The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 375 He's a Doctor

Chapter 375 He (She) Is a Doctor

【The mourning crow】

This is a saying that has suddenly spread in the village in the past few days.

The cause of the incident was that several patients with infectious diseases died a few days ago. Lu Qing, adhering to the sense of responsibility of a doctor, conveyed the news to the families of the deceased patients.

And because she reported death every time she came, over time, the people in the village gave her such a nickname under the influence of various negative emotions such as sadness and despair.

As long as the doctor comes to your door, there is no doubt that someone in your family has died.

This kind of rumor actually happened a long time ago, but at that time everyone just talked about it. Now, Lu Qing has been completely regarded as a plague.

Lu Qing would definitely not believe that there was no Tree God Cult playing tricks behind it.

People in the village spend most of their time in their homes, so how could they have the leisure to spread such rumors? Only the Tree God Sect would do such things at this time.

Although it is true to say so, Lu Qing actually has no solution to the current situation.

She is just a doctor. In this illusion, she has neither the power to solve problems violently nor the right to speak to change the village. Therefore, she can only do her own thing day after day as usual. Work.

Let others say what others think, as long as she does her own thing well.

Her goal, from beginning to end, is only one, and that is to get out of this illusion.

After all, no matter what she did here, the reality would not change one iota.


Her footsteps paused, and for some reason, Lu Qing couldn't help feeling a sense of irritability in her heart.

"Why am I caring for these patients, and is it in any good for me?"

"There is no cure for infectious diseases, and the villagers also avoid me like a plague. What on earth am I doing this for?"


Taking a long breath, Lu Qing temporarily suppressed her thoughts and concentrated on the task in front of her.

Fortunately, there is an extra Duda in the basement, which makes Lu Qing's work a lot easier. The work that used to be busy until late at night can now be completed in one morning.

This can be regarded as a great help to Lu Qing, thanks to Du Da, she can have extra time to go home.

Speaking of going home, the gloom in Lu Qing's heart couldn't help becoming more intense.

These days, Dinah's cough didn't get better at all, on the contrary, it got worse. Lu Qing almost used all the available medicines that the doctor brought, but it didn't work.

Despair, deeper despair than in the face of patients with infectious diseases.

Is it because Dinah is his relative, or is it because he is not reconciled to being troubled by a disease that could have been easily cured?
Back home, looking at Dinah who was getting thinner and thinner, Lu Qing's heart was full of heartache, but she had no choice but to use some pain-reducing medicines to relieve her pain.

"Ahem, doctor, welcome home."

Dinah lay on the bed, and said to Lu Qing with a smile as always.

"En." Nodding, Lu Qing put her hand on the back of Dinah's hand and said softly, "Have you eaten yet?"

Dinah shook her head, she was struggling to get out of bed now, how could she have the time to cook for herself.

In order to take care of Dinah, Lu Qing even had the idea of ​​leaving all the work in the basement to Duda, but Dinah stopped her.

She had no choice but to make breakfast for Dinah in advance every day, and make another meal when she came back in the evening.

As for three meals a day, don't even think about it. There is not much food in the village, and the food in Lu Qing's house is only enough for the two of them to eat once a day.

But now Dinah is sick, and being hungry will only make her body weaker, so these days Lu Qing eats the mush that the church sends to the basement every day, and all the food at home is reserved for Dinah.

Fortunately, Dinah is only a little weak due to the pain for the time being. She can still eat meat, otherwise it will be really troublesome. After all, the only source of food in the village is the meat hunted by the hunting team. up.

Besides, there are only one or two crops that can survive in this cursed land.

"Open your mouth." Lu Qing stretched the spoon to Dinah's mouth and said.


Dinah honestly opened her mouth and ate the food that Lu Qing sent to her mouth. She was a little shy at the beginning, but after so many days, although she still felt a little uncomfortable, at least she was able to Faced it more calmly.

Suddenly, after Dinah swallowed the food in her mouth, a smile appeared on her face.

"What are you thinking, you're smiling so happily." Lu Qing couldn't help smiling when she saw the smile on Dinah's face.

"It's nothing, I just suddenly felt that the doctor hasn't been by my side like this for a long time." Dinah smiled and shook her head.

"Aren't I always here these days?" Lu Qing helplessly stroked Dinah's hair and asked.

"So it came to me suddenly." Dinah said enjoying the caress on the top of her head.


The corners of her mouth raised slightly, just when Lu Qing was about to say something, there was a sudden noise outside the door.

"What happened?" Frowning, Lu Qing put down the wooden bowl and looked in the direction where the voice came from.

Looking at Dinah apologetically, she got up and left Dinah's bedroom, came to the door of the house, and stretched out her hand to pull the door open.


A hard stone flew towards her and just hit her on the forehead.


Caught off guard by being hit by a stone, Lu Qing groaned in pain, and just after she came out, the villagers gathered at the door uttered one after another.

"The doctor is out!"


"She didn't cure a single patient, a single one!"


The voices of the villagers cursing filled her ears, and Lu Qing touched the forehead hit by the stone with her hand, where bright red blood was flowing.

"This is what doctors have experienced, are you troubled by doctors?"

Seeing the bright red liquid in her palm, Lu Qing raised her head again, scanning the angry faces standing in front of her, not knowing what to do for a moment.

[When the voice of the crowd can overwhelm your voice, no one will care what you say]


What appeared in front of her eyes were the angry faces of the villagers, and Lu Qing couldn't help recalling everything she had experienced in this almost month-long illusion.

Carrying supplies hard every day, cleaning up the huge basement, and feeding each patient after the end, often exhausted to the point of sudden death.

However, what did she get in exchange for her hard work every day?
The patient without any hope, the cold eyes and even anger of the villagers, and most importantly, the daughter suffering from lung disease.

A lot of negative emotions flooded into her heart, Lu Qing's vision became blood red as if soaked by the blood flowing from her forehead, her appearance kept changing, but in just a few seconds, she changed from her appearance to a A middle-aged man with a gloomy face in a blood-red white coat.

He stared coldly at the crowd in front of him, his lips moved slightly, but he couldn't utter a word.

He (she) is a doctor.

PS: I wrote this chapter after thinking for a long time. I don’t know how it works. I’m afraid someone might misunderstand me here, so I’ll explain it. Most of the scenes experienced in the illusion are experienced by the doctor himself, so don’t think I’m really abusive. Ah Qing.

(Whispering BB: Ah Qing, you can’t blame me. How can you grow without setbacks? I’m here to cultivate your tenacity.)

(End of this chapter)

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