The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 453 Let me help you with the rest

Chapter 453 Let me help you with the rest
"It's really unexpected. Although the two girls look petite, they have a very good appetite!" The hostess said with a look of surprise.

After she finished speaking, she glanced at the situation of the other four teams, and found that they hadn't finished eating, so she came to the two of them.

"Excuse me, are you two dream callers?" the hostess asked curiously.

It's reasonable for her to think so. After all, human beings are only that big in reality. Even if you can eat, you can't break your stomach.

But the dream caller is different. The improvement of physical fitness will increase the dream caller's appetite and speed up digestion. Except for some people with special skills, the increase in appetite is inevitable.

"En." Lu Qing nodded, acknowledging her identity as a dream caller, anyway, it's not something shameful.

Speaking of which, she is considered a little famous now, but no one in this store seems to recognize her.

This is not a bad thing, Lu Qing even feels a little lucky, after all, being recognized by too many people will affect her own life.

"It's amazing!" After receiving Lu Qing's acknowledgment, the hostess exclaimed, and then asked: "Can you tell me about the level?"

"Forget it, it's not high." Lu Qing pretended to be shy, pretending to be embarrassed to say the level, and the basic acting skills played a very good role at this time.

She felt that if she answered the other party here, the following conversation would probably be endless.

After all, they were the only group on the stage to complete the goal, and the hostess had no choice but to chat with her in order to enliven the atmosphere, but it was a pity that Lu Qing didn't want to cooperate with the other party.

And the level of white is indeed not high, the only thing that is false is that Lu Qing will not be ashamed to speak because she is a white level.

If the hostess really wants to know, let her look at the registration records after the game.

"All right."

The hostess saw that Lu Qing didn't want to talk, so she didn't continue to ask, but started to talk about other topics.

For example, what is the challenge status of the couple group next to it, how much has been eaten so far, and the two brothers on the other side have wiped out most of them, and they are finally about to succeed.

"How is it? Is the hamburger delicious?" After Lu Qing and Hao Meng walked off the stage, Fang Qingrou asked them impatiently.

"Don't you want to eat hamburgers?" Lu Qing rolled her eyes and said.

"I, I feel delicious. I don't know if it's because I'm hungry." Hao Meng answered Fang Qingrou's question seriously.

"It will be good to eat fried chicken next time, isn't this event also very good?" Fang Qingrou smiled and said.

"She means that as long as there is something to eat, it's fine." Muir covered his mouth and smiled, and said.

"Why do I feel that what you said is a bit weird?" Fang Qingrou looked at Muir with some doubts.

"No, you're thinking too much." Muir waved his hand with a calm expression.

"Well, then I'll just pretend you don't have one." Fang Qingrou thought for a while, and decided not to fuss over such trivial matters with Muir.

The game went on quickly, and after a while, it was Fang Qingrou's turn and Muir's, one gray and one blue, two figures, one big and one small, came on stage, which immediately attracted the attention of the hostess.

Fang Qingrou was more willing to talk, but Muir seemed a little uninterested.

After the Big Mac was brought up, Fang Qingrou couldn't wait to eat it, and Muir also cut open her part with a knife.

Well, eat slowly, so that Fang Qingrou will eat more, so she can eat more less greasy food during the finals, she is indeed a good sister!
Muir silently gave himself a thumbs-up in his heart, imagining that he would happily eat the set meal in front of Fang Qingrou after a while, but the other party could only see how he ate because he ate too many hamburgers.

It is impossible for a champion to be a champion, so they can only play around for fun.

Fang Qingrou is also a white-level dream caller at any rate, so a Big Mac hamburger is of course not a problem, and the two of them ate up the Big Mac hamburger after a while.

By the end of the preliminaries, there were only eight groups left from the original 45 groups.

But even if they were eliminated, a large number of players did not choose to leave.

After all, I was too full from eating just now, so it would be nice to sit and rest in the store, and watch the birth of the champion by the way.

The finals began soon, perhaps for the purpose of ending the event as soon as possible, the waiters in the store moved up three sets of tables and chairs, so that the performance stage can accommodate eight groups of contestants at the same time.

But in this way, the space on the performance stage is a bit narrow, and at the same time, some pictures will be slightly blocked.

Lu Qing didn't care about this, and the audience in the audience just complained a little and then changed to a seat where they could see clearly.

As the hostess let the contestants take the stage, Lu Qing, Hao Meng, Fang Qingrou and Muir walked over together, and sat on the two sets of tables and chairs at the edge, next to each other.

With the rest of the contestants taking their seats, the final of the Big Eater event officially begins!
The clerks put the set meals for two on the table in front of each group of contestants, and then left the stage one after another.

Lu Qing looked at it and found that the portion of the set meal for two was not very large, just a chicken burger, two fried chicken legs, a black pepper chicken nugget, a bucket of French fries and a chicken roll.

Um, it seems that there are not too many?
Lu Qing glanced at the expressions of the other contestants, and found that their expressions were not very natural.

If you think about it carefully, you will know that after eating such a big hamburger, plus this set meal, it is difficult for even two people to eat it clean.

There must be a dream caller among the finalists, but without special skills, it is impossible to beat her!

Thinking about it this way, Lu Qing discussed with Hao Meng and decided how to distribute the package.

She was in charge of eliminating chicken leg burgers, black pepper chicken nuggets and french fries, while Hao Meng was in charge of two fried chicken legs and chicken rolls.

"Hic..." Fang Qingrou hiccupped, looking at the food in front of her with a tangled expression.

"No, I'll give you these two fried chicken legs and black pepper chicken nuggets. Don't you want to eat fried chicken?" Muir looked at Fang Qingju with a smile on his face.

After she finished speaking, she put the chicken drumstick, french fries and chicken roll in front of her, and ordered a glass of ice cream.

"I was too full from eating just now, how about I give you this piece?" Fang Qingrou pointed to the black pepper chicken pieces.

"I can't eat it~" Muir shook his head with a smile and said, "If you really can't finish it, you can leave it."

"It's not good to waste food." Fang Qingrou whispered.

Muir was stunned for a moment, and then he said speechlessly: "It's not your food, why do you feel bad?"

"No, I just don't like waste." Fang Qingrou explained after hearing Muir's words.

"Don't you like wasting food?" Muir was a little surprised when she heard Fang Qingrou's words. She glanced at Fang Qingrou's tangled expression, and said helplessly:

"Okay, then if you can't eat anymore, I can help you eat the rest."

(End of this chapter)

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