The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 493 The title mother chapter is here~

Chapter 493 The title girl is back~
The black-striped fish is very large. Although it is called a black-striped fish, it has nothing to do with the real black-striped fish.

When Fang Qingrou took out the black-striped fish, which was almost half the height of a person, Lu Qing always had the illusion that the fish was looking at her.

Well, it's just a dead fish eye. Lu Qing took a closer look, and then looked at the winter honey frog dragging behind Char.

This is a kind of dark blue frog with smooth skin, almost human-like in size. I heard from Charle that the honeydew frog can release water and ice dual-line magic, and feed on all animals smaller than itself.

Sure enough, even frogs won't just eat bugs when they get bigger. Of course, they just eat bugs too.

While processing the ingredients, Lu Qing went to ask Fang Qingrou specifically, and heard from her that it was caught by the trap she and Char set up near the frozen lake a few days ago.

As for the two black-striped fish, they were simply caught after passing by the frozen lake.

Because the Winter Frog can release magic, it can be regarded as half a monster. It has a lot of high-grade materials on its body, which are very valuable. In addition, the meat of the Winter Frog is also very good, and it tastes delicious.

Having said that, Lu Qing is also a little hungry. She has read the book all morning, and now her mind is full of knowledge about the use of various spiritual powers.

This knowledge did not give her a new skill, but it was entered into the bookshelf by the cottage while reading.

[Spiritual power control (48% of entries)]

She has already entered the content in the book, but the progress is only 40.00%. At first, she thought that something went wrong, but she didn't realize it until later.

The book given to her by the Pope made it very clear that it was just "Basic Use of Spiritual Power: An Introduction", which only contained the most basic content.

If you think about it this way, it's pretty good to be able to enter 40.00% of eights. Is this the reason why the foundation is the most important?

"Your Highness, are you interested in swordsmanship?" Knight Myron suddenly asked during lunch.

"Archery?" Lu Qing looked at Knight Myron with some doubts, wondering why he suddenly asked this.

"It's like this. During your reading time in the morning, His Holiness the Pope asked me to discuss it, and wanted me to teach you hand-to-hand combat and swordsmanship."

Knight Myron was also a little surprised when he spoke. He originally planned to discuss with the Pope at night about teaching Her Royal Highness swordsmanship.

Unexpectedly, before nightfall, the Pope took the initiative to find him.

"I heard from Her Royal Highness's father that you have been fond of swordsmanship since you were a child, and you can even defeat knights in the barracks head-on. I think this talent should not be wasted," the pope explained.

"So it's this sword," Lu Qing thought to herself.

"[Psychicism] When I first started to practice, my combat ability was very poor, and most of them were used for investigation and auxiliary skills."

The Pope continued: "I think since Her Royal Highness can use swordsmanship, it's better not to let it go."

"No problem, I've always been interested in swordsmanship." Lu Qing swallowed the frog meat in her mouth and nodded.

She is really interested in swordsmanship. This thing is much more useful than a dagger in frontal combat. As the saying goes, an inch is stronger than an inch, and a sword is much safer than a dagger.

The reason why she chose to use a dagger at the beginning was because of physical problems, and she couldn't wield a long sword at all. Now that her physical fitness has improved, she is quite good at using a sword.

And she doesn't only know how to use a sword
Lu Qing automatically created such a picture in her mind.

When she was fighting the enemy, she first used [Wind Elf Bow] to snipe, and then used [White Wolf] and [Tearer Throwing Knife] to fight at medium and long distances, relying on her own flexibility to play the enemy around.

When the enemy was approaching, he pulled out his long sword and pressed it against his face [Dragon's Roar. 】

And then.
Lu Qing frowned, she suddenly had a bold idea.

There are many cold weapons on her body, besides the throwing knife and the crossbow, there are two daggers, the boxing sword hidden above the wrist guard, the hidden sword below the wrist guard, and an Altaïr sword.

Is there a possibility that she can fight with a long sword in one hand and a dagger in the other, the fist sword as a backup for the two weapons, and the hidden sword for surprise attacks.

Just imagine, if she was an enemy, would she have thought that there was a pair of Hidden Blades under her fist sword?

"I can combine all weapons." Lu Qing thought so.

Before this, when she was fighting the enemy, she always thought of using whatever weapon was appropriate. Generally, after using one weapon, she would not switch to another weapon midway.

After all, when she was learning skills, she only learned how to use a single weapon. As for how to use these weapons together, she really didn't think much about it.

"Well, it's easy to say, what do I have to do to coordinate the various weapons?" Lu Qing thought.

This matter is destined to take a long time to think and experiment, and it is not something that can be figured out in a short time.

She kept her thoughts in her heart, and planned to study them when she had time in the future.

After eating, Char took Fang Qingrou out for training.

After all, she also has the blessing of her awakened holy tree and needs training, but unlike Lu Qing, she doesn't need to read so many books.

Compared to reading books, Char seems to prefer letting Fang Qingrou experience it by himself, gradually mastering the skills in the hunting process.

It just so happened that Fang Qingrou was not the type who liked to stay in the room and read books, so she had no objection to Char's arrangement.

Like the two of them, Knight Myron didn't like to teach theoretical knowledge first.

After eating lunch, Lu Qing was called out of the house by Knight Melon, ready to start sword training.


Gently exhaling hot air, Lu Qing stood in the snow, gently holding the necklace around her neck with the palm of her left hand.

Since coming to Frey Mures, she has felt a lot more energetic. This should be the effect of [Blessing of the Ice Elf] +2 spirit when walking in cold areas.

But to be honest, Lu Qing felt that she didn't add much to her mental attributes, just a little bit, far from reaching the effect of +2.

I don't know if the quality of the props can't keep up with her gradually becoming stronger, or because the dream game's white level attribute cannot exceed the limit of 50.

Between the two, Lu Qing is more inclined to the latter, after all she has not been promoted to blue yet, [Blessing of the Ice Elf] is also a blue-quality item, so it won’t be too late to keep up with the white level Bar.

Letting go of her palm, Lu Qing pulled out Altaïr's sword hanging from her waist, and flicked the sword flower casually.

"It's gaudy." Knight Meren smiled when he saw this. He pulled out his knight sword and put one hand on his chest.

"excuse me!"

Knight Myron's tone became heavier, snowflakes splashed under his feet, he rushed to Lu Qing, raised his sword and slashed down!
Lu Qing's reaction speed was not slow, and she dodged the attack of Merren Knight sideways. Because it was snowy, the ground was difficult to rely on, and if she was not careful, she might step on the air, so she could only try to move as little as possible. He moved his position, and at the same time raised his sword to fight back.

Knight Myron is worthy of being the number one knight in the kingdom, even if she uses the [Master of Swordsmanship] skill brought by Altaïr's card, she can't take advantage of it at all.

However, the skills given by the system were still flawed after all. After a while, Lu Qing was suppressed by the Knight of Myron.

(End of this chapter)

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