The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 483 Protagonist 1 must be this princess~

Chapter 483 The protagonist must be this princess~
"The mission to assassinate the princess failed."

In a dark underground space, a man with a somewhat hoarse voice spoke.

"The reason for the failure?" On the other side, a man with a pale face was playing with a scarlet gem in his hand, and asked casually.

"None of our people came back alive. We just learned from the guards that the princess knocked down all of our people before the guards arrived."

"There is also a thief beside her. I sent someone to investigate, and the information is very strange."

"On the surface, she is just an ordinary orphan, but she and the princess are friends, and when the two met, no one knows."

"That little girl with blue hair, I really like her, hehehe." On the other side, a woman with jet black slightly curly hair said with one hand on her chin, with a somewhat aftertaste expression.

"Ah~ It's a pity to just kill them like this, especially Her Royal Highness, why don't you let me do it and brainwash them into my pets."

"Shut up, you rascal, you should have done it in the church." A rather irritable voice sounded, and a bald man with a strong figure and dark red lines on his skin suddenly stood up. , roared at the woman.

"Honorable Sam's Pope, plus the strongest knights in the whole continent, with these two old guys, the result of doing it is bound to be a dead end, do you understand, idiot." The woman lifted her upper body, two semicircular Lifted up from the table.

"What she got was [psychic], no matter how much she paid!" the bald man retorted.

"It doesn't hurt to stand and talk, but it's not the time for you to sacrifice." The woman also retorted.

"Okay, stop arguing, the purpose of the meeting is not for you to quarrel here." The man who spoke first spoke.

"The problem now is that the security level of the capital has doubled, and our people can't get in."

"Even if the target can be seen sometimes, the knight Merren has been following him all the time, and there is no chance to make a move."

"No. [-], you are too anxious. Actually, we don't need to assassinate the princess. We just need to carry out the plan step by step." The pale man put down the red gemstone in his hand and tapped on the table lightly.

"Plan." No. [-] frowned, looked at him and said, "No. [-], I really don't know why you want so much blood."

"Is this plan more important than the person who has the [psychic] talent?"

"That's right." No. [-] nodded, and then raised the blood-red gem in his hand, which was filled with a lot of blood.

This is the power extracted from the dead. Unlike ordinary animals, the blood energy produced by humans is much more pure. Only this kind of blood energy can condense into such a bright blood stone.

Of course, there are many animals that are more advanced than humans, but the difficulty and quantity of obtaining them are not directly proportional to humans.

"You have to speed up the speed of collecting blood energy, the current ones are far from enough."

"More?" No. [-] frowned, and said, "We have now attracted the attention of the kingdom, and I am afraid that it will not be long before we find out that we are responsible for the missing persons."

"Number three."

No. [-]'s flat voice sounded, he stared at No. [-] with somewhat icy pupils, and said, "It doesn't matter how many people below die, there is only one thing you have to do, and that is to obtain bloodstones for me at any cost. "

"This is related to me and No. [-], no, the goal of our entire Death Sect."

"You should at least tell us what you are going to do." Number Three said angrily.

He was very annoyed at the behavior of the second Riddler, and it was not just a distrust of them.

If they don't even know what they are doing, how many people will carry out orders with confidence?


No. [-] was silent for a while, then patted No. [-] on the shoulder and said, "Work hard, you will understand later."

"Let's go."

Number Two took his hand off Number Three's shoulder, turned and left the dim conference room.


The woman who was number four stood up from the chair and left here as well.


No. [-]'s bald man didn't say anything, and passed by No. [-] while panting heavily.

After everyone left, No. [-] put his hand on the spot where No. [-] slapped thoughtfully, and found a note from the interlayer of his clothes.


After seeing the content on the note, No. [-]'s pupils shrank suddenly, and the moment the surprised face was about to emerge, he forcibly suppressed it back.

[We have a traitor among us. 】


"A traitor?"

He took a meaningful look at the position No. [-] had just taken, then shook his head and walked out of the meeting room.

"Where are you going, Miu Miu?" On this day, Lu Qing, who received the follow-up arrangement of the blessing of the holy tree, asked Muir.

"I don't know." Muir looked at the letter in his hand and shook his head.

"The above said that I should go to the Wangdu Square and wait there. A carriage will come to pick me up later. How about you, Lu Yi?" After Muir finished speaking, he looked at Lu Qing curiously and said:

"I'm going to the cathedral. If there is no accident, I should go to the Pope." Lu Qing shook the letter in front of Muir's eyes.

"It's not the same place." Muir lowered his head thoughtfully, feeling a little strange.

"Will this multi-person dream actually separate us all?"

"Occasionally there will be this kind of thing. Multiple people are required to complete different things in different places." Lu Qing recalled seeing others talking about it when browsing the forum before.

This kind of dream is not uncommon, just like traditional RPG adventure games, multiple protagonists go on adventures in different parts of the world, and finally gather together to defeat the final boss or something.

"It still feels better if there are more people, and we can take care of each other in case of emergencies." Muir said with some concern.

"Don't worry, the white four-star dream, even if it's a special dream, won't be too difficult." Lu Qing patted Fear Muir on the shoulder and said.

"I hope so." Muir said with a sigh.

the next day.

After bidding farewell to Muir, Lu Qing took a carriage all the way to the Royal Capital Cathedral.

Irene and Knight Myron followed behind her and walked into the church together.

The letter didn't say that you can't bring other people with you, anyway, Lu Qing personally asked her cheap father, and if he said there is no problem, then there must be no problem.

Irene is her personal maid, and she will follow her no matter where she goes, and the same is true for Myron as her guard knight.

Well, especially after she was assassinated by people from the Quiet Sect, Knight Mellon needed to stay by her side all the time.

After all, no one knows whether the Guiji Sect will send someone to assassinate Her Royal Highness again, nor will they know how strong the assassin is.

(End of this chapter)

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