The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 425 Physical Persuasion

Chapter 425 Physical Persuasion
"What's over?"

Before the young man finished speaking, a long sword broke through the smoke and slashed towards him. The young man who noticed this scene immediately dodged backwards, dodging this powerful and heavy blow.

Unscathed, Hao Meng walked out from the smoke and dust. The originally bright armor became a little dim, and nothing else could be seen.

"Can I ask, what level is your armor?" The young man twitched his eyes twice.

"It should be purple." Lu Qing, who was watching the battle in the distance, touched the sword of Altaïr on her waist and thought.

Hao Meng has a purple forging skill, which can make weapons and equipment. The sword of Altaïr forged for her is a purple-level item. It makes no sense that her armor and weapons are not purple-level.

"This is a real rich woman."

"It's true that we are teammates now, can we help forge weapons for free when we get acquainted in the future?" Lu Qing couldn't help but think in her heart.

Cough cough, this also depends on the cost of forging weapons. If the cost is too expensive, even if Hao Meng wants to give her free, she will not agree. After all, brothers have to settle accounts clearly, even if they are familiar with each other. Relying on relationships to meet and pick up other people's cheap, right?

Just when Lu Qing thought so, some changes happened in the battle on Hao Meng's side.

The young players who had no choice but to take Hao Meng could only use their own card characters in the end.

There was a flash of brilliance on his body, and a whole set of light blue exoskeleton armor appeared!

Hao Meng's long sword slashed at the young man's right shoulder, but failed to cut it in half. The young man swung his right fist violently and hit Hao Meng's shield fiercely.


The sound of a huge metal collision sounded, and Hao Meng was forced to take several steps back.

Seeing that he had successfully opened the distance, the young man immediately stretched his hand behind his back, took out a pitch-black rifle, and shot at Hao Meng.

"dong dong dong dong"

The rifle made a dull sound, and the bullets fired turned out to be spiral steel nails one after another!
The flying speed of these steel nails is not very fast, but they carry extremely powerful kinetic energy inexplicably, and they are actually nailed to Hao Meng's shield, and it seems that the shield will be broken in a short time.

Hao Meng naturally knew this too. When the young man was reloading, she threw the shield in her hand and threw it at the young man as a weapon.

The young man did not dodge any of this. In his opinion, it is impossible for him to be injured by a shield with the protection of an exoskeleton.

This is indeed the case, but the shield blocked his view, preventing him from seeing the picture of Hao Meng pulling out the spear behind him. No, even if he saw it, what can a spear do?

In his opinion, Hao Meng, who has no shield and only armor protection, can't possibly pose a threat to him no matter what.

But what he didn't know was that Hao Meng possessed master-level spear skills.
Taking a sudden step forward, Hao Meng concentrated all her strength on the tip of the spear.


The metal tip of the spear slammed upwards, cutting the rifle in the young man's hand into two pieces, and then swept the young man to the ground. Hao Meng spun the spear with both hands, walked to the young man, and then slammed A stab at the ground!
The sharp spear point pierces the mask of the exoskeleton. Hao Meng judged that this is the most vulnerable part of the other party. I hope that the other party will not have nightmares after getting out of the dream
The battle ended here, and Hao Meng didn't use her card ability until the young man died.

For this, Lu Qing expressed quite satisfaction. Judging from the strength Hao Meng has shown now, she doesn't have to worry about being held back at all.

"Huh, it's finally over." Returning to Lu Qing's side, Hao Meng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thanks for your hard work."

It can be seen that Hao Meng is still very tired. Even if nothing can be seen on the surface, he was still hit by a bomb after all, and when he blocked the bullet with his shield, his arm could not feel any impact.

Wearing such heavy armor for explosive actions, it is estimated that I will be exhausted.

"It's up to me next."

After checking the equipment on her body, Lu Qing glanced at the opposite side, and found that the other side was an uncle with a decadent face, wearing a light blue vest, who looked like he just got out of some construction site.

"I said, where are you going to move bricks?" Lu Qing looked at the other party speechlessly and asked.

"You little girl still have the nerve to talk about me?" The middle-aged uncle pointed to the messy equipment on Lu Qing's body, especially the worn-out teddy bear hanging on his left waist.


Lu Qing felt that what the other party said was very reasonable. Indeed, she had so much equipment that she almost couldn't fit it. Although it was not to the extent that the other party ruined it, it was just a joke. .

"Aren't you going to do it?" After waiting for a while, Lu Qing asked when she saw that the other party was motionless.

This guy didn't seem to have any weapons on him, and he didn't know what skills he had. Lu Qing didn't do anything out of vigilance, but she didn't expect the other party to keep looking at her like this.

"I don't have any weapons, how can I do it?" The middle-aged man smiled and said.


With a cold snort, Lu Qing decided not to care about the other party's means, but to go up first. With her strength, she didn't think she would lose.


The sharp dagger slashed across the man's neck, and under the astonished expression of the man, Lu Qing chopped off the man's head.


Lu Qing felt that the feeling she chopped off was not quite right, not like the usual feeling of chopping meat.

Just when she was thinking this way, a burst of piercing sound rang from her ears.

Turning her head slightly, Lu Qing dodged the arrow that was attacking her from behind, and turned her head to look in the direction of the arrow - there was nothing there.

"Is it invisibility, or is it a hallucination?" Lu Qing frowned, looking at the empty venue.

First of all, exclude hallucinations, she has [-] spiritual attributes, and the highest attribute of players in the white segment is only [-], and mental skills should not be effective for her.

That is stealth, and of course other possibilities are not ruled out.

Lu Qing didn't turn on Eagle Eye or Golden Vertical Eye, because she wanted to see if she could win this PVP without using all active skills including props.


There was a light sound of pulling the trigger, and Lu Qing turned around abruptly, and while dodging the crossbow arrows, she threw the Ripper throwing knife in her hand!

The opponent's reaction speed was also very fast, and he was not hit by Lu Qing's flying knife, but in order to avoid the flying knife, he moved a lot faster, raising a trace of dust.

Lu Qing judged the opponent's position in an instant, raised her hand and threw two throwing knives.

There was no other way, the opponent could only dodge, but every dodge would reveal the position. Lu Qing threw the throwing knife while touching the handle of the gun behind her with the other hand, and slowly aimed at the opponent.

The fast-moving footsteps stopped, and under the persuasion of the physical level, the enemy voluntarily stood in place.

(End of this chapter)

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