The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 456 A Qing who forgot to bring an extra raincoat

Chapter 456 Ah Qing Who Forgot to Bring an Extra Raincoat
"It's almost here." Lu Qing looked around, and this is where she and Hao Meng parted.

Walking to the green belt, she reached out her hand to a green tree and touched the cold bark.

The Trophy Whispering Treeheart effect allows her to "listen" to plants.

She had tried the effect before, so she was confident that she could find Hao Meng's location.

Closing her eyes, Lu Qing carefully "listened" to the "sound" of the big tree she touched.

At first, there was nothing, she could only hear the whistling wind and the sound of vehicles driving on the street, but as time passed, Lu Qing felt that she had a certain resonance with the big tree in front of her.

For a moment, a special message was captured by her, and she understood the meaning of this big tree.

"It's cold, it's cold, the wind is so strong, it's so heavy, the branches are about to break"

Feeling the feeling of this big tree, Lu Qing also feels sorry for the other party for a while, but the weather problem is not something she can solve, she can only hope that it will survive.

The rain and snow this time was really heavy. A lot of rainwater fell on the branches and was frozen into ice, wrapping the branches inside.

With the combined weight of so many ice blocks, most of the branches have already fallen down, and coupled with the strong wind, not a few of them were broken.

Calm down, Lu Qing sent out the information she wanted in her heart.

This is what she discovered in her previous experiments. When she listened to the sounds of plants, she would resonate with the plants she was listening to. She could hear the sounds of plants, and she could also send messages to plants.

I don't know if the merchants in the dark forest communicate with the roots in this way.

Constantly thinking about Hao Meng's appearance in her heart, Lu Qing conveyed all her thoughts to the big tree in front of her.

After a while, a special message came, and this big tree responded to Lu Qing, allowing her to "see" the direction Hao Meng left after parting with her in a special way of perception.

"Thank you~"

After patting the trunk lightly, Lu Qing chased in the direction Hao Meng left.

This was already several hours ago, but if you look at the direction, you can also reduce the area and make it easier for Wein to find it.

Along the way, she resonated with several green trees, and soon, with the help of Wein, she found the location of Hao Meng.

I saw Hao Meng hiding under the bus station in the distance to avoid the rain.

The clothes on her body were soaked right now, and many places were even frozen. Even with the physical quality of the dream caller, it was inevitable that she would feel the cold in this situation.


Lu Qing ran towards the bus station where Hao Meng was, and came to Hao Meng's side after a while.

"Lu, Lu Qing?" Hao Meng looked at her in surprise when she heard her voice.

"You, why are you here?" Hao Meng asked a little shyly.

She looks extremely embarrassed now, it's not a matter of saving face, but she just feels a little embarrassed.

"Aren't you looking for a place to live?" Lu Qing looked at Hao Meng and asked curiously.

"I, I lost my ID card, and my phone is out of battery. I want to find you, but I don't know how to go, so." Hao Meng said with a flushed face, and her voice became smaller and smaller.

"So you got lost?" Lu Qing said speechlessly, rubbing her forehead.


"Come with me, luckily I happened to pass by here." Lu Qing lied in good faith.

I don't want to talk about the fact that I came out to find her because I was worried about her, but fortunately I came out, otherwise I would have to wait here all night, and I would probably be sick.

With that said, she took off her raincoat and wanted to cover Hao Meng's body.

"Hey? Oh!?"

Hao Meng was stunned for a moment, but then she came to her senses and quickly shied away: "I, I don't need it, this is your raincoat, Ah Qing, it can't be because of me"

"Okay, you've been freezing for so long, it's okay for me to be watered for a while." Lu Qing couldn't help but put the raincoat on Hao Meng's body.


Hao Meng still wanted to evade, but was blocked by Lu Qing's words: "Don't take it off, even if you take it off, I won't wear it."


Hao Meng lowered her head, as if she was thinking about something, and after a while, she suggested, "Why don't we use it together."

"Huh?" Lu Qing looked at Hao Meng suspiciously, and for a moment she didn't think how to use a raincoat together.

In the rainy night, two figures were running fast, and above their heads was holding a gray-black raincoat.

"Ah Qing, what are you going to do when you come out so late?" Hao Meng asked while running.

"I originally planned to go out to buy ingredients, but I didn't expect to see you on the road." Lu Qing said what she had thought up a long time ago.

There was indeed a shopping mall nearby, not to mention that Hao Meng didn't know the way, even if he did, he wouldn't be exposed.

"Is it okay not to go to the mall?" Hao Meng asked again.

"It's okay, I still have enough ingredients at home." Lu Qing smiled and said.

"That's great, I can cook by myself." Hao Meng said enviously. After she finished speaking, she seemed a little frustrated again: "Unlike me, I can't do anything well. I lost my ID card and my phone is dead. We had to hide under the bus stop to avoid the rain."

"By the way, don't you bring cash?" Lu Qing asked curiously.

"Oh no."


Lu Qing didn't know what to say, indeed, nowadays people generally don't bring cash when they go out, Hao Meng can only be said to be too careless this time.

Of course, it may also be because I was too nervous and thought about a lot of things, but I forgot to charge my phone.

Thinking about it, Hao Meng was in a coma for a whole day before, and there may be some problems with the impression of time. It is normal for the phone to run out of battery.

As for the lost ID
It can only be said that her luck is not very good.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing finally brought Hao Meng back to her home.

The two of them share the same raincoat, and this is still the way. To be honest, although it is indeed better than nothing, it is not much better.

Turning on the light at home, I saw that my left shoulder, the bottom of my chest, and my shoes were all soaked.

And Hao Meng is in the same state as before. After all, he is already soaked and can't get wet anymore.

"Hurry up and take off all your clothes, if you continue like this, you will get sick." Lu Qing looked at Hao Meng and said.

"En." Hao Meng nodded softly, obviously she also knew this.

But if you know it, you know it, but you still can't help but feel shy. Fortunately, everyone is a girl, so it's okay to take off naked.

At the same time, Lu Qing also turned on the heater, as long as she took a hot bath to dispel the cold from her body, she didn't need to worry about getting sick.

"Well, do you want to wash with Hao Meng? It's just convenient for scrubbing your back." Lu Qing thought as she took off her wet clothes.

PS: The next chapter is the last chapter of the daily article, and the training results will be mentioned in one stroke.

It's almost time for the dream I've been preparing for a long time, okay!
I have been thinking about this dream for a long time, a very introverted blond female knight and a silver-haired beautiful girl who encourages knights, hey hey  ̄﹃ ̄
(End of this chapter)

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