The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 404 The Light of the Abyss

Chapter 404 The Light of the Abyss

The moment Lu Qing saw the pop-up message on the notice board, she let out a long breath and sat down in the water.

After using the ability to escape into the shadows, all the flames burning on her body disappeared, but although the flames disappeared, the traces of being burned by the flames did not disappear.

Although the hunter's vitality marks of [Sheep Spirit Breath] and [Wolf Frenzy] recovered to a certain extent, it was impossible to completely heal them.

"It hurts"

There were burn marks all over the body, and blood-red scars spread all over the body, which looked extremely hideous.

But pain is pain, there is no need to worry about leaving traces or anything, let alone how strong Lu Qing’s body’s healing ability is now, even if there are traces left, there will be nothing left when you go out of the dream, so there is nothing to worry about of.

It is now that these scars remain on the body, sending out pain signals all the time, which is unbearable.

The ankle that was hit by a stone before is completely unable to move. It can bear it when it is not moving. Once it moves or is hit by a little external force, it will hurt so much that you want to saw your leg. .

Whether it hurts more to amputate the leg is another matter.


The effect of [Runner] disappeared, and Lu Qing collapsed exhausted in the river in an instant. Anyway, the water level was not high enough to submerge her face. It was not impossible to lie down and rest for a while.

Moreover, when the cold river water flows through the burn wound, it will also reduce the pain of the wound a lot. This may be why water can heal the wound in many works of art.

Lying in the river and resting for about 10 minutes, Lu Qing felt that her physical strength had recovered, so she stood up again and walked towards the corpse of the King of the Head Ripper.

If possible, she also wanted to light a fire in this dark environment, and then rely on the light of the fire to heal the wound.

But it was a pity that during the battle just now, the backpack she was carrying had been crushed, and the contents inside were all shattered and fell into the water, unable to ignite again.

In this space where there is only river water and gravel, it is obvious that the wood fragments soaked in water cannot be burned.

"not right"

Lu Qing suddenly thought of a way. She collected the stones in the river, selected the big and flat ones as much as possible, and built a platform in the river.

Then she placed the crushed backpack on top of the stone, and placed the crushed planks on top of the backpack.

Holding the flamethrower in his hand, Lu Qing aimed at the backpack and pressed the trigger.


Fiery red flames spewed out from the mouth of the flamethrower, and then ignited the wet backpack and wooden boards. Seeing that the backpacks and wooden boards were ignited, Lu Qing immediately stopped the operation of the flamethrower.


The warm light of the fire shone on her body, dispelling the coldness here, and the damp wood released pitch-black smoke, which drifted upwards.


Taking a long breath of hot air, Lu Qing did not use the [Moth] skill immediately, but was going to simply treat the wound on her ankle.

Being hit by a stone thrown with that kind of force, there is no doubt that her bones have probably cracked. As for how serious it is, Lu Qing is not very clear.

However, as a modern person, she still knows how to deal with this kind of wound. It is impossible to heal directly. If she does not want to be deformed, she must properly reset the bone.

But here comes the question, how should she reset it?

Although there is a 20.00% proficiency in [Basic Medicine] skills, this 20.00% can be said to be piled up almost entirely by drug treatment. As for how to treat fractures, Lu Qing only knows a little bit in her head, but what to do in her hands is not enough. Not sure at all.

"After getting out of this dream, if I still remember, I must learn about emergency treatment." Lu Qing looked at the wound on her ankle and said.

If you don’t know, you have to bite the bullet, and it’s no big deal if you make a mistake. Anyway, you will return to normal after you get out of this dream, and you can use it to accumulate experience for yourself.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing fumbled to reset the bones.


With just a slight force, a severe pain was transmitted from the leg, Lu Qing clenched her teeth, and connected the broken bones together according to the feeling.

After carefully checking it several times to confirm that there should be no problem, she used the [Moth] skill.


The originally stable burning flame suddenly flickered violently, and Lu Qing felt that the temperature on her body seemed to be much higher, and accompanied by a tingling feeling, the wound on her body began to heal quickly.

About 15 minutes later, all the fuel was burnt out, and the wound on Lu Qing's body also healed in sevens and eighties.

While recovering from the wound, she also dissected the head splitter king's body, and got the head splitter king's heart, which is the core of flesh and blood of the opponent.

In the system review, this heart turned out to be of purple quality, and its name was [Heart of the Head Splitter. 】

It is reasonable, but unexpected, it is reasonable to give such a strong monster a purple material.

Thinking of this, the wound on her body didn't seem to hurt so much, Lu Qing put away the [Heart of the Severe Head], and then limped away from here.

She was going to find a way out, and she didn't know where Vindina and the old scientist had gone. She came to this weird place in the blink of an eye. I hope she wasn't trapped by something. up.


Lu Qing paused, and suddenly found that the darkness in front of her had dissipated a little, as if there was something there.

She couldn't help speeding up her pace and came to this area without darkness.

What appeared before her eyes was a pitch-black sphere.

This sphere floated in front of Lu Qing, releasing a faint black light.

No, to be precise, this light is not light, but the surrounding darkness, which wants to erode this place, but is absorbed by this sphere and reveals traces.

Or in other words, the darkness all around was released by this sphere?
She didn't know how to describe this feeling, but it was just weird.

Staring at the black ball, Lu Qing seemed to feel a suction force. She looked at the empty darkness inside the black ball, her eyes were dull, and her brain instantly emptied all perception.

After taking two steps forward uncontrollably, she jerked violently and recovered.

"what is this?"

She looked at the sphere in front of her with some vigilance, and with the trembling of the notice board, the attributes of the sphere were also revealed.

[Prop Name: Light of the Abyss]

[Prop Quality: Purple]

[Introduction: The light born in the incomparably deep darkness, she is the beacon of the dark world, a ray of black among countless lights, she drags the light into the abyss, but releases the light in the abyss, engulfing the universe in the endless darkness Before, she—wouldn't stop. 】

[Skills: Abyss Class, Rejection]

[Remarks: Shhh, don't watch, otherwise, you will be dragged down by her. 】

(End of this chapter)

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