The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 484 If you work part-time, it can be regarded as a kind of faith......

Chapter 484 If you work part-time, it can also be regarded as a kind of faith.
"Good morning, Your Royal Highness." After Lu Qing entered the church, the Pope in a lavender silk robe slowly walked over.

"Good morning, His Holiness the Pope." Lu Qing also greeted respectfully.


Nodding his head, the Pope immediately looked at the Knight Myron standing behind Lu Qing, and said, "Long time no see, Knight Myron."

"Well, it's been a long time." Knight Myron nodded, and after reminiscing, he said, "It's been about seven or eight years."

"Nine years to be precise." The Pope smiled softly.


The two sides were silent for a while, and then laughed at each other.

These two people obviously met each other when Lu Qing came here for the psychic ceremony last time, but this time they just said that they haven't seen each other for a long time, seven or eight years or something.

This is actually a conversation between the two of them when they met each other last time, but this time when the Pope said it had been a long time since he hadn't seen each other, Knight Myron suddenly remembered, so he joked like this.

"Okay, no kidding,"

The Pope stopped smiling, then looked at Lu Qing and said, "Your Highness, you should know why you came here."

"Well, it must be because of the blessing of the holy tree." Lu Qing nodded and replied obediently.

"Okay, then I'll just say it straight, your holy tree blessing is [Spiritualism], the only person who has the talent of [Spirituality] that is known and still alive."

"And the other possessor of [psychic] talent is me."

"I knew it a long time ago." Lu Qing rolled her eyes in her heart, but on the surface she pretended to be surprised, and said, "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that I will personally teach you how to use the power of [psychic]." The Pope looked at Lu Qing and paused word by word.

"." Lu Qing looked at the Pope pretending to be too surprised to speak.

"Don't be so surprised, after all [psychic] talent is very important."

"Do you know what I'm in charge of?" the Pope looked at Lu Qing and asked.

"You mean, the sacred tree ceremony?" Lu Qing looked at the Pope as if remembering something.

"That's right." The Pope nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile: "You should have learned from your teacher that the sacred tree is absorbing energy from the void every moment."

"And it is precisely because of the protection of the sacred tree that there will be a vibrant forest, as well as our human and other life."

"But the energy in the void is extremely violent. Even if it is a holy tree, after absorbing it, it is inevitable that there will be residual dirt that cannot be purified."

"And my job is to clean up the dirt inside the holy tree during the annual holy tree festival, so that the holy tree can continue to grow healthily."

"." Lu Qing frowned, as if thinking of something.

"However, Your Majesty, I read from the book that the forest formed by the sacred trees has existed since a long time ago, and human beings have not yet been born at that time."

"Since the [psychic] talent's duty is to purify the dirt of the holy tree, how was the dirt of the holy tree cleaned before the birth of human beings?"

The sacred tree existed long before the birth of human beings. Of course, Lu Qing didn’t read it from books, but learned it from dream information. The reason why she said she saw it from books is just an excuse. .

But this time she is not acting, but really curious why.

"About this issue, I am not very clear. According to the speculation of scholars of all ages, two theories were finally defined." The Pope stroked his beard and said:
"The first theory is that the area where the sacred tree grew back then was not very large, and the void energy it absorbed was limited, so there was almost no dirt left."

"However, there is no evidence for this statement, and not many people agree with it."

"The second theory is that before the birth of human beings, the sacred tree had other methods to clean up the dirt in the body. There are many people who agree with this statement, and there is relatively sufficient evidence."

"The only thing that's not clear is exactly which way the sacred tree uses to clean up the dirt. We only know that this way seems to be related to the elves."


This is the second time that Lu Qing has heard the word elf, and the last time she heard it was in Mo Luni's divination.

"Do you know what an elf looks like?" Lu Qing asked curiously.


The Pope recalled it for a while, and said: "The elves look a bit like rabbits. They have clean white hair, long flat ears, and a pair of big smart eyes."

"They walk on two feet, use their hands when they run fast, are very flexible in the forest, and can even jump in the air."

"In addition, elves can also change their shape, from the appearance of animals to pure elemental creatures. In this state, they can release spiritual and magic attacks, but correspondingly, their own movement speed will be much slower. It can only float slowly in the air."

"In order to solve this problem, the elves usually act in groups of two. One maintains the appearance of an animal, and the other transforms into an elemental form, floating beside the animal companion."

"When they act together, the elements on their bodies will pull together, so that the elves in the form of elements can move together with the elves in the form of animals. Even in the face of powerful enemies that are much stronger than themselves, they can still defeat them with excellent magic and skills. other side."

Unlike Knight Myron and Mo Luni, who only saw elves by chance, the Pope obviously knew elves very well.

This kind of understanding is not only about appearance and ability, he even knows the living habits of elves, where to meet elves, and so on.

Of course, he just talked casually about the latter two, and didn't tell her the specific information.

After all, once this kind of thing needs to be explained seriously, even if it takes three days and three nights to talk about it, it will not be enough.

"Your Majesty the Pope is really knowledgeable." Knight Myron couldn't help admiring the Pope's explanation.

"Knight Myron, you are much better than me in terms of combat and training." The Pope smiled when he heard what Knight Myron said.

"Your Majesty, you are no worse than me in combat."

"Where there is, it is still much worse than you."


After some business exchanges, Yorick in a white robe walked in from outside the church, looked at the Pope and said:

"Your Majesty, your carriage has arrived."

"Well, thank you for your hard work, Yorick." The Pope nodded and said.

"It's nothing hard, it's just work." Yorick said indifferently.


Even though Lu Qing was already familiar with Yorick's attitude, she was a little speechless at this moment.

It’s just work. Do you have any sense of being a member of Manulife Samism? You are a member of the Church, not a migrant worker hired by Manulife Samism!

How did this guy become a believer? By the way, would he really be a believer?

Lu Qing complained in her heart, then followed the Pope and walked into the carriage.

"Where are we going?" She asked curiously.

"To Frey Mures."

(End of this chapter)

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