The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 415 The Hamster Who Loves Potato Chips

Chapter 415 The Hamster Who Loves Potato Chips

In fact, at the beginning of the game, there was a big problem with the setting of the dream currency system.

Because dream currency is not very useful to most players, it is useless except for purchasing items in the auction house.

And most players actually don't have so many items that can be eliminated and thrown into the auction house, which also leads to a phenomenon.

That is, the dream coins in the hands of players often hoard a very large amount, and most players will go to the auction house to buy items that exceed their own level after the amount of dream coins hoarded reaches a certain level.

This situation itself is not conducive to the development of the game, so this update mainly increases the players' demand for dream coins.

From now on, all players can spend dream coins to upgrade after acquiring new skills, but at the same time, the proficiency of all skills extracted from the system will drop to one tenth of the original.

Is this a bad thing?

In fact, it doesn’t count. If players can think about it calmly, they will find that the skills extracted from the system are only a small number after all. Most of the skills acquired by players are acquired from dreams.

But now the system can be said to provide a channel that allows players to quickly upgrade their skills, and all they need to spend is dream coins.

It is foreseeable that in the future, the number of high-level props in the hands of players will definitely decrease, and they will be replaced by higher skill proficiency. It will not be a dream for one person to be proficient in dozens of skills.

However, this red-level boss also explained a common sense that high-level players generally know in the post.

That is the difference between the skills learned by oneself and the skills improved by the system. Generally speaking, the skills improved through self-learning are actually more powerful than the system improved skills.

But compared to spending a lot of time and cost to learn, just for a higher proficiency than system upgrade, it is actually not worth the candle.

Moreover, who said that after the skill level reaches the full level, I can't study it slowly?
If you get a skill upgrade card, you can directly improve the quality of the skill. Isn't this much better than improving skill proficiency by learning by yourself?
After talking about the reform of the skill system, the next thing I want to talk about is the analysis of the number of dreams, entertainment section, PVP, card advancement, and dream recall function.

I think these things should be connected together. The reduction in the number of dreams will greatly increase the free time of players, allowing them to spend more time in the entertainment section and live broadcast room.

And push them to watch the content in the entertainment section?
Which player dares to say that he is not interested in other players' PVP?
Even if you don't want to play, watching others play is also a very interesting thing, and the number of matching dreams decreases every month, I am afraid that many players will spend their time on PVP.

Anyway, you won't die, and you can improve your skill proficiency, so why not do it?

Moreover, PVP might allow more ordinary people to become dream callers. Even if it is just a try, it can be considered a success from the perspective of game development.

As for the reform of the card advancement system, there is not much to say about it. Overall, it should be regarded as a kind of balance.

After all, everyone knows how outrageous the card system was before. Even a gray card can theoretically be upgraded to black as long as it lasts long enough. Now each card can only be advanced once and needs to be upgraded once. After double review by system players, it became much stricter.

Although I feel very sorry, there is no way to do it. The game system cannot be changed by us. We can only choose to accept her.

Speaking of this, there are so many places to spend dream coins, and the artificial dreams that need to be made to upgrade cards also cost dream coins, so at this time, some smart friends should ask.

Hey, since there are so many places where dream coins are needed, wouldn't my dream coins run out soon?

The player who asked this question looked young at first glance.

As I said before, the entertainment section has undergone large-scale reforms, and the dream game is a game played by people all over the world. That is to say, many players who are confident in their skills can actually be a part of the entertainment section The anchors or UP hosts fill their wallets with entertainment income.

And even players who don't have much confidence in their own skills can choose to use another function of the system.

The dream backtracking function returns to the dream world experienced before by consuming dream coins.

I think the smart guy already knows what he's going to do.

That's right, it is to go back to the previous world to collect materials and put them on the auction house for auction!
Players' demand for various materials is huge, and there are countless players all over the world, no matter how huge the market is, it will never be emptied.

There is no task to go back to the dream world. In a month's time, as long as you think about it, you will be able to get a lot of materials.

In addition, each dream world is different, and the materials produced are also strange. Believe me, your materials will not be bought without people.

It is true that the players who opened the server in the past, including me, have enjoyed the bonus of opening the server, and I understand why everyone is so angry about this version update.

But whether the game is updated or not has nothing to do with us, no matter how loud the sound is, it is impossible to affect the operation of the dream game.

Do you think you can choose not to play this game?
No, yes, you have no right to choose. Since the environment of the game cannot be changed, we can only adapt ourselves.

Finally, I would like to encourage you all, and look forward to the new activities of the first-hand game.

I am [Hamster who loves potato chips], a dream caller with a big food addiction, see you next time~

"Human food addiction?"

Lu Qing looked at the time and found that there were less than 10 minutes left before the forced logout.

She glanced at the comment area, and found that there are basically all kinds of monsters and ghosts in the comment area, but the only ones who can make popular comments are those who support [Hamster who loves potato chips] and calmly analyze the version.

And look at the chronological order, boy
[Standing and talking doesn't hurt your back, you have already become a red-level dream caller, what about us?This version update is not reasonable at all! 】

[The hamster said so well, I feel like I immediately understand what to do in the future. 】

【Hamster, I love you, hehehehehe. Hamster hehehe.】

[The one upstairs is even more of a mailer. 】

[Stupid. 】

[Postmaster, I feel like I saw your post somewhere, I don’t know where you copied it from, but as a red-level boss, I don’t think you should do this kind of thing, but I I still want to look for it, I hope you can put me on the top, I will look for the post and come back soon. 】


Silently turning off the comments, Lu Qing came to the notice board and threw the materials she collected from the dark forest into the hut.

[Currently available sacrifice items are: Whispering Tree Heart, Mimic Bacteria, Heart of the Head Splitter, Black Miasma, White Flesh Core*8, Blue Flesh Core*4]

[Sacrifice white flesh core*8, hut experience value +300]

[Sacrifice blue flesh core*4, hut experience value +800]

[Sacrifice to black miasma, hut experience value +800]

[Sacrificing the heart of the head splitter, the cabin experience value +1200]

[Sacrificing mimic bacteria, hut experience value +600]

[Sacrifice to the Whispering Tree Heart, Cabin EXP +1700]

(End of this chapter)

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