The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 441 The title mother was taken away after a long absence

Chapter 441 The title mother was taken away after a long absence


Lu Qing sat quietly on the bed sheet, looking at the street below with a calm expression.

The snow was not that big, and the snowflakes melted directly after falling to the ground. Only by looking at the sparse white spots in the sky could one feel the breath of winter.

She has nothing to do right now, and she doesn't know what to do.

If possible, Lu Qing would like to enter the dream game, study the new functions of the hut, or publish her second PVP video and the novel of the abyss dream.

But she is getting enough sleep now, it is impossible to sleep at all.

After thinking about it, she summoned Vin.

"Wein, do you have any skills that can make people feel sleepy?" Lu Qing poked Wein's bird's head and said.

"Yes, but it's useless to you." Wein took a step back.

"Why is it useless to me?" Lu Qing asked curiously.

"Because your mental attributes are too high." Wein said to her with an expression of "because why don't you know?"


Lu Qing didn't expect this to be the reason, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

It's not a problem to continue staring at the street like this, there is no way, she can't find anything to do, she can only swipe her phone.

As we all know, surfing the Internet is the best way to waste time, especially short videos, which will wash away most of your time inexplicably.

Obviously each video is not long, but when you come to your senses, you find that several hours have passed unknowingly.

Lu Qing also liked to watch videos before crossing, and followed a large number of people in the list. After opening the website every day, she could see a lot of updated videos. Sometimes she even complained that there were too many updated videos, but she was very honest. Click to open.

But after time travel, because the mobile phone used in her predecessor was a flip-type elderly phone, she couldn't scan it even if she wanted to.

Even with a smart phone now, dream games have already occupied most of her life, so there are not many people on her follow list, and there are very few updated videos.

It's not that there is nothing to do, she doesn't know how to watch videos.

When you click on the short video app, you will see the recommended videos on the homepage, and on the homepage recommendation, there is the first hot searched label.

[Jinghu City encounters the dream newcomer king, she unexpectedly. 】


Lu Qing looked at the words written on Hot Search No. [-] with question marks all over her head, and a bad premonition rose in her heart.

Dreamland rookie king, although I feel a little boastful in it, but recently, I seem to be the only one who can get involved with dreamland rookie king.

The location happened to be in Jinghu City, no matter how you think about it, it must be her!
Recognized in real life?

I won't expose my home address, will it be troublesome, and there should be no fans coming to my door.
What happened to me, did this person see what I was doing?
With complicated emotions in her heart, Lu Qing clicked on the video, and then saw the clear sky, the orange sun, and herself standing on the hillside.


It turned out to be dancing. Lu Qing was still thinking about what it was, but she didn't expect to be photographed when she was dancing. It's not a big problem.

【Shock!In Jinghu City, I ran into the dream king, and she actually did such a thing to the sun! 】

"It's a pity that people who think of this title don't go to UC." Looking at the title of the video, Lu Qing thought a little bit.

Isn't it just a dance? People who don't know see the title and think she has done something extraordinary.

"Well, anyway, calm down first, and then read the introduction."

【I came across a foreigner who was dancing, I couldn't hold back and took a sneak shot of it, hehe~】


Looking down the comments, the first sticky message was posted by UP who posted the video.

[I didn't expect the video to be so popular. After being reminded by a lot of friends, I realized the copyright, portrait rights and profit issues, so I am posting this comment. 】

[I don't have any malice towards the foreigner, I just took this video accidentally, if there is a copyright infringement problem, it will be deleted as soon as possible. 】

[I will actively try to contact the foreigner, and all the profits from the video will not be moved before that, please know. 】

"It's kind of a conscience." Lu Qing pouted and thought.

Continue to scroll down, there are replies on the bottom of this comment.

[Come on, this is a rare resource, how can I live if I delete it. [crying]]

[The above, if you delete it, delete it, and now the pirated version is spreading everywhere. [Eat melon]]

[Publish the video without her consent, UP really has you. 】

【Delete it sooner】

[People have posted videos in the dream game, so they shouldn't care about their appearance being exposed. 】

[This is not the point, the point is that this video is profitable! 】

The comment area is still familiar, which makes Lu Qing regain the feeling of eating melons on video sites before.

It's a pity that this melon is her own this time. Thinking about it carefully, it still hurts a little bit.

As for the comments below, there is nothing to look at, they are all quite normal comments, after all, they are sorted by likes, and people with mental problems generally don't come up.

[Sweater shorts, awsl (this is too poignant for my XP)]

[To popularize science for minors, this is the No.1 of the dream game newcomer event, the game ID is called Alien, he is a dream caller who looks very cute and has a very strong fighting power. 】

[Huh, ah, ah, I still have two years to enter the dream game, I'm exhausted. 】

【Reply: I still have two months [soul out of body]】

[Reply: Is such a stinky comment really necessary? 】

[I declare that this is my new wife! [crooked smile]]

[Reply: I think you should eat more peaches! 】

[Reply: Don't look at the young lady who looks very weak, but in fact she can kick the egg with one kick~[吃铜子]]

【Why do the husbands of foreign people like me [狗头]】

[Reply: Xiao, he has been good at speaking since he was a child. 】

[Reply: classic kindness will be revenged. 】


Silently closing the comment area, Lu Qing thought for a while, clicked on the UP profile picture, and entered the private chat interface.

She doesn't care about things like posting her video without authorization, but...
She wants money!

The dance that my old lady danced attracted so many people to watch, so it should be rated six or four, or seven or three?
Glancing at the 230 million views of the video, with the double support of popular searches and homepage recommendations, the video's future views will inevitably become very high.

"Hmph, if the money is enough, I will forgive you." Lu Qing thought so.

PS: There will be Chapter 2 in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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