The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 472 Princess Luqing, attack!

Chapter 472 Princess Luqing, attack!
When Lu Qing returned to the castle, she happened to run into the king who had just finished his official duties.

"Are you back? How did you play outside today?" the king said after seeing her.

"Good afternoon, Father." Lu Qing bowed gracefully, and then said, "I had a great time outside today."

"Well, just be happy."

The king nodded, and then turned his attention to Myron standing beside her.

"My daughter's safety will be left to you in the future, so don't miss it just because you are old." The king patted Myron's shoulder with a smile and said.

"Please rest assured that no matter what happens, I will protect Her Royal Highness until the last moment." Myron straightened his legs, clenched his right fist and punched his chest vigorously.

"En." The king nodded again, then looked at Lu Qing, and said softly: "Tomorrow is the psychic ceremony, go back and rest early."

After the king finished speaking, he turned and left.

[The king turned around exhausted physically and mentally, and his mind was full of thoughts about what happened to Fan Husda in the past six months. Since Mo Luni, the head of the Royal Magic Corps of the Kingdom, retired due to serious injuries ten years ago, the strength of the kingdom has been greatly improved. It is not as good as one day. 】

[And the retirement of the Merren Knight is also the most critical node. The area of ​​the forest is getting wider and wider, and the creatures on the edge are getting stronger and stronger, plus the actions of the Quiet Cultists in secret]

【"Hey, the Pope is getting old too, I hope there will be people with psychic talent appearing this year." The king sighed in his heart. 】


Lu Qing looked at the back of the king leaving, but she didn't expect the pressure on the other party to be so great, which made her unable to recall the result of the divination that Mo Luni said.

Was Mo Luni originally the head of the Royal Mages, who retired because of a serious injury ten years ago?

What about the expansion of the forest? Is the area covered by the sacred tree expanding?
Why did the expansion of the area covered by the holy tree disturb the king, and what were the creatures on the edge?
Lu Qing frowned tightly, with too many questions in her mind.

"I'm sorry, Your Royal Highness, I have something to go to the king." Myron watched the king's leaving back, suddenly remembered that he still had a letter to send to him, and said to Lu Qing quickly.

"Well, you can go." Lu Qing nodded, and directly agreed to the request of Knight Myron.

Anyway, this is inside the castle of the royal capital, and she doesn't think she will encounter any danger here. Even if she does, with her strength, there will be no problem.

"Thank you, Her Royal Highness."

Knight Myron thanked Lu Qing, and then trotted to catch up with the king in the distance.

After discussing for a while, the two left here together, probably going to a more secluded place for discussion.

Seeing this, Lu Qing also knew that Knight Mellon would not be able to return in a short time, so she asked Irene to take her back to the room.

"Ah~ comfortable."

After closing the door, Lu Qing threw herself on the big bed in the bedroom.

Everything she can do today has been done, and then she can only wait for tomorrow.

During the psychic ceremony, if nothing else happens, she should be able to obtain psychic skills. At that time, the plot of the dream world will officially begin.

For the next period of time, let her prepare well.

The next morning.

Lu Qing woke up from her sleep, and just opened her eyes for a while, she heard the sound of Irene knocking on the door.

"Your Highness, it's time for you to get up."

"Ok, I know"

Turning over lazily, the pajamas were wrinkled by her movements, revealing a smooth belly and a lovely navel.

Turning over and getting off the bed, just at this time Irene pushed open the door.

"Good morning, Irene." Lu Qing looked at her maid and said.

"Good morning, Your Highness, it's time for you to wash and change your clothes." Irene said, looking at Her Highness in front of her.

Without continuing to say anything, several maids walked out from behind Irene, and quickly took care of everything for Lu Qing.

Perhaps because of the psychic ceremony to be held today, several maids dressed up Lu Qing very seriously, and took out a set of extremely gorgeous light green long dresses with gold patterns.

"When the psychic ceremony is held, there will be a large number of people onlookers. The queen told us to behave dignifiedly." Irene held a crown in both hands, and carefully placed it on top of Lu Qing's head.


Lu Qing glanced at the crown, and almost jumped up when she saw the lavender light on it.

"This thing is actually a prop of purple quality!?" Lu Qing looked at the crown in disbelief and thought.

Logically speaking, the higher the level of props, the more difficult it is to obtain them. What's the matter with this crown?

Thinking of this, Lu Qing opened the attribute bar of the crown. After seeing the above content, she finally understood why the crown was so easy to obtain.

[Prop Name: Princess Crown]

[Prop Quality: Purple]

[Introduction: The crown made of pure gold is said to have been cast when Fanhusda was first established. It is the proof of the princesses of the past dynasties. Birds facing the phoenix are actually the operation of the enchanted lines. 】

[Skill: Immortality]

[Immortality: Can resist all external influences below the orange level, never decay, never be destroyed. 】

[Remarks: This thing is very hard. If, I mean, if it can be done, you can try to use it to resist fatal attacks. 】

For her, this crown has no effect other than being beautiful, and the only skill on it is given to ensure that the crown will not be destroyed.

As for using this thing as a shield to block attacks as written in the remarks
Forget it, although many anime and stories like to use things like badges to block bullets, but that is a badge, how can a crown block damage?
"If it can be taken out, it seems to be a good material for cards." Lu Qing looked at the attributes of the crown and thought.

After all, it is also a purple-quality prop, used to make cards, it must be very powerful.

Thinking about this kind of thing in her heart, Lu Qing stood in front of the mirror and looked at herself in the mirror.

This time, instead of a bun with hanging hair, her hairstyle was changed to a braid.

Irene's hands were very deft, and she quickly braided her hair into a half circle behind her head, forming a small ponytail, while the rest of the hair remained unchanged and hung behind her.

Lu Qing turned around slightly, and the metal ornaments on her body collided with each other, making a slight noise.

"Well, let's go." Nodding in satisfaction, Lu Qing led Irene to the cafeteria.

But this time, instead of taking the path where the servants gathered to eat, she followed a spiral staircase to the room where the king and queen lived.

PS: For hairstyles, please refer to Asuna's most common hairstyles, what! ?Don't know Asuna?
I don't agree with people who don't know Asuna.

(End of this chapter)

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