The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 460 The first meal of the princess' life

Chapter 460 The Princess's First Meal

"Hey, Irene, you just came here, do you know where the toilet is?"

After looking in the mirror for a while, Lu Qing suddenly asked Irene.


Hearing her words, Irene was stunned for a moment, and then immediately replied: "I know, does Your Highness want to go to the bathroom, I'll take you there right away."

"Well, take me to have a look." Lu Qing nodded and said.


Irene bent down, bowed slightly to her, and then led her towards the toilet.

After a night of sleep, it is normal for a normal person to want some convenience. As for why Lu Qing didn't know where the toilet was, Irene didn't think much about it, she just sat respectfully and did what she should do.

Of course, Lu Qing herself didn't want to go to the toilet, the reason why she asked was just to familiarize herself with the terrain.

"Irene, how old are you?" Lu Qing asked Irene silently remembering the path she had traveled.

"Report to Your Royal Highness, I am 26 years old this year."

"It's 26, have you ever heard of psychic?" Lu Qing tried to get some news from the maid.

"I seem to have heard that it is a very rare ability." Irene replied.

"Oh?" Lu Qing didn't have high expectations at first, but Irene never thought that Irene had heard of it, so she hurriedly asked, "Then do you know what psychic ability is?"

"Sorry, I'm not very clear. I just heard people say that it seems to be the ability to communicate with the undead." After a pause, Irene hesitated, and then continued:
"I've heard that every generation of popes of Manulife Sam's Church has this ability, or in other words, only those with psychic talent can become popes."

"That's it"

Lu Qing nodded, feeling that she understood a little bit.

As the daughter of the three kings of Vanhusda No.30, she seems to have psychic ability, but no one knows it yet.

According to the dream information, she will become the saint of the Holy See, whom Pope Manulife Sam is extremely optimistic about, probably because of her psychic talent.

Of course, the premise of all this is that what Irene said is correct.

After all, she is just a servant, and she still knows too little, and the correctness needs to be evaluated, at least not fully believed.

"My lord princess, I've arrived." During the conversation, the two had already arrived at the entrance of the toilet.

"Well, hard work."

Nodding her head, Lu Qing raised her legs and walked into the toilet. After all, this was the reason she was looking for, and she couldn't say no after she got there.

Pushing open the wooden door, the structure inside was a bit beyond her expectation. It looked similar to a modern toilet, but the painting style was a bit retro.

In addition, there is toilet paper here!

It can only be said that it is indeed a dream, except that there is no pump button, other places are almost the same as modern toilets, the only thing that can not be tolerated.

An unpleasant smell penetrated into the nostrils, making Lu Qing frowned. If possible, she must send a few people over to clean the place.It is best to clean it every day.

She is a princess. It should be no problem to send a few people to clean the toilet.

"Let's go." Coming out of the toilet, Lu Qing looked at Irene and said.


Irene nodded, and then led Lu Qing to the lower level of the castle.

Hmm. In fact, she doesn't know if she is in the castle, but according to the setting of the general Western Fantasy world, the king and the nobles should all live in the castle.

All the way down the stairs, Lu Qing was brought by Irene to the dining place.

There is a lot of space here, and there are a lot of people. It seems that people who live in the castle seem to eat here.

Dirty servants, guards in armor, and blacksmiths covered in sweat.
Lu Qing followed Irene's voice, passed through this space, and walked towards the center of the castle.

"Who is that adult, it looks a little unfamiliar."

"Shut up you idiot! That's Her Royal Highness!"

"Is it really Her Royal Highness, how do you know!?"

"Nonsense, you can live in the castle, and at the same time have a very noble status, a fresh-faced and young lady, who else can she be if she is not the princess!"

The servants in the corners of the two rooms were talking to each other. Although they were in awe, they still couldn't help looking at Her Royal Highness from the corner of their eyes.

As for the whispered conversation between the two of them, of course Lu Qing heard it and got some information from it.

It seems that she is not very well-known as a princess, and even the servants who live in the same castle cannot recognize her.

I don't know if this is because of the background setting, or if the dream game is deliberately designed to make it easier for her to move.

After walking for a while, the two came to a gate.

Irene stopped in her tracks, then closed her eyes and bowed to Lu Qing, then stepped back.

Seeing Irene's movements, Lu Qing knew that she was in her place without thinking, so she pushed open the door in front of her and walked in.

After pushing the door open, she also saw the scene in the room.

The conspicuous red carpet, the dining table covered with white tablecloths, and a huge brass chandelier, compared with other rooms, this place is obviously much more luxurious.

"How come it's so slow." Sitting right in front of the dining table, the man wearing aristocratic robes looked at Lu Qing with a majestic expression and said.

And beside him, sat a silver-haired woman. The moment she saw her, Lu Qing thought of her mother in the dark forest.

I briefly recalled the knowledge recorded in the skill [Noble Etiquette] in my mind.

I saw her legs slightly bent, and at the same time lifted the sides of the skirt with both hands, nodded and said: "Good morning, father, mother."

"Well, good morning, sunny." The queen nodded.

"Sit down." The king no longer asked her why she was late, but pointed to the wooden chair by the dining table, signaling her to sit down.

"Are I the only daughter of the king and queen?" Lu Qing sat on the wooden chair, thinking a little strangely.

Logically speaking, wouldn't there be many princes and princesses in a country? After all, there were no entertainment activities in the Middle Ages, and they could only do that when they were free.

In addition, there is no condom, and the man will never hold back and stop halfway, unless the king has kidney deficiency, so.
Cough, Lu Qing, what are you thinking, no matter how you think about this kind of thing, it's not something that a pure and beautiful girl like her should think about.

"Let's eat." The king said without noticing the strangeness of his daughter.

"En." Nodding slightly, Lu Qing began to eat her first breakfast as a princess.

White bread, ham, and milk, and the king replaced the milk with a drink made from something that he didn't know, maybe wine?
If you want her to evaluate
It doesn't taste as good as what she makes at home.

PS: The reference picture of the hairstyle in the previous chapter has been posted in the comment area. I haven't done a review before, so I thought of a way.

Although it has been sent out, the collection value is greatly reduced, sorry.

I got the second shot of the vaccine today and it hurts a bit more than the first shot.

Cold + Vaccine, I don't think I have double BUFF.

In fact, this chapter should have been updated a long time ago, but I was hungry.

When I was eating supper, I wanted to find something to watch, so I watched "The Lonely Gourmet". I have heard of the name before, but I have never watched it.

In the end, after the meal was over, I was attracted to it, and finally pulled myself back to continue writing, and I only finished writing now.
I was so tired, my throat was still uncomfortable, and I went to bed.

(End of this chapter)

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