The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 414 Rich woman, hungry, hungry.

Chapter 414 Rich woman, hungry, hungry.

[Love donuts:! 】

[Love donuts: Deer, have you seen the update announcement? The game has been updated! 】

[Fang Tang: Lu Yi Lu Yi, you should have seen the update announcement of the game, what should I do, I feel that the impact is great! 】

A message from the two popped up in the chat box. Although Lu Qing felt that it was not difficult for her to reply to both sides at the same time, she still formed a temporary small group and drew the two into it.

After thinking about it, she invited [Mengmeng is not a girl paper] again.

Now that it is no longer possible to open new games in the dream game, she also needs to explain that she has used up the number of dreams this month.

[Foreigner: I just came out of the abyss challenge and saw the game update. 】

After sending this message, Lu Qing sent another helpless emoji.

[Mengmeng is not a girl paper: ah this. 】

[Mengmeng is not a girl paper: Actually, I have used up the number of games this month, and this update was too unexpected. 】

[sugar cube:]

【Love donuts:.】

[Love donuts: Am I the only one who hasn't used the number of dreams this month? 】

【Fang Tang: That, I don’t have either】

[Foreigner: Let's wait until next month for the special dream about Mengmeng. 】

[Mengmeng is not a girl paper: It seems that this is the only way to go. 】


Seeing this, Lu Qing was slightly relieved.

As I said before, after she came out of the abyss dream, she didn't want to enter the next dream for a short time, and hoped to have a good rest for a while.

This time the game was updated very suddenly, but it also satisfied her desire to rest in a disguised form.

Anyway, [Mengmeng is not a girl paper] also used up the number of dreams, if she is not the only one, there will be no embarrassing thoughts in my heart.

Even if she didn't take the abyss challenge, this month's special dream couldn't be done, right?

Convincing herself in this way in her heart, Lu Qing looked at the chat box on the notice board, and saw that when she was just thinking about something, the three people in the group had already chatted about their plans for the future.

[Love donuts: Fang Tang and I haven't used the number of dreams this month yet. After the game update is over, we need to use up the number of dreams this month as soon as possible. 】

[Fang Tang: I think so too. 】

[Love donuts: Xiaolu and Mengmeng's dreams have already been used up, which means that this special dream will have to be postponed until next month. 】

[Love donuts: If that's the case, I have a proposal. 】

[Mengmeng is not a girl paper: what proposal? 】

[Love donuts: After all, we are going to form a team to dream together. Since the dreams can't match, why don't we get to know each other while we have extra time? 】

[Love to eat donuts: This will be convenient for future cooperation. 】

【Mengmeng is not a girl paper: That's right, but.】

[Fang Tang: But what? 】

[The foreigner: I think this is okay, but I still need to see everyone's opinions. 】Looking at this, Lu Qing spoke in the chat box.

[Fang Tang: I have no objection. 】

[Fang Tang: Well. If you don't mind, you can come to my house to play. My house is quite big. 】

Muir sat on the stone chair in the castle, looking at the chat box with some expectation.

[Mengmeng is not a girl paper: I can actually do it, but I don’t know if it’s far from you. 】

[Foreigner: Then go to Fang Tang's house, do you have any opinions? 】

[Love donuts: I have no opinion, but where is Fang Tang's home? 】

[Fang Tang: My home is in Jinghu Community, if you are willing to come, I will wait for you at the gate of the community tomorrow. 】

[Mengmeng is not a girl paper: Jinghu, do you mean Jinghu City? 】

[Love donuts: It’s Jinghu City, that’s right. 】

[Foreigner: Jinghu District, sounds familiar]

Lu Qing looked at the chat message and recalled it carefully.

The city she lives in is called Jinghu City because the city is built beside a huge lake.

Because the water of the lake is as calm as a mirror, it is called Mirror Lake.

If you think about it carefully, the name Mirror Lake seems to be very common. After all, when it comes to the surface of the water, the first thing most people think of is the mirror.

And Mirror Lake District.
In Jinghu City, the neighborhoods that can be named after Jinghu are undoubtedly high-end neighborhoods. Lu Qing just recalled a little bit, and found information about Jinghu neighborhood from memory.

As the name suggests, Jinghu Community is actually a community built next to Jinghu Lake, and the annual rent is about

Thinking of this, Lu Qing became a little silent, but she didn't expect that Muir was also a rich woman.

In comparison, the money she earns from novels and videos in the game may not be as much as other people's pocket money.

Rich woman, hungry, eat rice.

For some reason, these three words suddenly appeared in Lu Qing's mind.

She quickly shook her head and threw these three words out of her mind. What is the use of more money? Can it improve the game's strength or can it be exchanged for dream currency?

As long as you have enough money to spend, you won't have the idea of ​​chasing lemons.

[Mengmeng is not a girl paper: Jinghu City is a little far away from me, but I take a private plane, and it only takes about three hours to get there. 】

【Love donuts:.】

[sugar cube:]


Tired, hurry up and destroy it!

After several people set an agreed time to meet, they quit the chat group one after another.

Lu Qing saw that there was about half an hour left before the game was closed, so she decided to go to the forum to take a look, and then sacrifice the materials obtained in this dream to the hut to upgrade the hut to a higher level.

When I opened the forum, the smell was still familiar, a lot of useless information was scrolling on the forum, and that was not what Lu Qing wanted to see.

She clicked on the top right corner to sort by the number of likes, and soon, the most popular comment appeared in front of her eyes.

[A detailed analysis of the content of this game update, gradually analyzing the reasons for the game update from the perspective of the game. 】

The person who posted the post was a dream caller that Lu Qing didn't know, and it turned out to be a red boss with more than 8000 million followers.

Looking at the content of the post, it is very long, about [-] words.

Lu Qing took a rough look, and gradually understood the dream caller's thoughts.

Leaving aside the irrelevant parts, the main content of this post is the impact of this game update on the dream currency system, as well as the many restrictions imposed by the game system on players.

While increasing the difficulty of the game for players, it also promotes the consumption of dream coins, so that players will not have a large amount of dream coins in their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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