The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 474 Miao Miao is also very handsome in a thief's costume!

Chapter 474 Miao Miao is also very handsome in a thief's costume!
"Okay, the ceremony can begin, and those who will be called will come up." The Pope said after looking up at the sun.

After finishing speaking, a man in a white robe came to the side.

He was holding a roster in his hand, which seemed to be the list of candidates to participate in the psychic ceremony this time.

This Lu Qing knows that if you want to participate in the psychic ceremony, you need to register in advance. If you accidentally miss it, you have to wait until the psychic ceremony is over, and then go to the church to spend money to make up for it.

As for her registration
I am a majestic royal princess, do I still have to register in person? Someone has already arranged it.

"North Ryder is slow." The man looked at the names on the list and read.

Not long after he finished speaking, a boy wearing a light green nobleman's gown came out from the crowd. It seemed that he was North Ryder.

"Follow this road to the center of the spring, just close your eyes and think about nothing." The man looked at North Ryder and said slowly.


Ryder nodded slowly, then looked towards the center of the spring.

It was the brightest place in the entire altar, and the sunlight projected from above the dome brightened the ground.

North Ryder slowly walked up the stone road leading to the interior of the spring, his heart beating rapidly involuntarily.

At this time, he was being watched by hundreds of people including Her Highness the Princess. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but quicken his pace a lot.

After coming to the center of the spring, the warm sunlight shone on his body, which made him calm down a lot.

According to what the previous priest said, Ryder slowly closed his eyes, feeling calm in his heart.

At the same time, Lu Qing found that some lines under the spring water of the altar lit up, and an incredibly dense light element filled Ryder Slow's side.


Lu Qing suddenly wanted to run away.

Although from the perspective of the body's senses, I have no rejection reaction to these light elements.

But she always felt that the nightmare energy in her body might have some indescribable reaction with these light elements.

Even if the nightmare energy is fine, what about the black rose vampire?

Lu Qing resisted the urge to run away immediately, and then took a careful look at her skill panel.

After confirming that he would not have the [photophobia] skill when he was not in the form of a black rose vampire, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking about it, the dream system must know her situation, how could it be possible to make such a deceptive plot.

After all, if she doesn't accept the psychic ritual, she doesn't know if her psychic skills can still come out.

While Lu Qing was thinking about these things, Ryder's slow ceremony on the other side also reached the last part.

Lu Qing only felt that after a strange wave was released from Ryder's slow body, the light elemental runes under the altar stopped flickering.

The man in white robe nodded, then looked at Ryder and said slowly: "Those who have been blessed by the holy tree come behind me, and those who have not been blessed by the holy tree, I will tell them where to go."

Ryder was stunned for a moment, and then quickly reacted. A happy smile appeared on his face, and then he walked quickly behind the white-robed man.

"Next, Muir."

"Huh? Is the second one me?" Muir walked out of the crowd with a little surprise on his face.

Judging from the clothing, Muir's identity in this dream should not be a nobleman, but looks a bit like a thief's attire.

The outside is a gray cloak, the inside is a set of somewhat worn leather armor, including leather jacket, wrist guards, leggings and boots, and the innermost layer is simple light gray cloth clothes and pants.

In addition, behind her, there is a long wooden box, I don't know what is in it.

Lu Qing was able to guess that it probably contained Muir's electromagnetic sniper rifle.

After seeing Muir appear, most of the people present couldn't help whispering.

"Is she a thief? This is the first time I've seen her."

"During the psychic ceremony, you should change into a formal attire."

"She doesn't carry any weapons."

"But, she's so pretty"

Hearing the whispering voices behind her, a look of helplessness appeared on Muir's face. Then, she turned her head fiercely, and glared at those who spoke ill of her with fierce eyes, scaring them into shutting their mouths .

Her identity in this dream world is an orphan living in the royal city since she was a child. She has been relying on begging for a living until she was ten years old, she started looking for a job at 11 years old, and started stealing after she was 12 years old.

He joined the Thieves Guild at the age of 15, and worked there for three years until nothing came of it.

She looks pretty good now, when she first came here she was dirty and didn't have much money.

Muir can control the ghost, but the ghost can't help her steal things. Where can she get the money to buy a formal suit in a day?

Even if you have money, a tailor shop can't sew anything in a day.

Although she can buy ready-made ones, she has no money!
As for wearing ordinary civilian attire, it's common clothes and trousers.
It's not that she doesn't want to wear it, but the safety factor of the place where she lives is too low, and it's really insecure to walk out without wearing more.

And she didn't dare to keep her sniper rifle at home, otherwise when she went back, if the gun was stolen, it would really crack.

"Same as before, go there and close your eyes, and just don't think about anything." The man in white robe glanced at Muir, and his voice softened a lot.

If it is not forced by life, who is willing to be a thief?
The man in the white robe had reviewed the information of all the registrants before, as long as they were not rejected by him, he would treat them equally.

As for what is in the box behind Muir, who cares? The most powerful Pope in the Holy See is standing here, and he has to weigh his own weight if he wants to make trouble!

Muir nodded, feeling a little relieved.

Originally, she had already made preparations to hand in the box, but she didn't expect to let her pass so directly.

Walking along the white marble path to the center of the altar, Muir closed his eyes and gradually calmed down under the sunlight of the dome.

The next moment, a wonderful fluctuation emerged from her body.

[Congratulations on acquiring the skill [Shadow Mastery]]

[Shadow Mastery: Control the power of the shadow. 】

The notification sound of the dream game sounded in his head, Muir glanced at the introduction of the awakening skills, and was a little at a loss.

This skill introduction looks the same as it didn't say, and it's a little different from the skills she has mastered before.

However, she did feel a strange power surging in her body, but she didn't know how to use this power.

"Congratulations, you can come to my side." At this moment, the man in white robe looked at her and said.

"Oh!" Muir was a little absent-minded, and then suddenly reacted, and nodded quickly: "Okay."

PS: [Shadow Mastery] is the initial skill of the Extraordinary Sequence that Muir is about to acquire. I have thought of four skills in total, no matter which one the protagonist is.

This is why I asked you to vote for your identity before.

The following are the skills acquired by Fang Qingrou and Hao Meng.

Fang Qingrou——Hunter: [Wind Spirit Walker: Merge with the wind and master the mystery of the wind. 】

Hao Meng——Knight: [Weapon mastery: the ability to quickly master the power of any weapon. 】

(End of this chapter)

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