The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 494 Hey, people don't want to read books!

Chapter 494 Hey, people don't want to read books!


Taking a long breath, Lu Qing slowly put down the long sword in her hand and said, "I lost."

Knight Mellon's swordsmanship is very strong, and it must have surpassed the master level. Lu Qing feels that the opponent's swordsmanship level will definitely be orange if judged according to the level of the dream game.

However, the level of skills should not be very high, probably only one or two levels.

Well, it's still easy to crush her.

[Basic swordsmanship LV7-LV9]

Lu Qing glanced at her skill bar, she saw that her swordsmanship progressed unexpectedly fast, obviously she only sparred once, yet she actually went up two levels in a row.

This is still thanks to her rich experience. After understanding the use of other weapons, it will not be so difficult to learn new weapons.

But the main reason lies in the purple skill [Master of Swordsmanship] brought by Altaïr's card. 】

Although it is a skill given by the system, she doesn't know how to throw out the sword skill at will, but the feeling of the body is not deceiving.

Lu Qing could feel the strength of her muscles, and at the same time, she could also record her sword swing and think about why she swung her sword like this.

"Accepted." Knight Myron put down the long sword in his hand with a smile, and said, "It's surprising that Her Royal Highness possesses such sword skills at this age."

Not everyone can possess such a superb swordsmanship. What Her Royal Highness lacks is only some actual combat experience and the flexibility of moves.

Being able to achieve such an achievement at such a young age, Knight Myron lamented the high talent of Her Majesty the Princess, but at the same time envied her for being able to receive guidance from the royal sword master when she was a child.

"Do you want to do it again?" Came back to his senses, and Knight Myron looked at Lu Qing and said.

"Of course." Lu Qing nodded without hesitation.

How could she be willing to waste an opportunity to quickly improve her swordsmanship level without spending dream coins or facing life and death threats?
Raising Altaïr's sword, she strikes first this time.

With her right foot striding forward, Lu Qing held the sword in both hands, with the tip of the sword pointing down, slashing obliquely at Knight Merren from left to right, and from bottom to top.

"Good come!"

Knight Myron stood on the spot, put on a posture, raised his sword with one hand and blocked Lu Qing's attack, then clenched his right fist, and slapped her hard on the cheek.

Seeing this, Lu Qing had no choice but to control her body to move backwards to avoid the fist of Merren Knight, otherwise it would not be so pleasant to be punched by the opponent's armored arm.

What, you asked about the fencing sparring, how can you use your fists?
Swordsmanship is such an inconvenient thing. For Knight Melon, even if he holds a long sword in his hand, he should not forget other parts of his body.

Not only fists, but also knees, iron boots, as long as the technique can cause damage to the enemy, it is all swordsmanship!

If it wasn't for the fact that the eagle-headed long sword held by Her Royal Highness was too sharp, Knight Mellon could even use his armor to block or deflect the attack of Lu Qing's long sword to serve Create your own attacking opportunities.

Lu Qing is not dissatisfied with this, because her thoughts are similar to those of Knight Myron.

If it wasn't for training swordsmanship, she would have taken out the white wolf and said, "My lord, times have changed!"

The two had been exchanging ideas in the snow for two hours before ending.

During this period, Lu Qing failed to defeat Knight Meren once, but the good news is that her sword skill level has risen rapidly.

In addition to swordsmanship, another skill related to actual combat has also been improved.

[Basic Swordsmanship LV9-Advanced Swordsmanship LV3]

[Basic Melee LV10-Fighting Mastery LV1]

Lu Qing also didn't know why the advancement of [Basic Melee] skills turned out to be [Fighting Mastery]. Although there is some connection between the two skills, in her impression, these two skills should be separated.

However, the system probably has its reasons for making such a judgment. It is enough for her to know that she has indeed improved.

After that, it was time to read books. In addition to the "Basic Use of Spiritual Power: Introductory Chapter" in the morning, the Pope also took out a lot of books for her to read in the past few months, respectively.

"Basic Use of Spiritual Power: Advanced Chapter", "Perception and Use of Spiritual Power", "How to Improve the Defense Level of Spiritual Power"

"Spiritual Body Composition and Characteristics", "Basic Medicinal Materials Encyclopedia", "Human Medicine", "Detailed Explanation of Purification Technique", "General Theory of Elements"

"Ritual Arrangement and Composition: Texts", "Ritual Arrangement and Composition: Runes", "Introduction to the Spiritual World" and "Psychicism"

"Research on Void Energy, 26th Edition", "Growth and Care of the Sacred Tree", "Construction and Detailed Explanation of the Spiritual Contract"


"You call this a little book?" Lu Qing looked at the books placed by the Pope on the table, the corners of her eyes twitching non-stop.

At this moment, she seemed to have returned to the campus of the third year of high school.
"Don't worry, I don't want you to read all of them in a short time. You can just choose a few books for study and practice, and then you will continue to study the following content after you finish learning."

The Pope stroked his beard and said, "I will be responsible for teaching and supervising and inspecting your learning results."

"That's okay." Just when Lu Qing was a little relieved, the Pope added another sentence: "When you have learned all these, you can almost get started."

"Is this the only way to get started?" Lu Qing pointed at the books on the table with some scalp numbness.

With so many books, she would be as tall as her. Although she knew that a brand new transcendent system would require a lot of knowledge, she really didn't expect it to be so much.

For the Pope, these amounts are of course indifferent, after all, he has already made preparations to train Lu Qing for many years.

But Lu Qing knew very well that there were only three months left until the Holy Tree Festival, and by then it would probably be the last plot of this dream world, and no matter what the outcome was, she had to leave.

So, with only three months, can she really read all these books?


Lu Qing silently glanced at the books placed on the table, and shook her head in relief.

If you can't finish reading it, you can't finish it. The system obviously doesn't want them to learn too much knowledge in the dream.

This should be regarded as a restriction. If so, she can only study as much as she can, and learn as much as she can.

Lu Qing picked up a book, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

[Spiritual power control (49% of entries)]

She doesn't need to memorize all these books, as long as the hut memorizes them, that's enough!
PS: I don't know why, the new profile has not been reviewed.

I watched it for half an hour and didn't see what was wrong. In short, after one review, I have to wait seven days before reviewing again. I need to think of a new profile.

I finally came up with such a good introduction, but you let me lose so completely.

(End of this chapter)

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