The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 469 Can you really hear the voice of the carved object?

Chapter 469 Can you really hear the voice of the carved object?
"Princess?" The shop owner was a little surprised when he heard Irene addressing Lu Qing, but he didn't think too much about it.

This is the capital of the kingdom, so what's the surprise that Her Royal Highness appears on the streets of the capital?

"Guest, you are too kind. He is just an insignificant beggar. There are too many such people in this world. You helped him once. When he is hungry next time, no one will help him."

"Of course I know, I just saw it, and I'm just helping out." Lu Qing stood up, looked at the store manager and said.

A bowl of porridge was nothing to her, but to the person in front of her, it was life-saving food.

That being the case, why not help out?

This incident brought back some memories of her childhood before time travel.

I remember when I was still in elementary school, some dirty old beggars would occasionally appear on the street, knocking on doors from door to door, and then performing some not-so-nice musical instruments.

At that time, her family would send one or two yuan coins and tell her that as long as this happened, the beggars would leave immediately.

It's just a dollar or two, it doesn't matter at all, maybe most of these beggars are fake, but as long as one of them is real, that's enough.

Of course, there is actually another operation, which is quite popular on the Internet, but it is a bit more troublesome.

If you really meet a beggar, you can treat him to eat until he is full.
But now I don't see beggars anymore, not only beggars, but also the coins I used when I was a child.

The times have been advancing. I don’t know when it started, but I have been using smart phones subtly. When I see fifty cents on the street, I don’t even have the interest to bend over to pick it up.

When she came back to her senses, Lu Qing looked curiously at the room behind the owner, and said, "Boss, what do you sell here?"

"Magic props, alchemy materials, some commissions, and divination can be accepted." The store manager thought for a while after hearing Lu Qing's words.

"Divination, can I try it?" Lu Qing asked with some interest.

"of course can."

The store manager nodded, then turned around and pushed open the wooden door of his store, and walked in with Lu Qing and the three of them.

"Jingle Bell"

A light bell rang, Lu Qing raised her head, and immediately saw a green fake snake with a string of bells in its mouth on the door.

There are no windows in the house, and the lighting only depends on a kind of magic lampshade hanging on the sides of the exhibition stand, making the house look a little dark.

Lu Qing looked around, and besides most of the useless white props, she accidentally found a blue game prop.

[Prop Name: Word of Rock]

[Prop Quality: Blue]

[Introduction: A knife carved out of rock, the sculptor poured a lot of effort into it, carefully "listening" to the lines on its body, it is so natural that it looks like it has grown like this, there is no doubt that this is a top master class works! 】

[Skills: Rock Solid Technique, Rock Words]

[Rock Solid Technique: A special rock attribute magic rune, which makes the rock language as hard as fine steel, and can heal itself by absorbing rock elements. 】

[Words of Rock: The blade seems to be breathing. When carving objects, you can feel the "breathing" and "texture" of the object being carved. 】

[Remarks: Rocks also have memories, but they are not good at speaking. 】

"Guest, have you taken a fancy to this stone knife?" The store manager noticed Lu Qing's gaze and explained:

"This small knife was carved by a master sculptor who had no choice but to hide under a rock because of the rain when he was walking in the field. When he listened to the sound of the rain, he was inspired to find a rock."

"When carving objects with this stone knife, it seems as if you can hear the 'voice' of the object being carved, and your skills have greatly improved."

"However, because the material of this stone knife itself is not good, it is easy to be damaged when carving objects. In desperation, the carving master sold this thing to me."

When the words came to this point, the store manager smiled a little smugly, and said: "After I got this stone knife, I added the enchantment of Rock Solid Technique to it."

"Making it as hard and tough as steel, while also healing itself by absorbing rock elements."

"Well, it is exactly the same as the attribute described in the diary, there is no intentional exaggeration or anything." Lu Qing glanced at the store manager and thought.

Because of what happened outside the door before, Lu Qing thought that the store manager would be a black-hearted profiteer or something, but she didn't expect to be so honest.

Well, at this time, she didn't realize that it might be because of her identity.

In short, Lu Qing had a slightly better impression of the shop owner, and asked, "How much is this?"

"2500 gold coins." The store manager said without hesitation.

"Two thousand five"

Lu Qing frowned, thinking in her heart whether the price of two thousand five thousand was expensive or not.

When she went out this time, she brought three thousand gold coins with her. When she bought things before, she spent only two silver coins in total.

But after thinking about it, this thing is a master-level sculpture and a magic prop. Doesn't [-] gold seem very expensive?

Seeing Lu Qing's frowning expression, the store manager's heart tightened suddenly.

Could it be that the asking price is too high, or does Her Royal Highness think that this item is not worthy of the price?

Except for those who can carve, no one is interested in this stone knife, so it has been unable to sell. At this time, I finally got someone who is interested. Why don't you lower the price yourself?

"Well, did your highness not bring too much money with you when you went out this time? How about two thousand?" The store manager said with a high emotional intelligence.

Well, that's right, Her Royal Highness frowned because she didn't bring too much money when she went out, not because she thought it was expensive.

"Two thousand"

Lu Qing thought about it, and decided whether she should discuss it with Irene, so she quietly tugged on Irene's sleeve.

"Wait a moment, please. I'll ask how much money my maid brought with me this time." Lu Qing smiled apologetically.

"It's okay, you can buy it whenever you want." The store manager also smiled.

"Your Highness, we brought three thousand gold coins with us this time." Irene said after being pulled aside by Lu Qing.

"No, I didn't want to ask you this, I just wanted to ask, do you think that magic item is worth two thousand gold coins?" Lu Qing shook her head and said.

"Ah, sorry, I don't know." Irene said with a confused expression.

"It's okay, you just have to say what you think."


"Hahaha, don't embarrass her. As a maid, she can't give advice to the master." Knight Myron came behind Lu Qing, patted her on the shoulder and said.

"Then, Knight Myron, do you think two thousand gold coins are worth it?" Lu Qing turned to look at Knight Myron and asked.

"Well, the price of every magic item on the market is different. Most of the lowest-level consumables cost 200 gold coins each."

"A weapon enchanted with Rock Solid Art can be sold for 3000-5000, but this knife is not a weapon, but a carved object."

"And this carved object is from the hands of a master. I think two thousand gold coins is still very cheap."

(End of this chapter)

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