The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 452 The game begins!

Chapter 452 The game begins!
Looking at her own shadow, Lu Qing didn't know whether it was good or bad for a while.

"What's wrong?" Fang Qingrou felt that Lu Qing was a little absent-minded, so she asked worriedly.
"It's nothing." Lu Qing shook her head and looked away from her shadow.


Fang Qingrou glanced at Lu Qing's shadow, and felt that it should not be a big deal, so she didn't continue to ask.

All the way back to the fast food restaurant, the Big Eater event had already started, and I saw a female host in a clean white shirt holding a microphone in her hand to warm up the event.

When the four of them came, the warm-up was almost over, and the next thing to talk about was the rules of the event.

According to the host, there are a total of 45 people participating in the activity, according to the rule of two groups, that is, [-] groups.

The temporary performance stage simply couldn't accommodate so many people, so the competition was divided into two stages.

The first stage is to distribute a huge hamburger to each group. Only the group that has eaten the hamburger is eligible to enter the next stage. It is not so much a preliminaries, it is more like a ticket, and those who are not very edible The people are all eliminated.

After the first stage is over, it will be the highlight of the competition. The clerk will distribute the same set meal for two to each group, and the group that eats the most will win.

Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention that during the event, there are unlimited drinks, you can drink as much as you want, no one is stopping you, but in order to win the championship, it is better to drink less.

The preliminaries began soon, and the customers whose numbers were read stepped onto the performance stage one after another, and five groups of people just filled it up.

"Wow, I suddenly feel a little regretful." Fang Qingrou looked at the contestants on the stage and said.

"Why?" Lu Qing looked at Fang Qingju strangely and said.

"Because I don't really want to eat hamburgers, if possible, I would like to eat fried chicken." Fang Qingrou said with a tangled expression.

"It's okay, as long as you can survive the preliminaries, there will naturally be fried chicken in the set meal later." Muir patted Fang Qingrou's shoulder gloatingly and said.

"I'm already full by then, how can I still have the appetite to eat fried chicken?" Fang Qingrou glanced at the Big Mac burger brought over by the clerk on the stage and said: "That thing is almost as big as my washbasin, really Can anyone keep eating after that burger?"


Lu Qing glanced at the hamburger on the stage, and felt that if the two of them were together, the pressure would not be too great. No, to be precise, even if she was alone, she could easily eliminate it.


A strange sound came from her ear, Lu Qing touched her stomach subconsciously, and then realized that the sound was not from her.

Everyone followed the voice, only to see Hao Meng bowed her head shyly, her fair ears turned red.

"That, that, me."

Under the gaze of the three of them, Hao Meng's voice became smaller and smaller, but fortunately, Lu Qing's hearing was very keen, and she still heard what she was saying.

It wasn't until this time that she realized that Hao Meng hadn't eaten for more than a day. After coming out of the dream game, she had been in a coma until this morning.

Logically speaking, she should be hungry after waking up in the morning, but she didn't say anything for such a long time just now.

"Isn't it because I'm too shy to say it?" Lu Qing thought for a while, feeling that this might be the case.

If I had known this before, I would have participated in some big appetite activities. Finding a place to eat quickly is the most important thing. Lu Qing, who has lived in the dark forest for a while, knows exactly what it feels like to be hungry.

"Hao Meng passed out from the dream game yesterday, and hasn't eaten until now. I forgot about it. I'm sorry." Lu Qing said apologetically.

"No, it's okay, I forgot to mention it." Hao Meng quickly waved her hand.

During the talk, the first five groups of contestants were almost over, and the host read out the numbers of the next five groups of contestants.

"Contestants from groups 44, 24, 36, 41, and 06, please come on stage!"

"Huh?" Lu Qing froze for a moment, then remembered that her and Hao Meng's number was 41.

"Let's go Mengmeng, it's time for us to play, you are also hungry." Lu Qing looked at Hao Meng and said.

"En." Hao Meng nodded, and followed Lu Qing onto the stage.


When the host saw Lu Qing and Hao Meng walking on the stage, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he quickly came in front of them.

"The two little sisters look very beautiful. Can you tell me why you participated in this event?"

"It's nothing, I just came in when I saw some activities when I was passing by." Lu Qing reacted instantly and said with a smile on her face.

"Then do you have confidence in winning the championship?" the hostess asked again.

"I don't have much confidence, after all, my appetite is quite small." Lu Qing pretended to be modest.

"It's okay, my sister trusts you, the important thing is to participate in this kind of thing." The hostess clenched her fists and cheered the two of them up.

After she finished speaking, she estimated the time in her mind, and when she felt that it was about the same, she let the two of them sit down.

There were countless pairs of eyes looking at the two of them. After all, compared with other contestants, Lu Qing and Hao Meng looked too cute.

Serious people, who would ignore cute girls and go to see other men!

Although there are girls in other groups, most of them are accompanied by their boyfriends to form a couple team, and it would be disrespectful to themselves to look at them more.

As for Hao Meng, who was watched by countless people, she felt a little uncomfortable all over, but thinking that this was for training herself, she still endured it.

Lu Qing noticed this, and quietly held her palm under the table.

"Take a deep breath, don't be nervous." Lu Qing encouraged.

I don't know if my encouragement has worked, Hao Meng quickly stabilized her mentality. Although there is still a little blush on her cheeks, she is not as nervous as she was at the beginning.

Soon, the huge hamburger was brought up by the waiter. Hao Meng was obviously very hungry. After seeing the hamburger, his attention was focused and he was not as nervous as before.

Lu Qing quickly divided the burger into several pieces with a knife, and then enjoyed it with Hao Meng.

She ate in small bites. For some reason, she obviously also ate with her hands, but Lu Qing's behavior seemed to be much more civilized, and her speed was not slow!
As for Hao Meng, although he also ate the hamburger in small bites, the delivery speed was very fast.

Swept by the two, the entire Big Mac quickly disappeared under the surprised eyes of the offstage audience.

Taking out a paper towel and wiping her mouth, Lu Qing touched her stomach, feeling that she could eat several hamburgers of this level!

If you use the skill [Great Appetite] with all your strength, you can even eat ten of them!
Of course, in that case, it would be too much to digest. If you don't do a lot of exercise, you might gain weight, so she won't do that.

(End of this chapter)

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