The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 471 You said so, wouldn't I take it as an illusion?

Chapter 471 You said so, wouldn't I take it as an illusion?

"Are these two people thinking that I don't exist?" Lu Qing closed her eyes, standing in the middle of the divination room, thinking to herself while listening to the conversation between Knight Myron and Mo Luni.

They seemed to have used some kind of sound-blocking method, but this sound-blocking method was of no use to Lu Qing.

She didn't know why, but she could indeed hear the conversation between the two at this time.

After guessing, Lu Qing felt that there were three possibilities.

The first possibility is the effect caused by one's own skills and the listener, allowing oneself to ignore the other party's means of blocking the sound and hear the conversation between the two.

The second possibility is the props she obtained after the end of the last dream, [Snow Princess' Love] skill effect of shielding negative emotions.

And the third one. It was one of the two who deliberately let her hear it. If that was the case, that person must be Mo Luni.


Glancing at the diary in her mind, seeing that it didn't respond, she withdrew her gaze with a little pity.

Since the diary didn't respond, she should continue to analyze what Mo Luni and Knight Mellen revealed during their conversation.

First of all, Knight Myron and Mo Luni are acquaintances, so it's okay if their relationship isn't too bad anyway.

And Mo Luni is a mage, and seems to be a very powerful mage, so the result of the other party's divination is probably correct.

"So the kingdom will really be destroyed?" Lu Qing frowned inwardly, wondering if this is the main mission of this dream world?

According to the information obtained from the dream, the holy tree may be sick now, or in the future, and she needs to cure it.

And what Mo Luni predicted, the reason for the destruction of the kingdom, could it be that the holy tree was sick?
She also said that the future can be changed, so what she has to do is to heal the sacred tree and change the future of the kingdom's destruction, so that the vitality of the world can continue?
After all, the main goal in the dream information is written in this way, and Lu Qing feels that her analysis is very correct.

As for the time and elves that Mo Luni had divined for herself, she had no clue, so she could only keep it in her heart for the time being.

"Your Highness, the divination is over, you can come out now." After talking with Knight Meron, Mo Luni raised her hand and untied the soundproof circle.

After hearing Mo Luni's words, Lu Qing opened her eyes cooperatively, looked at her and asked, "What is the result of the divination?"

"I'm sorry, Your Royal Highness, but my mana is weak, and I really can't divination too much. I only know that you may have contact with the Hongli Samuel in the future."

"In addition, you seem to encounter things related to time and elves, but I don't know exactly how, whether it is good or bad."

Mo Luni squinted her eyes, and said as if she was in deep thought, she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Time, Elf?"

Lu Qing pretended to be surprised, and asked, "Are there really elves in this world?"

The princess has been living in the royal city since she was born, not to mention going out of the city, and she even rarely goes shopping. It is in line with her personality to say so.

"Of course elves exist, but they are very rare, and ordinary people can rarely see them." Mo Luni replied.

"Then have you ever seen elves before?" Lu Qing asked curiously.

This time, she was really curious. Knight Myron is the number one knight in the kingdom, and the store manager seems to be a very powerful person. They must have been to many places.

"I was lucky enough to see it once. Those little guys usually live in places where the elements are very active. They are very afraid of strangers. They ran away when they saw me." After recalling for a while, Merren Knight said with some regret: " I haven't seen an elf since then."

"Hehe, elves won't approach a bloody human at will. It's normal for you to scare it away." Mo Luni smiled, and then said:
"I once saw an elf. That little guy kept jumping high into the sky for some reason, but accidentally broke his leg."

"After I saw it, I cured its leg injury. As if to thank me, that little guy gave me a piece of thousand-year-old red-grained wood, which is the one I have now."

As Mo Luni said, she gently stroked the staff in her hand twice, and it was obvious that she liked this staff very much.

"Oh, by the way, where's Irene?" Lu Qing seemed to find out that Irene wasn't here until this time, and asked with some doubts.

"You can't let unrelated ordinary people around during divination, so I let her go out first." Mo Luni replied after hearing Lu Qing's words.

"That's it"

Lu Qing thought about it, and felt that it was time to leave here, so she asked Mo Luni, "How much is this divination?"

"Hehehe, you don't need money, just treat it as a bonus when you buy [Words of the Rock]." Mo Luni smiled and said.

"Free?" Lu Qing was stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized, saying: "Thank you boss, then we will leave first."

She was not polite to the other party, after all, she was an elder, and if she insisted on paying at this time, it would be a bit embarrassing.

Pushing open the door of the divination room, Lu Qing saw Irene standing next to the counter at a glance, and took care of her.


Lu Qing waved her hand lightly, then quickly ran to Irene's side.

"Your Royal Highness." Irene turned around and looked at Lu Qing.

"Eileen, let's go back."

"Is the divination over?" Irene asked curiously.

"Well, it's over." Lu Qing smiled and nodded.

"That's it."

Glancing at the knight Myron following behind Lu Qing, Irene did not ask what the result of the divination was.

She is just a maid, unless Her Royal Highness the Princess speaks out, otherwise she will not ask.

"and many more."

Seeing that Irene was about to stop a carriage on the side of the road, Lu Qing quickly interrupted her, saying: "There is still plenty of time, let's walk back."

Irene was slightly taken aback, then said respectfully: "Yes, Your Highness the Princess."


The two were silent with each other for a while, and seeing Lu Qing staring at her suspiciously, Irene wondered why the Princess didn't leave, and it took a while to react.

Her Royal Highness seldom goes out. She probably doesn't know the route in the city, so she waits for her to lead the way.

"plz follow me."

After bowing slightly, Irene hurriedly led Lu Qing towards the castle.

And before leaving here, for some reason, Lu Qing suddenly turned her head and looked at the young man who had fallen asleep in front of Mo Luni's shop, and a premonition that the two would meet again in the future suddenly rose in her heart.

【Looking at the sleepy young man on the ground, the divination power remaining on Lu Qing's body after the failure suddenly trembled, giving her a premonition that the two would meet again in the future. 】

[This feeling came and went quickly, and the remaining divination power was exhausted in a flash, so that Lu Qing felt that what she felt just now was an illusion. 】

[Even so, you still keep the appearance of the youth firmly in your heart. 】

(End of this chapter)

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