Chapter 433 Open Sesame!
"Brother Leopard, come here, I feel something is wrong."

On the top of a tall building, a young man was lying on the roof, patrolling the street with a sniper scope and speaking into the headset on the earphone.

He didn't find anything unusual, but simply had an ominous premonition.

This is the skill of his card character, a bit like a passive prophecy, which can occasionally perceive good or bad things that may happen.

"Understood, I'll go over right away." A slightly calm voice came from the young man's earphones.

This is his teammate, whose ID is Bing Kuo Le, and the young man's ID is Longbow Xiaosnail.

Longbow Xiaosnail and Bing Kuole have known each other in real life, this time it was a team dream, and the last teammate was matched by the system this time, called Leng Yuyue, a flirtatious male player .

When she first saw this ID, Longbow Xiaosnail thought that the other party was a female player, but she didn't expect it to be a man after entering.

The other party's words and looks are not very flirty, but Longbow Xiaosnail thinks that the other party's name is flirtatious as a male player.


Frowning, the anxiety in Longbow Xiaosnail's heart did not subside at all because of Bing Kuo Le's upcoming arrival. After thinking about it, he added another sentence into the headset:
"Leng Yuyue, you come too, I may be being targeted by the other side."

"Okay." A young male voice came from the headset.

He obviously didn't mention his skills, but the other party didn't have the slightest doubt, which made Longbow Xiaosnail's sense of Leng Yuyue much better.

Continuing to patrol the streets, Longbow Xiaosnail looked at the streets near her building, but still didn't find anything wrong.

However, what he didn't know was that on the top of his head, there was a pair of scarlet eyes watching him, watching all his movements.

"Gah, little master, the person you asked me to watch seems to have called his companions over." Wein said to Lu Qing in his heart.

"Well, I see."

Looking up at the building where the sniper was, Lu Qing told Hao Meng the news Wein had just received.

"Did the other party discover us?" After hearing her words, Hao Meng asked doubtfully.

"Probably not. If he really saw us, he should have shot us long ago." Lu Qing shook her head and said.

"In short, be careful, there may be traps and ambushes."

"Hey, aren't you going to retreat?" Hao Meng looked at Lu Qing in surprise and said.

Most of the equipment on her body has been put in the hotel. The only thing that can be used on her body is the knife hidden in her skirt!

"I remember Mengmeng, you know how to use a sword, right?" Lu Qing also knew Hao Meng's situation, said.

"Yes, yes, but not here either"

Before Hao Meng finished speaking, he was interrupted by what happened in front of him.

"Open Sesame."

Lu Qing uttered a series of spells she couldn't understand at the wall in front of her, and even summoned a wooden door.

The wooden door looks a bit like a cabinet. After Lu Qing summoned the cabinet, she opened it and took out the contents.

"These two things are for you." Lu Qing took out Altaïr's sword and the silver-gray evening wind.

"This is." Altaïr's sword, Hao Meng, knew it, after all, it was a prop made by her, and the silver-gray Wanfeng...
"What a powerful prop." Hao Meng couldn't help exclaiming after seeing the properties of the silver-gray Evening Breeze prop.

"Just use these two items. Although the defense may not be as high as your armor, it should be enough." Seeing Hao Meng's amazed expression, Lu Qing said.

"Enough is enough." Hao Meng hugged the silver-gray evening breeze in her arms and nodded.

Although it is not possible to trade items other than those obtained in this dream in the game, it is still no problem to lend them to others.

Anyway, after the dream is over, it will be sent back to the hut, and there is no need to worry about borrowing it from others and not returning it.

"However, I used this, so what do you use?" Hao Meng looked at Lu Qing and asked.

"Do not worry about me."

Lu Qing smiled confidently, put on the dexterous cloak, and then took out the bow of the wind elf.

After deliberating for a while, she took out her sister's teddy bear and white wolf and hid them under the cloak.

Sneaking all the way and leading Hao Meng towards the building where the sniper was, Lu Qing quietly knocked out the security guards hiding in the crowd.

All the way to the bottom of the building smoothly, because of some kind of strange magic, the passers-by on this street completely ignored the building, and no one came here.

Fortunately, Lu Qing's mental attributes were too high, and with Wein helping to keep an eye on her, she almost completely ignored this special magic.

"Mengmeng, you can block here, I'll go to the roof of the building next door and kill him!" Lu Qing pointed at another tall building next to her and said.

"Yeah." Hao Meng nodded, then felt something was wrong, and said, "I won't let others pass here."

"Well, then I'll leave it to you." Seeing this, Lu Qing smiled and said.

After she finished speaking, she moved towards the tall building next to her.

This place seems to be a shopping mall, with a lot of people, and it is Lu Qing's best effort to sneak into the alley next to the entrance without being noticed. If you want to go in, it is inevitable to be seen.

After all, Lu Qing doesn't have the ability to sneak into the crowd like in the game, no matter how weird the clothes are, she won't be noticed.
After thinking about it, she summoned the locker again and took out a pipe from it.

This is [Pipe of Psychedelic Tobacco], the item she obtained after destroying the evil spirit in reality.

When used, it can burn infinitely, smoking will make people clear, and there will be no side effects.

However, Lu Qing didn't take it out to make herself sober, but just wanted to use another function of this pipe.

Gently press the button under the pipe, and the spices placed in the pipe will burn immediately.


Taking a deep breath from the cigarette holder, Lu Qing slowly let out a long breath, exhaling wisps of thick smoke.

She had never smoked a cigarette before and didn't know what it was like to smoke, but she didn't find the smell of the hallucinogenic pipe too unbearable.

Well, it won't be addictive either.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing stepped out of the shadows and walked into the shopping mall.

After the passers-by in the shopping mall smelled the hallucinogenic pipe, their eyes gradually showed a dazed look.

This amount of intake will not cause too serious hallucinations, and it will be automatically resolved after a while. As for monitoring, Lu Qing doesn't care much.

By the time the police checked the surveillance cameras to track her down, she had already fled.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing elegantly held the cigarette stick, and walked quickly towards the roof of the shopping mall.
[Congratulations to the player's proficiency in noble etiquette! 】

[Current skill is: Noble Etiquette LV5]

PS: Elegant loli.

(End of this chapter)

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