently picked up today's supply and sent it into the basement like in the past.

Fortunately, although the food has decreased, the water has not decreased, and it is still enough to clean up the bodies of these patients.

Lu Qing skillfully cleaned up the dirt on each patient's body, replaced them with washed cloths, and put away those cloths that were too dirty.

The patients in the basement didn't have any big reactions after seeing Lu Qing, and even when Lu Qing approached them, they wouldn't ask whether their illness could be cured.

Their eyes had lost the light of hope, and Lu Qing had nothing to do about it, but could only pretend to be invisible and complete the work at hand.

But fortunately, among these patients, there is actually one exception.

"Doctor, how long will it take for me to recover? I really miss my sister."

"Hey." Sighing in her heart, Lu Qing skillfully comforted the other party and said: "It won't be long, as long as you recuperate honestly, you will definitely see your sister in the future."

"That's it, but, sometimes I'm afraid, what will happen if my illness never recovers." The little boy said with a little fear, and subconsciously clenched his six-fingered palm.

"What are you thinking about, you are sick?" Halfway through Lu Qing's words, a self-deceiving thought suddenly appeared in her heart. After a slight pause, she continued: "It will be fine, sooner or later."

"Really, but, but, I've heard from other patients that my disease won't get better at all, and I won't be able to see my sister either."

"Don't listen to their nonsense, they are just jealous that you get better sooner."

"Is that so?" The little boy said in a daze.

"Yes, that's it."

Nodding her head, Lu Qing picked up the bucket expressionlessly and walked towards the next patient.
When it came to the feeding session, because of the reduction in food today, the food allocated to everyone was also forced to reduce a part.

Including Lu Qing, the food that was not enough to eat before has become less, and after eating it, it feels like nothing, which has caused some patients to complain.

"Damn village, are they trying to starve us?"

"I'm so hungry, hehe, maybe it's okay to starve to death like this."

"Ouch, it's this unpalatable mush every day, but now it's even reduced."

PS: The Dark Forest has about 80 chapters so far, and the plot is only a little short of the end. After the doctor's matter is over, the next few events will be connected together, and it should not take twenty chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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