The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 442 Ordinary Daily Life

Chapter 442 Ordinary Daily Life

"Are you there?" Lu Qing sent a private message to the other party.

In order to prevent the other party from thinking that she was just an ordinary audience and not responding to her, Lu Qing added another sentence later.

"I am a stranger."

I don't know if the other party happened to be checking the private message at this time, or if he was squatting around Lu Qing's appearance, but after about 3 minutes, the UP replied to Lu Qing's message.

"How can you be sure that you are a real foreigner?"

There are all kinds of people on the Internet, and there are a lot of people pretending to be foreigners to private message him. Lu Qing can understand each other, so she typed and replied:
"I will release the video of my second PVP game today or tomorrow, as well as the novel about the dream of the abyss."

"I can even tell you that the name of the novel is Dark Forest."

The person on the other side was silent for a while, as if he was thinking. After about 2 minutes, the UP replied.

"Then let me temporarily confirm that you are a foreigner."

"I'm very sorry for recording and posting your video online without your permission, I didn't expect the video to be so popular, and now even if I delete the video, I can't erase its traces."

"In order to compensate for your loss, I don't want any of the revenue from this video, and I can transfer all of it to you. The following is a screenshot of my video revenue. If you don't believe me, I can transfer the account to you after confirming your identity. "

The other party answered very quickly, and Lu Qing didn't expect that things would go so smoothly, and it was much better than she expected.

Originally, she thought it would be good to get a score of seven or three, but she didn't expect it to be a score of ten!
Oh, it seems that the other party's sincerity is quite good.

I don't know if it's pure fear of infringement, or is the other party actually her fan?
It's not impossible, it's not how fans could recognize her at a glance, at least they are people who have watched the live broadcast of the Dreamland game.

Anyway, since this UP is so generous, Lu Qing doesn't plan to do some digging and searching.

Although the ten-tenth share was proposed by the other party, the other party may not necessarily be willing. Maybe they don't say it, but they will feel a little uncomfortable in their hearts.

Perhaps it can be said that he is just a passer-by, and if he offends, he will be offended, but Lu Qing doesn't want to do this. One more friend is much better than one more enemy.

The income of a video is actually not much, and it doesn't matter if it is less than a few cents.

Even if she doesn't want a cent of the money for this video, it won't affect her anything. If she wants to open up the situation, she is a person who wants to do big things, so how can she care about the money for this video?
"The income of the video is only [-] to [-] cents, and as for the transfer of the account, forget it."

"As for the video, it doesn't really matter whether you delete it or not, it doesn't have much impact."

Lu Qing talked with the other party for a while, and after the discussion was almost finished, she turned off the short video app and got off the bed.

The mobile phone is nothing to look at. She came to the computer desk in her bedroom and started the laptop.

She hasn't used this computer many times since she bought it back. There are only browsers, anti-virus and social software on it.

Lu Qing wanted to have a look at the games in this world, so she searched game forums and downloaded a game download platform that was used by the most people.

Because of the dream game, this world has developed a lot of technology. Although the technology in the brain will be sealed after it comes out of the game, the impact will still be more or less.

The closest example to her is the hibernation cabin, and before Lu Qing crossed, no one had made this thing.

A nutrient solution that can allow humans to sleep quickly without side effects, and can absorb the nutrients the body needs as long as it touches the surface of the body, is not black technology.

And because technology has advanced a lot, the production of games has become more cool.

Lu Qing chose a game that was called a masterpiece in the player forum, bought it and downloaded it.

The name of this game is "Castlevania: Enemy of the Demon World". The size of the game is as much as 478GB. It tells a story of a human being crossing into the Demon World.

The protagonist's name before the time travel was Lu Fang. At the beginning of the time travel, he met the strongest demon Castilio, and was thrown into the blood-red pool to add some nutrition to the blood-red pool.

As a result, the protagonist didn't know what kind of physique it was, but instead absorbed the energy in the blood-red pool.

Although he looked dazed, it was a good thing he didn't die. Our protagonist stood up, patted his ass and ran away.

And Castilio never thought about the possibility of the protagonist surviving. When he noticed that the energy in the blood-red pool had been sucked dry, and the damned human couldn't be found at the scene, his lungs exploded. Hastily issued an arrest warrant for the protagonist throughout the Demon Realm.

After our protagonist left, he discovered that it was the ruby ​​pendant he had been wearing on his chest that had absorbed the energy of the blood-red pool. After activating the pendant, the protagonist can kill other creatures to absorb their blood energy Add attributes.

Some monsters also have a certain chance of dropping memory fragments to learn their skills, which makes the protagonist feel more at ease, at least he is not a weak chicken with no fighting ability.

The game has officially started here. The first map is a blood-red forest, and there are a lot of demon creatures in it.

Lu Qing manipulated the protagonist to kill randomly, and finally came to a village, only to find that all the people in the village, ah, were all dead.

What the protagonist has to do is to leave the forest. By the way, he investigates the truth about the death of the village, and finally finds that if he wants to leave the forest, he can only solve the big trouble of destroying the village.
On the whole, this game is really good, with first-class picture quality, and a reasonable plot. The reason why it is called a masterpiece is because the open world of this game is quite good.

You can do almost everything in this game, such as stealing items from NPCs, worshiping someone as a teacher, and killing guards in public.
Or kill the mainline NPC to become the villain, or kill the villain's NPC too, causing the whole world to chase after you, and then kill the whole world until you are the only one left in the entire demon world
In addition to these, this game is actually an 18+ game, in which you can go to the tavern to prostitute, you know, in addition to this, you can stun NPCs in the wild and then uh~ you know.

Of course, if you want to find a man, you can even find some special service mages to become female characters, and then
In short, it is very free.

If you are tired of the content of the game itself, you can also go to the creation workshop to download the MODs made by the players. Only you can't think of it. There is no MOD that players can't do. You can open your mind and be proficient in everything.

Lu Qing is addicted to the game and cannot extricate herself. Although the dream game is also a game, it is too real. On the contrary, these games on the computer in reality, when you play, you can feel that this is a game. It will make people feel relaxed.

Before she knew it, she accidentally played until 03:30 in the evening.


Obviously her physical and mental attributes were high, but at night Lu Qing still couldn't hold back her breath.

It's not a physical problem, it's a lifestyle problem.

Turning off the computer, Lu Qing took off her clothes and changed into a tan bear pajamas, lay down beside Hao Meng, and slowly fell asleep.
【Welcome to Dreamland Game! 】

PS: This chapter can be regarded as used to restore Xiaolu’s mood, it will be broken sooner or later after fighting every day~
(End of this chapter)

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