The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 475 This desperate world can only be saved by this princess!

Chapter 475 This desperate world can only be saved by this princess!

"Next." The man in white robe looked at the list in his hand and suddenly paused.

Dozens of youths have performed the rite of passage since Muir, but only three of them have received the blessing of the tree.

This success rate is obviously a little low, and it is not clear what the specific skills are. No wonder after so many years, there are not many people with psychic skills.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing heard the man in white robe call her name.

"Next. Princess Luqing."

The man in white robe hesitated a little before calling her, probably thinking about how to address her better.

Lu Qing didn't care much about this, she nodded and walked towards the center of the spring.

The sunshine here is very abundant, as if it has some special power, which makes people can't help but relax, and any negative emotions will disappear in their hearts.

With the help of this feeling, Lu Qing quickly emptied her brain, and a special power emerged from her body.

[Congratulations on obtaining the skill [Psychic]]

[Spirituality: the ability to communicate with spirit bodies and use the power of spirit bodies. 】

【mistake!It has been detected that you already have the Transcendent Sequence [Nightmare]! 】

[Warning, each player can only master one Transcendent Sequence! 】

[Reminder, each player can only master one Transcendent Sequence, but the player can choose to devour the newly obtained Transcendent Sequence to randomly generate special skills. 】

[Randomly generated special skills are good and bad, please choose carefully! 】

[If you want to delete a special skill, after the dream is over, the player can pay a certain [according to the effect of the skill] dream coins through the skill panel to erase the skill. 】

[Note: The special skills can only be deleted after the dream is over. If you exit the dream game, the skills will not be deleted. 】

"This turned out to be a new Transcendent Sequence?" Lu Qing looked at the words crazily appearing in the diary and thought with some surprise.

She thought that the extraordinary sequence would not appear in the dream world of the white three stars, but she did not expect to get it the next day.

And the difficulty of obtaining it is not high, it can almost be said that it is given for nothing.

Is this the benefit of entering the dream world through props?

"Do you understand the gold content of special dreams?"

For some reason, such a sentence suddenly appeared in Lu Qing's mind.


Shaking her head, Lu Qing didn't decide for a while whether to fuse skills, but shifted her gaze to the man in white robe in the distance.

The other party looked at Lu Qing and just nodded, indicating that she had successfully obtained the blessing of the holy tree.

"I don't have fusion skills yet, can this be considered a success?" Lu Qing walked behind the white-robed man, thinking thoughtfully.

【Lu Qing is right. The basis for the man in white robe to judge whether he has received the blessing of the holy tree is the energy fluctuation that emerges at the moment the skill is bestowed by the holy tree. 】

[The reason why the blessing of the holy tree is called the blessing of the holy tree is not just because of belief, but the fact! 】

【At the same time, Lu Qing noticed another thing. 】

[The system of the dream game seems to have the ability to erase the player's skills. Such an ability is really too scary. Once you think about it, you will feel chills all over your body. 】

[But is there another possibility, she couldn't help but think so. 】

【"Special skills can only be deleted after this dream is over. If you exit the dream game, the skills will not be deleted."】

[This sentence is really a bit concerning, why can't the skills be deleted after returning to reality? 】

[Thinking that every time you add a point, only the attributes added in reality will increase on the body, you can't help thinking. 】

[Could it be that this special skill will only be amplified to the body after returning to the real world, so the dream game can eliminate it before it is amplified to the body. 】

[That is to say, the dream game does not actually have a means to eliminate skills, or it is not a simple matter to eliminate skills. 】

[No matter which of the two is, at least, this result will be a lot more reassuring]

"What are you thinking, so engrossed?" Just as Lu Qing was thinking about something, someone patted her shoulder lightly, and then Muir's voice came from next to her ear.

Glancing at the words in the diary, she smiled silently, feeling that she seemed a little unfounded.

She is just a rookie at the white level now, and this kind of matter should be left to those big shots to consider.

Or, it wouldn't be too late to think about it the day she became a big shot.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing looked at Muir, shook and smiled and said, "It's nothing, I'm just curious about what the blessing of my holy tree will be."

There are white-robed men and the three people who have also received the blessing of the holy tree beside the two of them, so it is better not to mention the skills.

"Is that so?" Muir rolled his eyes and understood Lu Qing's thoughts, so he said, "I'm also curious about what the blessing of my sacred tree is, so I'm looking forward to it."

"En." Lu Qing nodded, but didn't say anything more.

The whole morning passed quickly, and more than half of the psychic ceremony had already been held, leaving less than 50 people who had not yet performed the ceremony.

And this morning, after Lu Qing passed, another 18 people received the blessing of the holy tree one after another.

Counting the six people including Lu Qing and Muir, there are only 24 people in the entire capital who have received the blessing of the holy tree!

Although there are still 50 people who have not been tested, it is estimated that there will be at most two or three more people left.

You know, this is the capital of the king, and there are only 24 people in the capital, let alone other places?
This success rate is really too low, but considering that the size of the entire kingdom is not large, it seems to be enough?


Lu Qing suddenly remembered the sad face of the king before, and suddenly felt that the success rate was too low. Didn't the king lose his hair in worry?

"Okay, the psychic ceremony is over for the time being, and the rest of you can come back tomorrow morning." The white-robed man looked up at the sky and said.

The psychic ceremony also depends on the time. The best time is early morning, because the sun is more abundant at that time, but it is not as hot as noon.

In the world of Fanhu Sidan, the light emitted by the sun is actually full of pollution, but most of these pollutions have been purified by the holy tree.

Note that most of them, not all, are fine in the early morning, but once it is noon, the power of pollution will rise.

It has no effect on the production of holy water, but it is not suitable for psychic rituals.

Having said that, if you want to hold a psychic ceremony, you can only rely on the power of the sun. Other methods are not impossible, but the cost performance is too low. After many generations of experiments and modifications, only the sun is the most suitable.

As for moonlight?

Forget it, it's too dark at night, and the full moon doesn't happen every day, who would use the moonlight.

PS: I want to double update, I really want to, damn it, work hard!

I dare not say that I will resume double updates (my face is swollen), but I will definitely double update tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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