The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 486 What rude thing are you thinking about, Your Majesty the Pope! ?

Chapter 486 What rude thing are you thinking about, Your Majesty the Pope! ?

"dong dong dong"

There was a sudden knock on the door, which made Fang Qingrou look out of the door curiously. Although there was a wooden door blocking her, she just couldn't see anything.

The hut where she and Char lived, usually no one would come here at all, but occasionally the mayors of some villages or small towns would come to Char and ask him to help hunt some difficult prey.

Some are due to the destruction of farmland and destroyed towns, and some are due to monsters that invaded from other areas to another area and disrupted the balance of the forest.

In addition to these two, there is the most difficult situation to deal with, and it is also the main job of Charle as the kingdom's authorized hunter.

It was also because of this job that Fang Qingrou was able to continue to follow Charle after the blessing of the holy tree ended.

That is to deal with creatures polluted by void energy!
This kind of creature is extremely dangerous. As long as it is infected with void energy, even an ant can become the size of a cheetah. Not only is it extremely fast, but it can also use the power of the polluted elements.

That's why licensed hunters responsible for hunting this creature are so important.

The blessing of the sacred tree that Fang Qingrou obtained was a skill called [Wind Spirit Walker].

This skill can allow her to perceive the flow of the wind more clearly, and even be able to manipulate the airflow in the air to assist herself.

Thanks to this skill, her two skills [Wind Elf's Protection] and [Storm Knight's Protection] have disappeared from the skill panel and have been integrated into the skill [Wind Spirit Walker].

This kind of ability is very suitable for scouting, and being an authorized hunter to maintain the balance of the forest is also good.

In addition, her father in this dream world, that is, Char, is also an authorized hunter.

Not only that, Char's sacred tree blessing, although not a [Wind Spirit Walker], but also an [Apocalypse] who has a little relationship with the wind. 】

So it was logical that Fang Qingrou continued to follow Charl, instead of being assigned to another position by the kingdom.

However, Fang Qingrou feels that the above are actually secondary reasons, and the real important reason is that Char is old.

He is over 50 years old, and it is time to consider finding a successor.

The number of authorized hunters is not too much. If Char can't do it, and there is no one who can replace him, there will probably be a lot of troubles on Frey Murez's side.


Thinking about these dream plots related to herself, Fang Qingrou stood up, came to the door of the wooden house, and opened the wooden door with a little expectation.

This time may be the place where the main line of the dream world officially begins. After all, her psychic ceremony is over, and it is time for the main line to advance.

However, when she opened the wooden door, the person who appeared in front of her was far beyond her expectation.


She was just about to say the other person's name, but then she noticed that there were several people following Lu Qing, so she immediately held back what she was going to say.

"Who are you looking for?" Fang Qingrou rolled her eyes and asked.

"I'm an old friend of Charles, I'm here to look for him." The pope stepped forward to Fang Qingrou, and said with a smile.

"Qingrou, who's here?" Charle, who was inside the house, heard the sound of the door and came out of the kitchen.

When he saw the Pope standing at the door, his eyes were in a daze for a moment, and then he looked at Lu Qing standing beside the Pope, his eyes resting on the crown above his head for a moment.

"Isn't this the Pope's crown? What brought you here?" Char looked at the Pope and raised his eyebrows.

"Of course it's the wind of friendship, my old friend." The Pope smiled, then looked at Charle and said, "Do you mind if we go inside and talk?"

"Of course it's no problem. After all, there are two lovely ladies here, so we can't let them freeze." Charles said to Lu Qing and Irene.


Lu Qing and Irene didn't say anything, but Fang Qingrou consciously got out of the way.

The pope led Lu Qing and the others into the house, and the door was closed by the Knight Merren who walked at the back, blocking the cold air from the door.

After a while, the cold air in the room that was originally caused by opening the door became warm again under the flames of the stove.

Charles put a pot of water on the stove, waited for it to boil slowly, looked at the Pope and said, "So, what do you want to do this time?"

"Training." The Pope glanced at Lu Qing and said.

Char raised his eyebrows, probably guessing something in his heart.

He looked at the crown on Lu Qing's head and asked, "Did her parents agree?"

"Well, I have agreed." The Pope nodded, and then said with a serious expression: "Nothing is more important than the health of the sacred tree."


"You're right." Char said after being silent for a while, as if recalling the past.

"So, why come here to train?" Char asked again.

"There's nothing here but snow."

"No, you are here." The pope said seriously.

"Me?" Charles froze for a moment, unable to understand what the Pope meant.

"You are the most famous hunter in Frey Mures, and you are also the most powerful hunter I know."

"I want to ask you to help me find creatures that are not very strong but are polluted by the void."

"." After a pause, the pope added: "At the same time, I also came back to take a look at my hometown."

"Look at an old friend I haven't seen for many years." The Pope didn't say this sentence, but just thought about it in his heart.

"Using creatures polluted by the void to simulate the dirt of the holy tree?" Char touched his chin and pondered.

"That's right, but before that, there is still a lot of practice, so don't worry, you can just find it at your own pace." The Pope nodded and said.

"Okay, I see." After thinking for a while, Charles agreed to the Pope's request.

On the one hand, this commission is not difficult, and at the same time, it is a request from an old friend whom I haven't seen for a long time.

Secondly, this matter is related to the cultivation of the pope's successor and the health of the future sacred tree. Such an important matter really deserves to be taken seriously.

"Oh, by the way, have you eaten yet? It's just time for dinner here." Charl looked at the boiling kettle in front of him and suddenly thought of something.

"Hahaha, we haven't eaten yet." The Pope laughed loudly and said, "Do you mind if we spend a meal with you?"

"Of course not, it's just a little food money." Charl shook his head with a smile.

"That's good."

The Pope nodded meaningfully, and subconsciously glanced at Lu Qing who had been obediently sitting aside from the beginning.

Her Royal Highness the Princess doesn't know if she has any special physique, but she has a very big appetite. The two-day journey really opened his eyes.

"I hope Charles won't regret it after a while." The pope thought in his heart, and at the same time silently took a sip of boiling water.

"Hiss~ It's hot!"

(End of this chapter)

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