The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 416 The Street at 3 AM

Chapter 416 The street at three o'clock in the morning

[The current hut experience is 6450/1200 (upgradeable), yes/no to upgrade the hut! 】

"Six, six thousand 450!"

Lu Qing covered her mouth in surprise. Although she had predicted that the amount of experience gained this time would not be too small, she did not expect it to be so much.

"With so much experience, how many levels can you upgrade?"

Lu Qing began to look forward to it. Every upgrade of the hut was of great help to her. It was because of the hut that she would not be confused about the update of the game system.

The finger quickly clicked on the "Yes" button, and the notice board popped up the familiar text as always.

[Confirmation is complete, the hut will be upgraded in 10 minutes, please leave the dreamland as soon as possible! 】

"It doesn't take 10 minutes, it only takes 2 more minutes, and I will be kicked out of the game." Lu Qing rolled her eyes and thought.

The time spent on this game update is twelve hours, just do something casually after going out and it will pass.

But when she thought that she would have to wait twelve hours to know the update result of the hut, she became a little impatient.

The feeling of dizziness suddenly appeared, and Lu Qing felt as if she was squeezed out by something, and she opened her eyes and returned to the real world.

In the field of vision is the familiar ceiling, and the sleepiness caused by the increase of attributes wells up in my heart.

Lu Qing suppressed her drowsiness and sat up from the bed, opened the curtains and looked out at the street.

The gentle sunlight shone on Lu Qing's flushed cheeks, and she let out a slight breath, feeling that compared to the previous few times, this time she was not so sleepy after coming out of the dream.

Clenching her fist, feeling the strength between her palms, Lu Qing wanted to test one thing.

She glanced at her old mobile phone, and after thinking about it for a long time, she still didn't decide to use this thing to test her strength.


Taking another breath, Lu Qing rummaged around the house for a while, and finally found a prop that could be used as a test of strength.

This is a grip that she bought online when she had nothing to do. It is specially used by dream callers. The maximum strength it can bear is 20 points.


The force grip made an overwhelmed sound in Lu Qing's hands, but judging from her expression, she didn't seem to exert too much strength.


Accompanied by a sound, Lu Qing crushed the grip that claimed to be able to resist 20 points of strength.
"That's right, aha~"

Taking another breath, Lu Qing had already reached the result she wanted.

The attributes she obtained by relying on the extraordinary series [Nightmare] in the dream of the abyss have actually been added to her at this time.

The attributes added by the attribute points of the dream game have not been added to her yet.

After she wakes up, the attributes added by the attribute points should also be added to her.

What's the point of testing this thing?
Who knows, Lu Qing just wanted to experiment, as for the conclusion drawn from this experiment.
Who cares?
Throwing the broken grip into the trash can, Lu Qing lay down on her bed sheet again, letting sleepiness invade her.


Stretching comfortably, Lu Qing jumped off the bed and looked at the clock hanging on the wall of the room.

The dark room couldn't stop her sight, and the clock showed that it was three o'clock in the morning, which also explained why there was no light outside at this time.

It is obviously unrealistic to continue sleeping at this time. After thinking about it, Lu Qing did not intend to use her mobile phone alone at night, but planned to go for a walk.

After coming out of that ghostly place in the dark forest, what she needs is not to stay at home and play games, but to go out and relax more.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing summoned Wein out.

"Gah, you summoned me out in the middle of the night for such a boring reason?" After hearing Lu Qing's explanation, Wein said speechlessly.

"Shut up, what if you disturb the neighbors!" Lu Qing heard Wein's words, and stretched out her index finger to touch Wein's bird's beak.

"Um, okay." Wein said in a much lower voice, "So what are we going to do when we go out?"

"Hmph, isn't that a quick promise?" Lu Qing couldn't help laughing when she heard Wein's words.

"Just take a stroll and see what the streets look like at three o'clock in the morning." Lu Qing said with a smile.

"I think you are free and have nothing to do." Wein told the truth in one word.

"Yeah, I just have nothing to do." Lu Qing admitted it openly.

I opened the closet and searched carefully for clothes. It was already November, and the weather outside became colder. If nothing else, it should snow around mid-November.

Although with Lu Qing's physique, this temperature can't help her, and she can wear everything the same, but still the same sentence, what kind of clothes should I wear in any weather, want to see her in a skirt?

Hmph, wait until next year, she may go out in a long skirt in spring, as for short skirts
That will have to wait until summer, right? At the current rate of one dream a month, that's about seven dreams?

Um, let's think in a better direction, maybe there is a world in the dream world with hotter weather and a more modern background?

After picking out a clean white sweater and a khaki short coat from the closet, Lu Qing picked out a pair of jet black shorts.

Sure enough. Wait, shorts! ?

For some reason, Lu Qing didn't put on trousers to go out as usual, but chose a pair of jet black shorts, revealing her snow-white thighs.

After putting on the leather boots that could cover her entire calf, she bounced out with Wein, looking very happy
Pushing open the door of the unit, you will be greeted with fresh and cold air. You don't need to open your eagle eyes. With the night vision ability brought by the trophy vampire pupils, Lu Qing can see the entire community.

I saw that most of the houses in the community buildings had turned off the lights, only one or two busy figures were still working under the lights.

"Maybe some street-crazy author is staying up late writing a novel." Lu Qing looked at the few lights and thought secretly in her heart.

Taking Wein out of the community, apart from the "rustling" sound, only the sound of his own footsteps remained.

It's also a night where you can't see anything, but the night in the city is much more unique than the night in the dark forest. She has a special charm, as if there is some treasure worth digging inside, which is unbearable. Live intoxicated.

Lu Qing felt that the darkness around her seemed to be beckoning to her, her body couldn't help getting bigger and taller, and she switched to the form of a black rose vampire after a while.

(End of this chapter)

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