The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 492 The title lady is on leave

Chapter 492 The title lady is on leave
In addition to physical attributes, Lu Qing felt that the [Nightmare] energy in her body had also increased a lot.

This kind of energy, which can only be increased by taking [Nightmare Potion], actually increased a lot after using the breathing method.

The extra [Nightmare] energy was probably produced by devouring the elements she inhaled.

In this way, can the [Nightmare] energy in her body be regarded as the spiritual power that the Pope said?
If you think about it this way, it seems quite reasonable.

Unlike this world that has had supernatural power for thousands of years, the abyss dreamland Lu Qing was in before, supernatural power has just emerged, and it would be nice to be able to research the so-called nightmare potion through those deformed monsters.

So is it wrong for her to keep killing monsters and using the cores of monsters to make [Nightmare Potion]?

It's hard to say.

After all, self-cultivation is much slower than taking [Nightmare Potion], but it is more stable and safe.

Having said that, since one can cultivate by oneself, is there any point in the existence of attribute points?

Lu Qing thought that with the improvement of attributes, the number of attribute points required for each attribute point will increase. Does it mean that the dream game is actually more inclined to let them practice on their own?

Taking a deep breath, Lu Qing shook her head, always feeling that something was wrong, but she couldn't think of it for a while.

She glanced at the diary in her mind, and a flash of light suddenly appeared in her mind.

【Spirit +0】

Why does the diary display spirit +0?

Could it be that her spiritual attributes could have been improved, but due to some reasons, they couldn't be improved?
If so, what could be the reason?

The answer may already be known in her heart. She opened her attribute panel and looked at the 50-point spiritual attribute on it.

"Before the player is promoted to blue, the attributes cannot exceed 50 points." Lu Qing muttered to himself.

"Your Highness, did you say something just now?" the Pope asked with some doubts.

"No, nothing."

Lu Qing's expression was a little unnatural. Logically speaking, she was in the same room with the Pope, so even if she spoke in a low voice, she could still hear the Pope with his ear.

Why didn't the Pope hear that sentence just now? Is it a coincidence or.
"Where is it uncomfortable?" The Pope asked when he saw Lu Qing's face was ugly.

If the breathing method is performed incorrectly, it will indeed lead to some adverse reactions, such as chest tightness, visceral pain and the like.

Shaking her head, Lu Qing stopped thinking about it, looked at the Pope and said, "After the breathing method is over, I feel that my body has become much stronger, and I am not used to it for a while."

"Well, this is a normal phenomenon. The effect is often the best the first time." The Pope nodded, and then took out a book from his arms.

"Read this book before tonight, just read it once to get an impression."

"This is?"

Lu Qing took the book handed by the Pope, and looked at the title on it.

"Basic Use of Spiritual Power: A Primer"

Author: steel two responsibility

[Thanks to the holy tree, praise the world, the soft power fills this world, so that we will not be torn apart by the tyrannical elements. 】

Opening the book, this was the first sentence Lu Qing saw, followed by a long list of descriptions about the formation of spiritual power.

According to the author of the book, this world is mainly composed of six elements, and these six elements are the four basic elements of Feng Shui, Fire and Earth and the two special elements of Yin and Yang.

According to the research and evolution of different elements, other types of elements can also be born, such as water turning into ice, fire turning into light, earth turning into gold, etc.
This is the basic composition of the world, and spiritual power is born from the combination of life energy and elements in all living things, including human beings.

So in this world, all living things have spiritual power in their bodies, but the amount is different.

Breathing method is to rely on breathing to speed up the body's absorption of elements and thus increase the amount of spiritual power in the body, and the more spiritual power in the body, the faster the speed of elemental absorption.

That's about all that's said at the beginning of this book, and the latter is about the use of spiritual power.

As the title says, it is indeed just an introductory article on the basic use of spiritual power, but it is of great help to Lu Qing.

After obtaining the extraordinary sequence [Nightmare], it's not that she hasn't studied how to use the spiritual power (tentative) in her body, but she hasn't been able to research anything.

These spiritual powers are placed in the body, except for the use of some [Nightmare] skills, they are really useless at all.

She also tried to concentrate her spiritual power on her hands or legs as said in the novel, but it was of no use at all.

It wasn't until I read this book today that I realized that if I wanted to use spiritual power to increase my body's strength, I could only use spiritual power to stimulate the corresponding acupoints or operate according to a specific route.

Just simply concentrating spiritual power on one arm can increase the strength of the arm?
Want to eat fart?

Comparing with the drawing in the book, Lu Qing quickly found the corresponding acupoints, and began to carefully control the spiritual power to rush towards the acupoints.


Her fingers stiffened suddenly, shaking violently as if she had a convulsion.

Lu Qing quickly clenched her right wrist with her left hand, and it took a long time to relax before she finally recovered.

"The method of manipulating spiritual power is too rough, you have to be more refined." The pope at the side saw Lu Qing's problem and said.

As soon as she finished speaking, Lu Qing's right hand suddenly clenched into a fist, and she couldn't open it even if she wanted to.


The Pope looked at Lu Qing speechlessly, and said: "There will be time for you to practice later, so read all the content in the book first."

"En." Lu Qing looked at her right hand that was almost unconscious, and nodded.

After waiting for about 2 minutes, her right hand finally recovered.

After learning from the failure of the previous two experiments, Lu Qing did not conduct the experiment rashly this time, but planned to listen to the Pope first, and then read the book in her hand.

"Basic Use of Spiritual Power: An Introduction" is not long, and it only has about [-] to [-] words in total.

But the most complicated part of it lies in the author's drawing.

The human body structure above is quite realistic, and a large number of acupuncture points and routes are also marked. If you want to skillfully use spiritual power to strengthen your body, you need to memorize these acupuncture points.

Fortunately, this is only a book about the use of spiritual power, not a book about the human body, otherwise Lu Qing would not be able to finish reading it in a few days.

Soon, it was noon, and Fang Qingrou, who had gone out, came back.

The two had a good harvest this time. Not only did they catch a winter bullfrog that was almost as big as a human, but they also caught two black-striped fish that were hoisted up from the icy lake.

In addition, Char also hired a team of construction workers from the city to be responsible for expanding his hunter's hut.

(End of this chapter)

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