The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 459 It's so weird~ Take another look!

Chapter 459 So weird~ Take another look!
"So, where is this place?"

After reading the information about this dream, Lu Qing lifted the quilt, sat up and said.

She was wearing a set of pale pink pajamas at this time, and beside the pillow was an old teddy bear.

"Where are my other game props?"

Looking around, Lu Qing stepped on the fluffy carpet with her bare feet, and ran towards the wardrobe in the corner of the room in small steps.


Fortunately, all her game props have been put into this wardrobe and have not disappeared.

In addition to her game props, the wardrobe is filled with all kinds of ornate clothing that looks like it was worn by medieval nobles.

"Open Sesame."

Lu Qing read out the summoning spell for the locker in the cabin in Chinese, and then stuffed all the game props, including the teddy bear, into it.

Judging from the dream information, she seems to have become the princess of this country in the background story, and the gap between her imagined identity is much greater.

Well, much bigger in every sense of the word.

Going directly from an imaginary guard to a princess, can the gap be small?
"Speaking of which, what does psychic talent mean?" After stuffing the game props into the locker, Lu Qing recalled the contents of the dream information.

Is it the ability to communicate with ghosts and ghosts? Besides, what does it mean to be favored by Pope Manulife Sam in the future, or is it the saint of the Holy See?

Am I not a princess? Why did I become a saint of the Holy See again? Is it because of my psychic talent?

Also, did you want me to carry out the sacred tree ceremony? Clean up the dirt accumulated on the sacred tree. This sentence is also very concerning.

Could it be that this is the reason for holding a sacred tree festival every year? If the dirt on the sacred tree is not cleaned, will the sacred tree get sick?
Speaking of which, the main goal of this dream is to heal the sick holy tree. Could it be that the holy tree is already sick at this time?

As for the reason why the sacred tree accumulated dirt, Lu Qing had some clues.

Judging from the content of the dream information, this world was originally lifeless, only endless ashes and dead silence, and the holy tree suddenly appeared in this world.

At the beginning, it seemed to be just a leaf, but it was because of this leaf that this world had vitality and the existence of life was born.

Since it is a tree, it must absorb nutrients, and the nutrients absorbed by this big tree are probably the energy that is full of death and destruction outside.

Even if the tree root itself has the effect of purification, the amount absorbed is too large, so it is inevitable that residue will be left, and if it accumulates for too long, it will form dirt.

Of course, all of this is Lu Qing's own guess. She doesn't know whether it is true or not, but it shouldn't be too far behind.


Shaking his head, there are too many problems in his heart, but after all, this is only the beginning of the dream, so it is normal to have many problems.

Let her wait quietly for a while, since the dream game has arranged for her to be a princess, there must be some intentions.

As a princess, she can't just put on her own equipment and leave her bedroom to investigate.

"dong dong dong"

Just when Lu Qing thought so, there was a knock on the door outside the room, and then a woman stood outside the door and said:

"Your Highness, it's time for you to wake up."


Lu Qing didn't respond, but ran back to her bed in a very quick way, and pretended that she was still sleeping.

"I'm sorry." Without hearing the response from the room, the maid outside the door gently twisted the doorknob and pushed it away.

And at this time, Lu Qing slowly sat up from the bed, and looked at the door sleepily.

The silvery-white hair fell in a mess on the girl's petite body, and a pair of troubled water blue eyes revealed the haze of just waking up.

Seeing the scene in front of him, even the maid who had seen the portrait of the princess in advance couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then said seriously:
"Excuse me, I'm Irene, the newly appointed maid by the chief maid, and I will be in charge of His Highness's daily life from today on."

"Where's the maid from before?" Lu Qing thought for a while and asked as if she hadn't woken up.

"Huh?" Irene was puzzled for a moment, and then saw that the other party was still a little confused, and instantly understood that the princess was most likely talking nonsense at this time.

Having said that, as a maid, she still has to answer Her Royal Highness.

"Because of her mother's illness, she resigned a few days ago and went home to take care of her mother, Your Highness." Irene replied without humility.

"Then do you know my name?" Lu Qing continued pretending not to wake up.

"Of course I know, respected Princess Lu Qing." The maid bowed slightly.

"Obviously it's a world view similar to Western Fantasy, but my name is still Huaxia Feng?" Lu Qing complained silently in her heart.

But that's not a bad thing, she would rather use her original name than give her a Western Fantasy name for the sake of setting the story.

"Okay, Your Royal Highness, it's time for you to wash up seriously, the king and queen are already waiting for you."

Irene strolled up to Lu Qing, and gently helped her off the bed.

At the same time, two maids came in from outside the door holding basins. The water in them was just boiled warm and not scalding.

"Ah, this corrupt life, is this what rich people feel like?"

"It's not right, I always feel that this is almost becoming a way of life for useless people."

Enjoying the process of several servants helping her wash, comb her hair, and put on her clothes, Lu Qing complained in her heart.

Having said that, she didn't intend to drive these servants away.

One is to not reveal any flaws, and the other is ahem, this is really comfortable.

After finishing dressing, Lu Qing walked to the floor-to-ceiling mirror in the room, looked at herself in the mirror, with a look of surprise on her face.

In the gorgeous red and white body-fitting dress, the red and gold-patterned laces are tightly bound around the waist, fixing the complex structure of the dress and highlighting the slender figure of the person in the mirror.

However, Lu Qing thinks that this is not the bad habit of corseting in the old European era, because she doesn't feel how tight she is being restrained. If I have to say it, the function of this dress is actually similar to that of a trouser belt?
Shaking the hair on the top of her head, Lu Qing felt a little unaccustomed to it. After all, she usually combed her hair and scattered it behind, and she didn't know how to style it.

But at this time, her hair had been made into a bun with hanging hair, and two silver-white hairs hung from the sides to her back, looking like twin ponytails.

"So, why did the medieval maids make buns for the princess!" Lu Qing complained in her heart.

“It's nice though”

"Well, princess clothes with steamed buns."

"It's so weird~"

"Take another look."

"So lovely!"

"As expected of me, no matter how I wear it, I look cute~" Lu Qing nodded in satisfaction.

PS: I will send the reference of the hairstyle to the comment area soon, but the pictures are a bit hard to find, and it may take more time.

(End of this chapter)

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