Chapter 403
Fiery flames sprayed on the body of the King of the Head Ripper, and the flamethrower using Lu Qing's blood as fuel played a huge role. The black mist protecting the body of the King of the Head Ripper was burnt in the blink of an eye. fly ash.


The burning of the flame made the King of the Head Ripper let out a painful roar, it broke free from the scorched spider web, and rushed towards Lu Qing wrapped in flames!
The gurgling water could not extinguish the flames of the flamethrower, but just a few steps closer, Lu Qing could feel the temperature emanating from the body of the King of the Head Ripper.

She rolled on the ground holding the flamethrower, avoiding the attack of the King of the Head Ripper, and then continued to spray flames on the King of the Head Ripper.

However, the King of the Head Rippers is not a vegetarian either. He instantly judged the importance of the flamethrower to Lu Qing. Almost at the moment Lu Qing dodged it and rolled over, he opened his mouth and hit it with his tongue. on her flamethrower.


The tongue of the Head Splitter King was too fast, but it hit the flamethrower in the blink of an eye. Lu Qing's hand went numb, and the flamethrower flew out.

"Come on, wolf!"

The instant the flamethrower was blown away, the clothes on Lu Qing's body changed, and the wolf spirit flew past her and bit the head-splitter king fiercely on the neck.


The King of the Head Splitter let out a roar, and stretched out his hand to pull the wolf spirit down, but found that he couldn't touch anything.

After realizing this, it refocused its attention on Lu Qing's body. Anyway, it has rough skin and thick flesh, so it is not afraid of being bitten by the wolf spirit a few times. The most important thing is to kill the prey in front of it.

[Wolf frenzy! 】

【Dance of Arrows! 】

Lu Qing quickly pulled the bowstring, and after shooting one arrow, she quickly rolled backwards, and shot three arrows at the same time, and after landing, another arrow followed, and five consecutive arrows hit the head splitter king's body.

However, none of these arrows could hit the vital point, and all of them were staggered by the head splitter king with subtle movements.

It picked up a stone in the river, and threw the stone towards Lu Qing while its muscles squirmed!


The huge force made the flying speed of the stone very fast, and there was only a loud "plop", and a huge splash of water hit Lu Qing's clothes, soaking them.

There is no doubt that if you are hit by a stone of this level, you will definitely suffer a lot of damage.


Seeing that this move was effective, the King of the Head Splitters dug out stones from the river with both hands and threw them at Lu Qing, and Lu Qing kept shooting arrows while dodging.

She can't be too far away from the head splitter king, otherwise she won't be able to see him, and it is precisely because of this that she is very struggling in long-range battles.

"Damn it, why hasn't it died after burning for so long!"

Lu Qing was sweating profusely as she looked at the wound on the King of the Head Ripper's body that had been burned by the flames, and found that although the flames from the flamethrower were difficult to extinguish, the recovery speed of the King of the Head Ripper's body was not blocked.

In the process of the flames continuously burning its body, the body of the Head Splitter King is also constantly healing, which is the reason why it can persist for such a long time.

Fortunately, the black mist has been lifted, otherwise she would have no chance of winning against a head splitter king protected by the black mist!


A stone hit Lu Qing's ankle with great force, causing her moving body to tilt, and then another piece of gravel hit her mask.


Lu Qing's body fell on the water, resisting the severe pain in her ankle, Lu Qing quickly stood up, and rolled to her side.

【Dance of Arrows! 】

Three arrows shot out violently, one of which pierced through the wrist of the King of the Head Splitter, and the remaining two were shot at its chest.

At the same time, Lu Qing came to the place where the flamethrower fell and picked it up!

A shadow suddenly appeared above Lu Qing's head, and when she looked up, it was the king of head splitters covered in flames who jumped over directly!

The head splitter king stepped on Lu Qing's stomach, the huge pressure made Lu Qing's pupils widen, and she couldn't help spitting out a big mouthful of blood.

At the same time, the fiery flames spread along the body of the King of the Head Ripper to her body, burning her together.


I don't know if it was venting the severe pain in her body, or Lu Qing really couldn't help it, but she always shouted loudly and released a field full of vitality at the same time.

【Sheep spirit life】

[The sheep spirit blesses the ground under its feet for 4 seconds, creating an area where no creature will die.After the creatures within the range are dying, their bodies will no longer receive any damage, and they will be immune to any healing effects! 】

[When the blessing ends, creatures within the range will receive a certain amount of healing. 】


Lu Qing pulled the trigger of the flamethrower again, and in an instant, the fiery flames surrounded the Head Ripper King together with her.


The king of the head splitter roared, and kept waving his fists and sharp blades to hit Lu Qing's body, but found that he couldn't kill the creature in front of him no matter what. The muscles on his body were constantly burned by the flamethrower, making it even more tyrannical up.

And Lu Qing was also screaming under the pain of the burning flames and the constant attack of the King of the Head Splitter, while silently counting the skill time of [Sheep Spirit Lives] in her heart.

2 seconds.

Lu Qing suddenly turned into a pool of shadows and disappeared under the King of the Headsplitter, and then appeared on the edge of the skill of [Sheep Spirit Breathing].

3 seconds.

The King of the Head Rippers found Lu Qing and rushed towards her with a roar. Seeing this, Lu Qing pulled the bowstring and shot a lavender arrow.

[Fear arises! 】

The forward body of the head splitter king paused, and then rushed towards Lu Qing again with a roar.

4 seconds!
Lu Qing pulled the bowstring violently, shot an arrow and hit the head splitter king's body, and then rolled to the side.

【Dance of Arrows! 】

Another three arrows were shot in a row. The moment Lu Qing landed, she pulled the bowstring and fired another arrow.

At the same time, the effect of [Sheep Spirit Breathing] completely ended, and a light green light was released from the ground under his feet, instantly covering the bodies of Lu Qing and the Head Ripper King.

And the last arrow she shot also absorbed a bit of vitality from the body of the King of the Head Ripper and restored it to her body. This is the effect of the [Wolf Frenzy] hunter's vitality mark!

Lu Qing felt that the wound on her body recovered a little, and then pulled the bowstring for the third time!

"Tear it apart, wolf!"


With a roar, the wolf spirit reappeared beside Lu Qing, transformed into a white shadow, and charged towards the King of the Headsplitters.

The sharp teeth bit through the neck where the skin was burned by the flames, and a large amount of blood gushed out from the wound.

The king of the head splitter wanted to continue to struggle, but was shot through the eyeball by a pure white arrow. The next moment, another pitch black dagger was thrown out, stabbing the neck of the head splitter king. to wear.

[The Seal of Qian Jue: The King of the Head Splitter (Completed!)]

(End of this chapter)

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