Chapter 413 Game Updates
PS: Thank you book friend Zhong Qianmo for the 30000 starting point coins!

"Increases charm, disrupts scent, and charms the mentally unstable?"

Looking at the introduction on the perfume, Lu Qing always felt something strange.

She is a person who doesn't like perfume very much, not because of allergies or anything, but simply doesn't like it.

Before time travel, she often thought about why her class teacher always likes to spray some strange perfumes on her body, and she can smell the smell every time she walks by.

It's not that it smells bad, but it doesn't smell bad either. It's quite strong, and she doesn't like it very much.

"But since it's a system item"

A little awkwardly opening the cap of the perfume, Lu Qing put her nose close to smell it, but she couldn't smell anything.

"Talk about how to use perfume"

Lu Qing has never seen the process of spraying perfume in real life, but has only seen it in anime, spraying on herself twice.

Here comes the question, where exactly should it be sprayed and how much should it be sprayed?

With the attitude of giving it a try, Lu Qing sprayed the perfume on her chest, and then a message popped up on the notice board.

【You used cosmetics: Dream Black Rose Perfume】

"Huh?" Lu Qing was stunned for a moment, then came back to her senses.

"So spray it and use it?"

She put the perfume back in its original place in a cute manner, and then smelled it on herself.

It is said that everyone smells differently, but overall it is floral.

And what Lu Qing smelled was a slightly bland smell, not very strong, so she wouldn't feel too uncomfortable.

"Acceptable." She thought so.

At this moment, the notice board suddenly trembled, and a message popped up.

[Dear player, I am sorry to issue this announcement suddenly at this time, but I hope you can read it carefully, it will affect your future game experience. 】

【This game will be updated two hours later. During this period, all players will not be able to enter the dream game except for the players who are in the dream. 】

[And from now on, all players will not be able to match dreams, I am really sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. 】

[The update time of the game is 12 hours, and a new version of the game will be launched at that time. The specific update content is as follows:]

[1. This game will carry out a new reform of the skill system, and the proficiency level of all skills will be displayed by LV instead of %. 】

[For example, 20% proficiency will be converted into LV2 skill level. 】

[After the player obtains the skill, the skill level will be 10% of the original level, which is LV1, and the skill can be upgraded by spending dream coins. When the skill reaches the full level, the player can upgrade the skill through the corresponding skill level advancement card. 】

[The skill level advancement card is the original skill level upgrade card, which has a certain probability of being obtained after clearing the dream. 】

[2. We rearranged and planned the UI system of the game, making the overall interface look more comfortable and tidy. 】

[3. We have completely revamped the entertainment section of the game, and the income of all creators' works has been slightly adjusted. For details, please check the income description interface of the entertainment section after the update. 】

[4. For the physical and mental health of players, and to ensure the order and life of the real world, we have reduced the number of times players can match dreams per month. When the game is updated, the number of times each player can match dreams per month will be reduced. down to 1.]

[5. The game has added a PVP section, which can support up to 50 players in a melee. The PVP mode supports team formation and room opening, but each room will cost [-] dream coins. 】

【6. Each PVP game has a corresponding room number, and players can search and watch it by themselves. 】

[7. We have upgraded the live broadcast system of the game and added gift settings. The anchor can set the name and pattern of the gift in the live broadcast room by himself. Players can spend cash or dream coins to reward the live broadcast. 】

[Gifts are divided into ten grades, with denominations of 100 cash, 1000 cash, 10000 cash, and 100000 cash, 1 dream coin, 10 dream coin, 50 dream coin, 100 dream coin, 300 dream coin, and 500 dream coin. 】

[8. We have modified the card system of the game. When the version is updated, each card will only have one chance to upgrade. 】

[When the card fusion degree increases to [-]%, the player needs to create a corresponding artificial dream according to the background of the card itself, and conduct a system review. 】

[The maximum score that the system can provide is 150. After more than 80 points, it will pass the review and be posted to the artificial dream interface, entering the player scoring stage. 】

[The player scoring stage will last for two months. The system will score based on the number of times the dream has been entered, player ratings and other data, with a full score of 150 points. 】

[When the total score of the two ratings is greater than or equal to 200 points, the card will be advanced. 】

[9. We have added the dream backtracking function. Players can spend dream coins to return to the dream world they have experienced before, and the number of times they can enter is three times a month. 】

[There is no task, you can quit at any time, and the maximum stay time is one month. 】

[Grey 50, White 100, Blue 300, Purple 800, Orange 1500, Red 5000, Black 10000. 】

[10. After the game is updated, there will be a new event - King of Survival, so stay tuned! 】

"Is the game going to be updated?" Lu Qing looked at the system update announcement with a blank face, seeming a little at a loss.

The dream game has been in the real world for 20 years, and I have never heard of this game being updated.

"The forum has exploded now." Seeing the content on the notice board about the game update, she couldn't help but think.

Opening the forum, as expected, the news on the forum has been maxed out, and a large number of people are discussing the content of the game update.

[The skill system has been comprehensively reformed, and the skills extracted in the future will be reduced from 100% proficiency to 10%? 】

[Protest, skill upgrades cost dream coins, the number of dreams per month is reduced, a meaningless PVP system is added, card advancement can only be advanced once and it is extremely complicated, the game system wants us to die! 】

[***** **** system! 】

[Confused, very confused, I feel a little overwhelmed after reading the updated content. Obviously, this update has increased the difficulty of the game for players and increased the amount of dream coins spent. If this is an ordinary Game, I think this policy is correct, because it will prolong the life of the game, but the dream game is not a simple game]

[The game that has not been updated for 20 years has been updated, and the updated content is still so explosive, is there any brother who understands to analyze it in detail. 】

[Stop screaming, it’s useless to scream, bear with it, you guys think this is a real game, you rush to plan, don’t play if you don’t want to! 】

[*** It’s a shame, our new players will grow much slower than the old players, why! 】

[Um, I think it's okay. After all, I don't play dream games, I only like to browse the entertainment section. I think the big update of the entertainment section is very good for me as an audience. 】

[If you don't play, you say ****! 】


The corner of Lu Qing's mouth twitched twice, looking at the comment area where the demons danced wildly, she felt her head buzzing.
(End of this chapter)

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