The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 426 Ranking Match and PVP Points

Chapter 426 Ranking Match and PVP Points
PS: Thanks to the book friend Silver Snake for the 1500 starting point coins!


A deafening roar sounded from the barrel of the white wolf's gun, accompanied by a flash of fire, and a large amount of blood spattered in the space not far from Lu Qing.

However, Lu Qing did not relax, but immediately turned the gun and shot towards her left side.


Another gunshot sounded, and the white wolf's bullet seemed to hit some kind of barrier, but it was stopped in mid-air and fell to the ground.

At this time, the opponent also knew that the crossbow had no effect on Lu Qing, so after resisting Lu Qing's bullet, he rushed straight towards her.


A sharp air flow passed Lu Qing's face, and the enemy was in a state of invisibility at this time. Although Lu Qing could determine the approximate location of the opponent, the specific height, weapon type and length were unknown.

But with the [Danger Perception] skill, it is unlikely to be hit by the opponent's weapon.

Judging from the feeling, the opponent should be using a long knife, with the skills of clone and invisibility.

The level of knife skills doesn't feel very high, at most, it's about blue forty proficiency, and her physical attributes lag behind her in all aspects.

At this time, Lu Qing also became interested, and stuffed the white wolf back into the holster.

She grasped the eagle's head-shaped hilt, yanked it out, and swung forward with a sweeping blow.

The opponent couldn't dodge the blow and could only resist with the weapon in his hand, but Lu Qing easily slashed back a few steps.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, Lu Qing immediately took a step forward to pursue, swung Altaïr's sword and slashed down from top to bottom.


There was another sound of metal colliding, and Lu Qing suddenly raised her right leg, kicked the opponent's chest fiercely, and kicked him flying.

Handsomely swiping a sword flower, Lu Qing pulled out the white wolf and aimed at the place where the opponent fell.


"Bang bang bang!!"

Lu Qing pulled the trigger three times in a row, and the white wolf's flames gushed out, and three yellow bullets were fired in an instant.

However, these bullets unexpectedly emptied, and a cold breath came from Lu Qing's back.

Turning around quickly and jumping back, Lu Qing easily dodged the opponent's fatal blow, only to see a young man in dark black leather armor with a long sword in front of her.

The appearance of the uncle before was really just his disguise. Recalling the opponent's skills, Lu Qing suddenly thought of the profession of ninja.

Doesn't the opponent's invisibility and avatar look like ninjutsu, but this may not be ninjutsu, and there is a high probability that it is just some kind of magic.

As for why the other party will show up at this time
This is probably related to the long sword that the young man is holding in his hand at this time. This long sword is entwined with a large number of dark elements. The cold aura that Lu Qing felt just now came from this long sword.

Probably because of the use of this skill, the invisibility has failed?

The young man probably intended to use this blow to end the duel, but unfortunately the difference in strength between the two is too great. Even if she hadn't dodged just now, with the multi-layered armor Lu Qing was wearing, it was impossible to be killed of.

"The little trick is about to end." Lu Qing spun Altaïr's sword twice and put it behind her back.

"Haha." The young man laughed dryly and said, "Big brother, when are you going to advance?"

Low EQ: Is it interesting for you to be so strong and abuse food at the white level? I still dare not go up.

High EQ: Boss, when are you going to advance?
Ahem, just kidding, don't take it seriously.

"I only had a dream once when I was in white, and it's too early to upgrade." Lu Qing shook her head, and walked up with Altaïr's sword in hand.


The young man didn't speak, he gritted his teeth and rushed towards Lu Qing holding the long sword.

In this regard, Lu Qing slammed hard, and the tip of Altaïr's sword precisely slashed on the side of the machete, flying it out.

"If you have time to fix these bells and whistles, why not practice more." Shaking her head, Lu Qing cut off the opponent's neck with a sword, ending the battle.

In fact, she wanted to stab the heart, but considering that piercing the heart would be very painful and the death would be slower, it is better to behead her, as the death is quicker and the pain lasts less time.

Speaking of which, does she like beheading a little too much, either beheading or cutting her neck open
No way, this is more convenient, and most of the creatures don't know where the key is, so they can only confirm the death by chopping their necks.

I hope the person on the other side is okay, and don't have any shadows in my heart.

Just when Lu Qing thought this way, the whole world suddenly became unreal, and it entered the settlement state after a while.

[The dream is over, and the settlement begins! 】

[Congratulations on completing a PVP dream, your resume is being updated]

[Your personal resume has been updated, and this dream has been recorded, please check it in your personal resume. 】

[Main goal: win the front duel! (Finish!)】

[Completion of grading competition: 1/10]

[You have obtained 120 PVP points! 】

【Returning to the lobby】

"Qualification match, PVP points?"

Back in the hut, Lu Qing looked at the news displayed in the diary and felt that these two words were a bit familiar.

Could it be said that the PVP of the dream game is also ranked?
With this in mind, she began to rummage through the diary in the hut, and after a while, she found explanations about these two things in the newly added PVP section.

That's right, Dreamland games now have PVP rankings, which are similar to the previous LOL. At the beginning of the season, each player needs to play ten PVP games to determine their own ranking level.

The matched opponents are generally at the same level as yourself, unless your ranking is too good, you will be matched with opponents higher than your own level.

Then the ranking system of PVP is not classified according to the level of props and characters, but a new set of levels, from low to high are:
【Gray Fog】【Chalk】【Candlelight】【Silver Plated】【Golden Glory】【Brilliant】【Eternal Day】

This thing is not difficult to remember, gray and white candle silver and gold resplendent and eternal day, it feels quite second
The season will be reset every year, and each tier will have different rewards. Among them, the rewards for the gray mist and chalk candlelight tier are fixed, and only the tiers after silver plating are different every year.

Then there is the thing of PVP points, just like the system mall, you can use the points to exchange items, the higher the rank, the more items you can exchange.

I feel that this thing is similar to the mechanism of traditional online games. In the future, the strength of each player will not be judged only by the level and the number of dreams, and the PVP level of oneself will also be a symbol of strength.

Well, it can be expected that after the number of dreams per month is used up, a large number of players will flood into the PVP mode.
PS: You don’t need to remember the level of the PVP mode, it’s useless anyway, it’s just a dog tag for pretending to be aggressive and receiving rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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