Chapter 432 Sniper

"I said, did you really come out to familiarize yourself with the streets?" Sitting on the seat of the dessert shop with a dark face that night, looking at the girl who ordered a large portion of parfait and said.

"Win is watching for me. Compared with our efficiency, isn't Wein much faster?" Lu Qing looked at the big cup of ice cream in front of her and said expectantly.

She had never eaten this thing before, so she just passed by here and couldn't resist walking in.

However, it is also true that Wein's detection efficiency is higher. At this time, Lu Qing shared the field of vision with Wein, watching him fly in the streets near the building, and recorded the routes near the building one by one.

"I can't see what that crow saw." Said that night rather helplessly.

"Then why are you still following me in?" Lu Qing said with a look of confusion.

"I" was at a loss for words that night, and it took a long time before I sighed and said, "Forget it, I will return to the hotel before seven o'clock in the evening. Before that, you can do whatever you like."

After finishing speaking, he got up and left the dessert shop. Hao Meng, who was sitting next to Lu Qing, looked at the night when he left, and at Lu Qing who was not in a hurry. He didn't know what to do for a while. .

"Just follow me." Seeing Hao Meng's anxious look, Lu Qing said casually.

"Don't you think that even with a change of clothes, the actions of the three of us are still a bit conspicuous?"

That's right, even with a change of clothes, the three of them are more conspicuous both in appearance and temperament. When they walk together, they often attract the attention of passers-by. Of course, most people see Lu Qing and Hao cute.

Nonsense, isn’t a beautiful girl attractive? No serious person would go to see that night. Although he was a bit handsome that night, it’s true, but he wasn’t so handsome that he couldn’t help but look at him more.

In short, the three of them walked together, and it was easy to think of the identity of the player.

"Hey?" Hao Meng was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Did you drive that night away on purpose?"

"Uh, that's not true." Lu Qing smiled a little embarrassedly, and then said truthfully: "I really want to come here to eat ice cream."

Can someone resist the temptation of delicious food and leave when they pass by their favorite food when they have enough wallets?
"The thing about being familiar with the streets." Hao Meng said again.

Like that night, she couldn't see what Wein saw. If she sat here and enjoyed it with Lu Qing, wouldn't it be pointless to come out this time?
"I've said it all, just follow me, even when you're running away." Lu Qing said.

After she finished speaking, she took a bite of the ice cream on Buffy with a spoon and stuffed it into her mouth.

The ice-cold ice cream melted into a puddle of cream after the entrance, causing Lu Qing's eyebrows to unknowingly stretch.

Desserts are the best!

"Well, anyway, this dream also said that as long as two people escape, it will be considered a success, so it's good for the two of us to run together when we escape." Lu Qing said while recalling the taste in her mouth.

"Oh." Hao Meng probably understood what Lu Qing meant.

As Lu Qing said, after the artwork is snatched in the PVP mode this time, as long as two people run away, it is considered a success. Then it doesn't matter if they are caught or killed that night, as long as the two of them are still alive. up.

At that time, if you win the PVP, even if you die that night, you will probably be able to receive rewards. Lu Qing is not sure about this, after all, she has not tried it, but it should be no problem.

In short, if two people walk together, the risk of being discovered will indeed be higher, but if the two take care of each other, it will be safer. It will not happen that Lu Qing runs away by herself, and the other two teammates die in the end. Condition.

"So, just enjoy it now, the weather in reality is not suitable for eating ice cream at all." Lu Qing said with a smile.

After the two finished their parfait, Lu Qing ordered two more puddings in the dessert shop.

The pudding was sour and sweet, it was cold after the mouth, and the portion was not much, Lu Qing just took a few sips and then disappeared.

Then the two left the dessert shop. At this time, it happened to be around [-]:[-], and it was time for lunch. Lu Qing took Hao Meng into a restaurant and ordered six cages of soup dumplings.

Don't get me wrong, the four cages are for Lu Qing to eat, and the remaining two cages belong to Hao Meng.

Ever since Lu Qing got the skill of appetizing, her appetite has increased a lot, it is like a humanoid self-propelled rice cooker, the most frightening thing is that she not only eats a lot, but also gets hungry very quickly.
"Afterwards, we must find a way to eliminate the side effects of emergency response and appetite." Lu Qing couldn't help thinking in her heart.

After eating and paying the bill, Lu Qing took Hao Meng to wander around the exhibition building. She glanced at the entrance of the building at a distance from the building, and found that there were already several security personnel patrolling there. .


Lu Qing opened her eagle eyes, scanned around the building carefully, then lowered her head silently.

She touched Hao Meng's arm with her hand, and whispered, "There are snipers near the building."

Of course, she didn't see the reflection of the lens in the legend. How could such a thing like the reflection of the sniper lens happen in reality? Lu Qing just subconsciously felt a burst of danger.

I don't know which sniper swept her while patrolling, which made Lu Qing, who has the [Danger Perception] skill, feel like a thorn in her back, and her blood seemed to slow down a beat.

This is definitely not a sniper hired by the building, but a player with a sniper rifle, Lu Qing is [-]% sure!

"It's a bit difficult." Lu Qing signaled Hao Meng to pretend that there was nothing unusual and continue walking on the street.

As I said before, technology players are very strong in the early stage, because cold weapons are really difficult to fight against hot weapons.

The sniper is one of the most difficult players to deal with. After all, as long as you choose a good position and launch a sneak attack within a few hundred meters of each other, it is difficult for ordinary players not to be killed.

And the problem of the sniper's own sniper technology
Now you can upgrade your skills by spending dream coins. Players in the white ranks should at least be proficient in blue sniping.

Lu Qing came to cooperate with Hao Meng, and she didn't want to lose the PVP. After thinking about it, Lu Qing decided to kill the sniper first.

She felt the general direction through [Danger Perception] before, and then carefully inspected it with eagle eyes, and has roughly locked the opponent's position.

What she has to do now is to quietly touch the building where the other party is located. As for the assassination, Lu Qing said that she is a professional.

She took Hao Meng to pretend to go shopping, and left the street, then talked to Wein in her heart, and asked him to fly to the top of the building where the sniper was, to observe the position of the sniper and the direction the opponent's sniper scope was patrolling.

(End of this chapter)

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