The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 476 The meat, woohoo, my meat

Chapter 476 The meat, woohoo, my meat

PS: Thanks to book friend Shuoyue Chengwang for donating 1500 starting points!

[The player foreigner chooses to devour the extraordinary sequence [psychic]! 】

【You got the skill [Nightmare · Psychic]】

[Nightmare · Psychic: The ability to communicate with spirit bodies and use the power of spirit bodies. 】

[Your skills [Spirit Vision] [Chameleon] [Acid Blood] [Listener] have undergone special changes! 】

[Spirit Vision (Added the ability to see the traces of the spirit body after it has moved, and has a certain probability of seeing what the traces left behind.)】

[Chameleon (new ability to shield spirit perception)]

[Acidic blood (new ability to cause damage to spirit bodies)]

[Listener (Added hearing enhancement, increased probability of hearing indescribable sounds)]


Lu Qing looked at the frantically beating words in the diary, and for a moment didn't know whether she should be happy or feel helpless.

Only the name of the psychic skill has changed, and the profile looks exactly the same as before, and I don't know where the change happened.

The three skills of Spirit Vision, Chameleon, and Acid Blood have undergone special changes. After reading it, she thinks it's not bad, at least they are all positive changes.

But the skill of the listener.
Although her hearing has improved, the probability of hearing indescribable voices has also increased. Looking at this note, she couldn't be happier.

As we all know, everything that has a probability of happening will eventually happen. Well, only in works of art.

Moreover, Lu Qing doesn't know what the probability is, maybe it's not even one percent?

But this does not affect her feeling flustered, this thing is like a time bomb, she has been worried about the side effects of this skill before, but as time passed, nothing like this happened, and she gradually let go of her heart Come.

As a result, the probability of this side effect triggering has actually increased!
"Anyway, it's good to get a boost, as for the side effects of the listener."

Lu Qing comforted herself in her heart, and after thinking about it, she forcibly put this matter behind her.

As long as she doesn't think about it, she won't feel worried, and it will forget over time.

As for the day when I really hear it, there is nothing I can do. Anyway, what should come will always come, and what should not come will never come no matter how you think about it.

"You're all hungry." After the psychic ceremony, the pope said to the 24 successful people.

With a soft smile on his face, he looks just like the kind grandfather on the side of the road, and he can't help but feel good about him.

"I believe that you all should know the meaning of receiving the blessing of the holy tree. It doesn't matter if you don't know, you will always know in the future."

"Let's have dinner here at the church at noon today. I will let the believers go out to explain the situation to your family members."

As the pope said, he looked at the man in white robe holding the list, and said, "Yorick, I'll leave them to you. I still have things to deal with, so I'm leaving first."

"Yes, His Excellency, go slowly." Yorick lowered his head and agreed.

"Well, leave it to you, I'm at ease." The pope nodded with a smile, stretched out his hand and patted Yorick's shoulder twice, then turned and left.

After the pope left, Yorick turned to look at the people standing behind him, and said, "Come with me."

Yorick walked ahead and led everyone to the cafeteria. At this time, there were already a large number of believers resting here. The arrival of Lu Qing and others attracted some of their attention.

"Is this the young man who passed the test of the sacred tree this year?" A Holy See knight came to Yorick and asked.

"Well, the psychic ceremony took a little longer this time, and I'm here to take them to dinner." Yorick nodded to the knight in front of him.

"I see." The knight nodded, then looked behind Yorick.


Suddenly, he noticed the crown on Lu Qing's head, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

"My lord, why is Your Royal Highness here?" The knight approached Yorick and asked in a low voice.

"Just think about the time of Her Royal Highness's birth, and you will know." Yorick rolled his eyes and said.

"Yes, yes, this year is the day when Her Royal Highness the Princess comes of age." The knight thought about it for a while, and found that 18 years had passed since the Princess was born this year.

"Okay, I still have things to do with them, so I won't talk to you."

"Ha, haha. That's right. I won't delay your business." The knight scratched his head in embarrassment, glanced at Lu Qing vaguely, and then walked back to his seat.


Yorick looked at the back of the knight, shook his head, and then led the crowd to the servant in charge of serving the meal.

"25 lunch boxes." Yorick looked at the servant and said.

"Okay, Lord Yorick, 25 lunch boxes will be ready soon." The servant looked at Yorick and said respectfully.

When he was talking, he lowered his head slightly, and didn't dare to look directly into Yorick's eyes. It wasn't about his status, but for some reason, every time he saw Yorick's eyes, he couldn't help feeling Some fear.

Because of this, he didn't see the crown on Lu Qing's head standing behind Yorick.

After finishing speaking, the servant bent down and took out a black iron box from under the counter, which looked similar to the lunch box Lu Qing ate in the cafeteria in her previous life, but the box was made of iron, not disposable plastic.

I saw the servant skillfully put the rice and four side dishes into the box and put it on the counter.

"Come and get them one by one. Just find a place to eat after you're done. I'll take you to check your skills in an hour." Yorick picked up the box lunch that the servant put on the counter, and said to everyone.

After finishing speaking, he left on his own, found a quiet corner and sat down.

Looking at Yorick's back, Lu Qing didn't know what to say for a while.

This Yorick doesn't seem to be very interested in anything, even if it is the task assigned by the Pope, he still has such a lukewarm attitude.

She didn't have any dissatisfaction in her heart, but she was a little concerned. After all, the other party's name was Yorick, which was exactly the same as the name of a hero in the League of Legends before she crossed.

But this is just a coincidence after all.

Shaking her head, Lu Qing also felt a little hungry at this moment, so she walked to the counter.

Because of her status, she has always been ranked first, even if she is not at the front, others will consciously stand behind her.

Lu Qing felt a little dumbfounded about this, but she didn't expect a group of young people to have a lot of thoughts.

But for this situation, she just made complaints about it, and she would not let others stand in front of her hypocritically.

At the same time, the servant who was serving the second lunch box subconsciously raised his head to take a look when he saw someone approaching the counter.

At this glance, the spoon in his hand trembled, causing the piece of meat on the spoon to fall back.


Lu Qing stared at the spoon full of green vegetables speechlessly, wondering if you and the canteen aunt in the previous life came from the same family?
Such a skillful way of shaking her hands almost gave her the illusion of dreaming back to her school days.
PS: It's .03:30, and I just finished a chapter.

I originally planned to revise my biological clock, so I didn't sleep last night.

As a result, I was too sleepy at nine o'clock in the morning, so I wanted to take a nap, but it was three o'clock in the afternoon after I woke up.

This caused my state to be not very good. Although I wrote it much earlier than usual, I was still stuck and didn't finish writing until now.

Woo, double change
Definitely next time!
(End of this chapter)

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