The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 485 Hunting in the Snow

Chapter 485 Hunting in the Snow

In the border forest of Fremeures, white snowflakes fell from the sky, and two nimble figures hid behind a withered bush after quickly skimming a piece of snow.

Fang Qingrou was lying on the ground in a thick cotton coat, staring fixedly at the rabbit who was pawing the snow not far away.


Gently exhaling hot air, she touched the hunting bow behind her, placed it horizontally in front of her body, and slowly pulled the bowstring.


The bowstring made a dull sound, and there was only a wail, and a sharp arrow pierced Snow Rabbit's neck.

"Papapa, good job." An uncle lying beside Fang Qingrou clapped his hands and said.

"It's easy~" Fang Qingrou said quite proudly.

"It took half a day to catch a rabbit, what are you proud of." Seeing Fang Qingrou's proud look, the other party couldn't help but said.

He is Charle, the most famous hunter in Freymeures, who found an abandoned baby on a snowy night 18 years ago.

No, maybe it wasn't abandoned. After Charle brought the baby home, he went back to the place where he found the baby. He walked up the traces left on the snow slope and saw the traces of being dragged and the remains of the scene. blood.

These trails lead to the den of the overlord of the forest, a land black bear.

After some investigation, Charles found two young people who had just become parents from the list of missing persons. They might have been attacked by a black bear. They were buried in the mouth of the bear before they had time to celebrate the joy of the birth .

I heard that they were going to visit the elderly in the countryside, but a blizzard fell halfway, and an avalanche was caused by the migration of the Stormcrack Birds, completely losing contact with the convoy.

Char originally planned to give the baby to the old man, but when he found the town where the old man lived, he learned from other townspeople.

The old man disappeared because he knew that the two young men had come to visit him. He felt guilty all the time, and died of exhaustion within a few days.

There was no way, Char could only return to the place where he lived while feeling silent in his heart.

He didn't send the baby to an orphanage because he came from there himself so he knew exactly what it was like to be an orphan.

If it wasn't for my talent, I would have been favored by the dead master.
The icy snow wind whistling and blowing on Char's face brought him back from his memories.

Seeing his grown-up daughter standing up from the snow with a smile on her face and grabbing the rabbit's ears, Char was in a daze for a while.

"Time flies." Shaking his head with emotion, Char walked up to Fang Qingrou and said, "This is your dinner tonight."

"Hey!? One rabbit can't get enough to eat." Fang Qingrou said with a bitter face.

She has been in the dream world for more than a month, and she has long been used to getting along with Charl. He said that she only had this rabbit for dinner today, so that is really the only one.

"I think it's too little." Char chuckled twice, and said, "If you think it's too little, catch it again. If you can catch two more rabbits, you won't feel like you're missing dinner."


Fang Qingrou looked embarrassed, feeling that what Charl said was not realistic.

It took her a long time to catch this snow rabbit, and now it was getting dark, where would she go to catch another rabbit?

After all, she has just started studying with Char for a month, and she is not very proficient in using bows and arrows.

In fact, relying on her physical fitness, it is very easy to catch rabbits, but the difficulty lies in that Charl won't let her do it!

According to Char, as a hunter, one must be familiar with how to hide and learn how to kill animals without being discovered.

Her behavior of forcibly catching prey by relying on her physical fitness is good for dealing with weak prey, but once she encounters cheetahs, tigers, or some powerful monsters, it is useless at all.

"Hahaha, if you can't catch it, then there's nothing you can do~"

Seeing the embarrassed expression on Fang Qingrou's face, Charl laughed out loud, and then walked in the direction of going back.

"Let's go, take a look at the trap you set up this morning on the way, maybe you caught something?"

"Yes, there are traps!"

Fang Qingrou suddenly remembered some traps she had set up this morning. If those traps could catch prey, then she would have enough food for tonight.


When he came to the trap, Charl frowned. He didn't expect that the trap really caught something.

On the branch above the head, a snow-white white fox was wrapped in a big net. At this time, the little guy was lying in the net tremblingly, making a pitiful cry.

"It's a little guy who hasn't yet grown up." Charle sighed insignificantly, then untied the big net, and put the little fox on the snow.


The little fox glanced at Fang Qingrou, and then at the hunter. Her small head didn't know why the two let her go, but she understood the preciousness of her own life, so she ran away without looking back.

"Ah, what a pity." Fang Qingrou looked at the fleeing white fox and said.

"There's nothing to be sorry about." Char shook his head, and then repeated the sentence he had repeated countless times.

"Although we hunters are doing the work of hunting and killing life, don't forget that we are also a part of nature, and wanton hunting and killing must never be done."

"I know, I know, Master, you have said it many times." Fang Qingrou waved her hand and said.

"Hehe." Char smiled softly, and retracted the trap skillfully with both hands.

It is best not to leave things like traps in the wild after they are used up. Although there is no such thing as protecting the environment in this world, most people have the awe of the forest.

After all, everyone knows that without this forest, there would be no traces of human beings and life.

"Although your trap caught an underage kid, since you caught it, let's consider you successful." Charl said as he stuffed the trap components into his backpack.

Fang Qingrou, on the other hand, was stunned for a moment, and soon understood what the other party meant.


"Hehe, stinky girl." Char looked at the excited Fang Qingrou and shook his head helplessly.

Char and Fang Qingrou returned to the familiar hut, and the sound of wind and snow was immediately blocked by the heavy wooden door.

"Phew, it's still warm in the room." Fang Qingrou rubbed her hands together, and impatiently came to the fire, lit the firewood inside, and then stuffed two pieces of firewood into it.

Seeing this, Charles didn't say anything, but quietly took off his snow-stained coat and hung it on the wall of the room.


Bringing in the frozen meat hanging outside the window, Charl opened the cabinet and looked through it again, then frowned.

"The vegetables at home are not enough, let's go to the city tomorrow to have a look, and sell the harvest of these days by the way." Charl looked at Fang Qingju and said.

"Okay." Fang Qingrou nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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