The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 431 There is nothing that money can't solve

Chapter 431 There is nothing that money can't solve

Several people discussed the countermeasures in the hotel room for a long time, and after predicting all possible situations in advance, they roughly came up with such a plan.

The start time of the exhibition was seven o'clock in the evening. At that time, it was relatively dark, and a few people could walk to the exhibition on the small road with few people.

As for the process of taking away the artwork, there is no good plan. After all, what is mentioned in the background of the dream is to take it openly. Does it need any plan?

All they need to care about is how to escape after stealing the artwork.

The countermeasure discussed by the three is to run separately, change clothes after throwing off the enemy and gather at the same place.

As for the meeting place, it must not be this hotel. After all, several people live here, and there must be room opening records. Although I don't know what the dream system prepared for the three of them is, in short, it is always right to be careful.

As for the location of the meeting, the three of them haven't discussed it yet. The city map can be seen on the hotel's mobile phone.

Having said that, it is better to survey the terrain in advance.

While it is still early, everyone can go out to observe the streets in the city.

But there is a problem here, that is, how should they go out wearing this look.

After all, this is a dream with a modern background. When a few people go out with their appearance at this time, the return rate must be [-]%. If they happen to meet another team of players who are also going out, they will be recognized at a glance.

"Would you like to try online shopping?" That night put forward his own idea, saying: "Just choose a nearby store to buy, and discuss with the customer service, maybe it will be delivered within half an hour."

"How do you want to discuss it?" Lu Qing glanced at that night, thinking how could she meet such a good shop and deliver it to you within half an hour.

Who would have thought that that night with a mysterious smile, he spit out two words: "Add money."


Indeed, it was Lu Qing who was young and didn't think of the method of adding money. All unreasonable demands are not worth mentioning in front of money.

Now that the plan was proposed, the three of them immediately took out their mobile phones and selected three sets of clothes on the Internet that fit their figure and aesthetics.

Fortunately, there was a lot of money in the phone, a full 20 yuan. After Lu Qing added 6000 yuan in a row, the other party said that it didn't take half an hour, and it only took 10 minutes to deliver the clothes by herself.

"Is this the money ability? I love it."

Feeling this unprecedented feeling in her heart, Lu Qing put the phone back on the table.

After thinking about it, she cut the thumb of her left hand with a knife, and used the blood from it to summon Vin.

"Shhh, don't talk." Lu Qing said to Wein in her heart as soon as she summoned Wein.

This is a new ability updated by the birdcage in the hut, which allows her and Wein to communicate inwardly. This is the first time Lu Qing uses this function, and it feels very convenient.

"Ga, ga, ga" Wein, who was about to speak, heard Lu Qing's words and quickly turned what he wanted to say into a piercing bird cry, and flew onto her shoulder.

"This is Wein, my summoner, I can share vision with him." Lu Qing stroked Wein's bird head twice and said.

Seeing this, he didn't say anything that night.

"Go, take a look around that building." Lu Qing pointed to the building in the distance.

"Gah, I know how to command birds." Wein complained to Lu Qing in his heart.

After finishing speaking, he flapped his wings and flew out from the balcony. Lu Qing also pretended not to hear the other party's complaint, and waited quietly.

After a while, there was a call on the mobile phone, and it was the clothes deliverer who had arrived.

"Let me get it." That night stood up from the sofa and suggested.

Of the three, he is the one who wears the most normal clothes. Of course, this normality is only relatively speaking, but it is better than Lu Qing's full body of weapons or Hao Meng's full body of armor.

There is one thing to say, that night he looked quite handsome in a black dress, but unfortunately Lu Qing has no interest in men, and he doesn't know what Hao Meng likes.

Lu Qing felt heartbroken when she thought that her friends who should have normal sexual orientation might fall into the arms of a certain man in the future.

It took about 3 minutes. I came back from the night I went to pick up the clothes, carrying three bags in my hand. If there is no accident, it should contain the clothes of the three people.

Back in their respective rooms, Lu Qing locked the door tightly and put on the set of clothes she bought.

A black T-shirt without any pattern, a light yellow long-sleeved jacket, and a simple gray skirt.

The long-sleeved jacket is for hiding weapons, and the gray short skirt is for Lu Qing to satisfy her desire to wear a skirt. Don’t ask where this desire comes from, she just wants to try it out.

The two daggers were hidden under the skirt and fit together with the outside of the thighs, and the Hidden Blade and Shadow Blade were hidden under the long-sleeved jacket, ready to be stabbed at any time.

As for the Throwing Knife of the Ripper, Lu Qing could only hide it in the jacket, and throw the rest of the things that could not be carried on her body into the locker.

After getting dressed neatly, Lu Qing walked to the mirror and carefully looked at the girl in the mirror to see if there were any omissions.

The girl in the mirror had long silver-gray hair scattered over her shoulders, and the light-yellow coat hadn't been zipped up, revealing the black T-shirt inside.

Looking further down, there is a light gray short skirt, and white and slender legs. Although it is a short skirt, it is not a problem to hide two daggers, even if it is a child, as long as the distance is not too close , also cannot be found.

Lu Qing put her hips on her hips and nodded in satisfaction, and the girl in the mirror made the same gesture as her.

Walking out of the room, the three of them looked at each other who had changed greatly, with a trace of surprise and surprise on their faces.

Hao Meng was wearing a light blue button-down shirt on her upper body, and a light black short skirt with black silk on her lower body, which inexplicably matched her blond hair and purple pupils.

But that night, there was nothing to say, a simple blue T-shirt with a Q-version seal pattern printed on it, which looked quite cute, and the pants were loose black trousers.

After this set was put together, the appearance of the gentleman in black dress that Lu Qing had previously imagined was washed away completely.

It wasn't gay that night. After seeing the two teammates so cute and charming, I couldn't help but become a little happier.

"Let's go, it's time to go." That night, looking at the time, said.

It was already eleven o'clock at noon, and there were only eight hours left before the start of the exhibition.

They need to quickly familiarize themselves with the terrain and route during this period, and come back before the official start of the exhibition.

After all, they still have equipment here, so they have to come back before the exhibition to get the equipment and then go to the exhibition to make trouble.

PS: I had a nightmare last night. I dreamed that I had written ten books, but the result was still a hit. I was so scared that I woke up immediately.
(End of this chapter)

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