The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 455 Lu Qing and Lu Yu

Chapter 455 Lu Qing and Lu Yu


In the dim room, Lu Qing looked at the dazzling computer screen in front of her, and checked the current time.

The sun won't stay in the sky for too long in October. Although it's just close to five o'clock, it's already dark outside.

Lu Qing stood up and turned on the light in the room, then looked out the window.

I saw dense dark clouds floating in the sky, gray and white rain mixed with snow fell from the sky, as if God was coughing, turning the whole sky into a foggy look.

Lu Qing couldn't help worrying about Hao Meng. At this time, they were only four or five hours away from each other. In such a short time, could Hao Meng really find a place to stay?

Turning off the computer, Lu Qing took out her mobile phone and called Hao Meng.

"Toot. Toot."

"The number you dialed is temporarily unavailable."

"Are you on the phone with someone else?" Lu Qing frowned, feeling that this should not be the case.

I opened the browser and searched. When the call is being connected, the notification tone of the mobile phone should be "the number you dialed is currently in communication".

And "The number you are dialing is temporarily unavailable" seems to be the case that the phone is damaged or turned off after the battery is dead.

"Go out and have a look."

Turning off the computer, Lu Qing put on the clothes she wore when she went out, and then put on a light gray raincoat, and walked out the door.

It is obviously very difficult to find someone in a huge city, especially when it is raining and snowing outside, and the sky is dark.

But since she chose to go out, she naturally has her way.

As soon as the door was opened, the cold wind howled and hit Lu Qing's body, making the raincoat make a "whoosh" sound.

Lu Qing didn't expect the wind outside to be so strong, she quickly reached out and pressed the hood on her head.

"It's not right, the rain and snow this time are too big." Feeling the wind blowing on her body, Lu Qing thought so.

At this time, there were not many pedestrians on the street, and even if there were, they rushed towards their home in a hurry. There was a thin layer of ice on the ground, and if they were not careful, they might slip.

But these didn't have a big impact on her. After all, the attributes are here, and this environment doesn't bother her.

She took out a fruit knife from her bosom, pricked her finger slightly, and Lu Qing wanted to summon Wein out.

Sometimes she also wondered if she should bite her finger with her teeth to summon Wein like in an anime, but after looking at her finger for a while, Lu Qing decided not to abuse her. Own good.

No matter how you think about it, biting it with your teeth hurts more than cutting it with a knife. In the anime, biting it with your teeth is just a way of pretending.


Lu Qing looked at her fingers, and saw that the wound cut by the knife began to heal quickly. Within half a minute, she wiped off the blood on the top with her hands, and the bottom had returned to a white appearance.

With a thought, Wein, who was sleeping in the birdcage of the hut, came to the reality of rain and snow.

"!" Waking up suddenly from sleep, Wein opened his eyes and felt the environment around him.

"The bird is so cold, what are you doing calling the bird out in the cold weather!" Wein complained.

"You are already at the white level, why are you afraid of the cold." Lu Qing looked at Wein speechlessly and said.

"Gah! Don't you know that wind and snow are the natural enemies of birds? The white color is not that bad, and it will still be cold and blown away by the wind!"

As Wein spoke, his body turned into a shadow, and he rushed directly into Lu Qing's shadow, intending to take refuge inside.

"and many more!"

It was too late to stop Wein, Lu Qing watched him get into her shadow.

"My sister seems to be in my shadow." Lu Qing thought with some uncertainty.

"Gah! Little master, why is there another person in your shadow? It looks very similar to you. Is it a clone? Or something. Ga! How did you hit me!?"

In the middle of speaking, Wein suddenly stopped, and saw a slightly embarrassed figure emerge from Lu Qing's shadow, and then landed on her shoulder.

"Gah, it turned out to be a mental shock, it's too much." Wein said, shaking his dizzy bird's head.

"It's fine if you didn't directly kill you." Lu Qing complained in her heart.

Wein didn't know his identity as a time traveler, so he thought she was the same person all the time, while his sister didn't know that she was killed by Wein, but only knew that Lu Qing occupied her body after her death.

There shouldn't be any conflicts between these two people, but why does my sister still attack Wein?

Could it be the aura? Speaking of which, when my sister was still a wolf spirit, she often teased Wein, was it because the aura on Wein made her subconsciously feel bad for him?

Just when Lu Qing thought so, the illusory figure of her younger sister emerged from her shadow.

"The shadow is my territory, no one else is allowed to enter."

After she finished speaking, she planned to go back into the shadow again, but just as she was about to go back, Lu Qing stopped her.

"Wait a moment!"

"What's the matter?" The younger sister looked at Lu Qing and asked.

"Well, I want to ask, what should I call you in the future." Lu Qing scratched her head in embarrassment and said.

After all, Lu Qing is the other party's name, but she has already inherited this name at this time, so she can't also call her younger sister Lu Qing, because it will inevitably be a little weird.


After staring at Lu Qing twice, my sister stretched out her palm to look, only to see the cold rainwater passing through her palm and then falling on the ground.

"Deer rain."

After finishing speaking, Lu Yu glanced at Wein, then turned into a pool of shadows and returned to Lu Qing's shadow.

"The name Lu Yu is good. It just happens to be a sunny day and a rainy day. As expected of the little master's avatar, the name is so good." Wein didn't know what medicine he had taken wrong, and suddenly flattered Lu Qing.

"That's not my clone." Lu Qing looked at Wein speechlessly and said.

"Gah?" Wein was stunned for a moment, and then retorted: "Impossible, little master, don't lie to me, it's not your avatar, why couldn't I do it just now?"

"Forget it, just treat it as my avatar." Lu Qing thought for a while, and felt that it would be troublesome to explain. Since Wein thinks it is her avatar, let him think so.

But can't Wayne attack Lu Yu?

According to the contract, Wein cannot do anything that would directly or indirectly cause harm to her. Does this mean that Lu Yu is really on her side?

"Forget it, let's go to Hao Meng first."

Shaking her head, Lu Qing asked Wein to fly into the sky to find Hao Meng's location for herself.

However, the whole city is so big, it is difficult to find a trace of a person even with Wein, so she has a second plan, and this plan is her main means to find Hao Meng.

(End of this chapter)

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