The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 470 Actually, I have heard it~

Chapter 470 Actually, I have heard it~
PS: Thank you for the 1500 starting point coins rewarded by book friends who concentrate on being in a daze!

"I bought this thing, do you still provide divination here?" After learning the price from Knight Meron, Lu Qing came to the store manager and said.

"It's right to provide divination." The store manager nodded, and then asked: "Are you going to do divination?"

"That's right." Lu Qing nodded, and said, "Come and have a look, how am I?"

"Divination for you?" The store manager glanced at her, shook his head quickly and said, "You are the princess of the kingdom, how dare I spy on your fate?"

"You don't need to divination about the future, you just need to divination about things related to me." Lu Qing looked at the store manager and said.

It's all here, she wants to give it a try and see if she can get some useful information from the other party's divination, after all, the price is only some gold coins.

"Well." The store manager pondered for a while, and then said: "It's not impossible."

"Please follow me." She turned around and led the three of them to the depths of the shop.

The three of Lu Qing followed and soon came to a completely sealed room.

I saw that the walls were covered with weird patterns, which seemed to be runes or something, but I didn't know what it was called Lu Qing.

After coming to this room, the store manager began to explain to Lu Qing: "This is the divination room of our store, and only the most distinguished guests can enter."

"In a moment I'll have you stand in the middle of the room, and then turn off the lights, all you have to do is close your eyes."

"You don't need to do anything, just stand where you are?" Lu Qing asked curiously.

"Well, you don't need to do anything." The store manager nodded and confirmed.

After she finished speaking, she walked to the center of the room with her staff in her hand, and tapped the floor lightly with it. In an instant, all the lights in the room disappeared.

But this has no effect on Lu Qing, she can still see every corner of the room clearly.

I saw the store manager chanting something softly, and soon, the magic runes all over the walls of the room lit up one by one.

And just after the magic runes on the wall lit up, azure blue nodes appeared in front of Lu Qing one after another, and these nodes were entangled with each other to form a brilliant starry sky.

"Okay, come here, Your Highness Princess." The store manager standing under the "starry sky" looked at Lu Qing and said.

Until this time, the store manager in front of her had the appearance of a mage in Lu Qing's mind, both mysterious and powerful. After hearing what the other party said, she nodded, and soon came to the store manager's side.

"Well, just stand here and close your eyes, the divination will be over soon."

After the store manager finished speaking, he walked out with his staff in his hand, and came to the side of Knight Myron and Irene.

"Ahem, during divination, ordinary people cannot stay inside the house." The store manager looked at Irene seriously and said.

"Huh?" Irene was stunned for a moment, and soon realized that the other party was talking about herself.

"Indeed, when a magician releases magic, it's better for ordinary people not to stand by." Knight Myron nodded and said.

"But." Irene saw that Knight Myron said the same thing, so she glanced at Lu Qing with some hesitation, and seeing that she didn't want to respond to her, she turned to Knight Myron and said, "Then I'll leave it to you. "

Knight Myron is the number one knight in the kingdom. With him, no matter what happens, it will be fine.

Thinking of this, Irene left the divination room, leaving only the three people in the room.

"Okay, now let's talk about the reason for sending people away, Mo Luni." Knight Mellen asked Mo Luni while looking at Lu Qing.


Mo Luni was silent for a while, and then said: "I feel that something big will happen in the kingdom recently."

"What's so important that even the princess is not allowed to hear it?" Knight Myron asked with some doubts. He had already noticed the sound-proof circle arranged beside the two of them.

"I feel that the kingdom may fall." Mo Luni said with a heavy voice.


Knight Myron's eyelids twitched, and he was almost scared to draw his sword on the spot.

If someone else said that to him, he would definitely not take it seriously, but if this sentence came from the mouth of the head of the royal mage group 30 years ago in the kingdom, it would be very scary.

No wonder the princess didn't want to hear about it. How could the princess of the kingdom hear about the destruction of her own kingdom?
"Do you know the reason?" Knight Myron lowered his voice subconsciously.

"It may be related to the group of dead believers. They seem to have some big moves."

The Quiet Sect is composed of humans who managed to survive after being corroded by void energy outside the protection range of the holy tree.

They have acquired powerful power through the void energy outside the holy tree, and they will subconsciously feel disgusted with the holy tree.

Because of this, the philosophy of the Guiji sect is to destroy the holy tree and let the whole world fall into the embrace of the void. Only in this way can human beings truly progress.

"Ahem, I originally planned to send it later. Since you are here, please help me deliver this letter to the king."

"His Royal Highness doesn't know, but the king must know." Mo Luni reached out and took out a letter from her bosom.

"Well, I'll send it over."

After receiving the letter from Mo Luni, Knight Myron suddenly fell silent for a while, and then asked: "Mo Luni, the future you have predicted can be changed, right?"

"If the future can't be changed, why do humans still learn divination?" Mo Luni didn't answer Knight Merren directly, but said so.

"That's right." Knight Myron smiled, then looked at Lu Qing, and asked, "What is the result of your divination for Her Royal Highness?"


"It's a bit strange." Mo Luni frowned, and said, "I've actually done divination four times. The first two times were not strong enough, and nothing came out of the divination."

"The third divination shows that Her Royal Highness may have a relationship with Hongli Samuel in the future."

"Manulife Sam's Cult, it won't be tomorrow's psychic ceremony, right? Wait, psychic ceremony?" Knight Myron frowned, and a bold idea suddenly popped up in his heart.

"His Royal Highness is going to participate in the psychic ceremony tomorrow, so she must not awaken the psychic skills."

"It is indeed possible." Mo Luni nodded, and then continued: "My fourth divination is a bit strange. I didn't understand it. I only know that it has something to do with time and elves."

"Time, Elf?"

Knight Merren was completely stunned. After thinking about it for a while, he didn't think that Her Royal Highness could have anything to do with time and elves.

If you can't think of it, just don't think about it, and he asked again: "Then have you performed the fifth divination?"

"You come here when you want to do divination. I have already said all the things that can be divined from the princess. Don't think about it. Even if you do divination again, you will not gain anything." Mo Luni tapped Staff, said.

"Well, let's tell Her Royal Highness the information about the divination this time." Knight Myron touched his chin and said.

"Well, these two divination information can still be known to Her Royal Highness, and it may be of some help to her in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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