Chapter 376 Prescriptions
"Sorry, doctor, those family members insisted on going in, I couldn't stop them at that time." Standing in front of Lu Qing, Du Da said with a guilty face.

At this time, it has been an hour since the family members made trouble.

How it ended, Lu Qing didn't know, because her consciousness had been replaced by the doctor at that time, but from what Duda said, it seemed that the village chief suppressed it.

"No, this has nothing to do with you." Lu Qing lowered her head and sighed.

According to Duda, in the beginning, only a few family members of the patients wanted to enter the basement to see their relatives.

As a result, for some unknown reason, this incident was known to the family members of other patients, causing a large crowd to gather around the church.

Du Da had only one person, and he couldn't stop so many people at all, so he could only let them in.

As a result, these family members who were eager to find their relatives, after entering the basement, first smelled the unpleasant air in the basement, and then saw the deformed and frail patients.

After a brief surprise, these people reached a consensus. They went to the door of the village head and asked the village head to give them an explanation.

Then the village head is not a good person, after being quarreled at the door by so many people, he resolutely blamed Lu Qing, saying that she did not take good care of these patients.

At the same time, he showed a look of being deceived, and angrily told how disappointed he was with the doctor. It was all his fault, and successfully transferred the hatred of the villagers to her.

Afterwards, it was he who came forward again and expelled the doctor from the village as the head of the village. At the same time, he said that all patients would be taken care of by the family members of the patients in the future, and the village would be responsible for patients without relatives.

Hmm. That's pretty much it.

In short, the village has completely cut off contact with the doctor's family. If she appears near the village and is seen by other people, she will probably be kicked out directly.

"That damned village chief, I must expose him!" Du Da clenched his fists angrily and said.

"What can you do alone, go back honestly, you will be misunderstood if you stay with me for too long." Lu Qing shook her head and said.

It also seemed like a good thing for her to not have to continue working in the basement, so that she would have more time to take care of Dinah.

as for food
The village has cut off contact with her, that is to say, the food that would have been delivered every day is gone, and now Lu Qing needs to find a way to get food by herself.

If a doctor is faced with this situation, it will definitely be a headache, but for Lu Qing, although her body in the illusion is not as powerful as it is in reality, it is not completely difficult to hunt mutant creatures. can't do it.

At the very least, she can still deal with ordinary mutated wild dogs, mutated rabbits, or mutated giant deer.

She has a lot of weapons at home, such as scalpels, wrenches, and fire axes. As long as you are careful, there shouldn't be any major problems.


There was a sudden stabbing pain in the brain, and Lu Qing gasped in pain, as if someone had suddenly pricked her brain with a needle.

After what happened this morning, the doctor's attack on her became more and more serious, and every time the pain made her frown.

"Doctor, are you okay!?" Seeing Lu Qing's frown, Du Da couldn't help asking.

"I'm fine, just a little headache."

"I'm going to rest, you go back quickly."

Standing up, Lu Qing pushed the door open, and closed the door without waiting for what Du Da would say next.


Du Da looked at the closed wooden door, opened his mouth and still couldn't say anything, so he could only turn around and leave here helplessly.

"Doctor." Seeing that Lu Qing had returned, Dinah hurriedly asked softly, "What happened outside?"

"It's not a big deal, it's just that some people came to me and wanted to discuss something with me." Lu Qing said as if there was nothing wrong with her.

Because the doctor's house is surrounded by tree walls, the sound insulation in the house is surprisingly good.

Dinah might be able to hear voices outside, but she definitely couldn't make out what was being said.

"Is it really okay?" Dinah said with some doubts: "But I have heard a lot."

She paused here, as if she was thinking about how to describe the voice she heard. After thinking for a while, she slowly said, "It sounds like a very angry voice."

"It is inevitable that there will be disputes during discussions, and quarrels should be done." Lu Qing bit the bullet and explained.


Dinah stared at Lu Qing with a serious expression. She is not an idiot, how could she believe such nonsense? How could anyone discuss it outside the room when they were discussing it?
"Well, I see." Dinah nodded, thinking it's better not to burden the doctor any more, so just pretend she didn't find anything.

Time passed in a hurry, and half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period of time, Lu Qing pretended to go to work during the day, but actually went hunting, and would return home to take care of Dinah after noon.

However, she has been taking less and less time to take care of Dinah recently, not because hunting has become more difficult, or because she doesn't want to take care of her anymore, but because
"Damn it again"

Lu Qing sat down on the ground, enduring the stinging pain in her brain one after another.

In the past half a month, the villagers came to her to make troubles several times, and every time they made troubles, the negative emotions of the doctor's consciousness would continuously surge up and directly take away the control of the body, regardless of whether Lu Qing It's useless to remind myself.

And every time the disturbance is over, the mental attack caused by the doctor's consciousness will become more powerful. At first, it was like being stabbed by a needle. Scratching the plank on it, Lu Qing was so painful that she wished she could pull her head out of her body.

In addition, there are all kinds of messy hallucinations, as if I can hear clearly but can't hear clearly, and the voice that I can't remember the content at all is lingering in my ears.

This made her mental state very wrong. In order to prevent herself from hurting Dinah, she could only minimize the time she spent with Dinah.

Even one night, Lu Qing wrote a note while sleeping, which recorded a prescription.

Well, Lu Qing took a look at the prescription for treating infectious diseases and threw it away.

Because that recipe looks really weird.

Three rusty iron nails, a catty of sand, half a catty of cement, and the patient's own flesh. In addition, there were some ghost-like symbols drawn on the paper. If you look closely, it should be a tree. , very weird.

No matter what Lu Qing said, it was impossible to keep this prescription by her side. She must have thrown it away. After all, if she didn't throw it away, would she still have to try it according to the formula?

Unless she's really crazy, it's impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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