The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 496 The Riddler Gets Out of the Dream World!

Chapter 496 The Riddler Gets Out of the Dream World!
"Breathe, breathe, breathe"

In Hunter Char's hut, Lu Qing stayed in her room, breathing rhythmically.

[Fanhusidan breathing method] is not the kind of martial arts mental method in the novel that can be practiced all the time, and can even replace sleep. It is just a breathing method that allows the human body to absorb elemental power.

It will cause a certain amount of load on the body, so the practice time should not be too long, about two hours a day is just right.

[Fan Husi Dread Breathing Method LV3-LV4]

[Strength +1, Dexterity +1, Constitution +1, Spirit +0]

Lu Qing opened her eyes and looked at the words that appeared in the diary, but she was not surprised.

[Fanhusidan Breathing Method] Upgrading does not bring much benefits to her, probably because her physical attributes are gradually approaching the value of 50.

Among them, the spirit that has reached 50 attributes will not even be improved at all.

As for spiritual power, the speed of damage increase was very fast at the beginning, but now it has slowed down.

It's just that the amount of spiritual power is not displayed on the character panel, so Lu Qing doesn't know how much spiritual power she has, she can just feel it roughly.

"Let's meditate next." Lu Qing sat on the bed, closed her eyes and said.

This is the second skill the Pope taught her, and the effect is similar to that in most fantasy works, which can enhance mental power.

Of course, Lu Qing's 50-point spiritual attribute cannot continue to increase, but after these days of practice, she discovered a rather surprising thing.

That is, her spiritual attributes may not be as powerful as it appears on the system panel.

It is said to have a spiritual attribute of 50 points, but in fact it is completely a paper tiger, which is accumulated by numbers.

If Lu Qing had to describe it, it would be the difference between fifty catties of steel and fifty catties of cotton.

Although it is the same weight, [-] jin of cotton can be easily torn, while [-] jin of steel requires the use of professional equipment.

That's almost how it feels. In short, the quality of her spiritual power, which is increased by adding points to the system, is quite worrying.

And if she uses meditation, although her spiritual attributes cannot be increased, it can continuously refine the quality of her spiritual power, thereby achieving the effect of improving her mental defense.

Well, this knowledge is what she saw from "How to Improve the Defense Level of Mental Power".

After spending an hour meditating and feeling that she had improved a little bit, Lu Qing stood up and walked out of her room.

Next, she will listen to the Pope's lecture and continue to learn the knowledge in the book.

【Meditation LV3】

【Advanced Carpentry LV1】

【Spiritual Power Mastery LV1】

【Spiritual Shock LV1】

【Basic Pharmaceutical LV5-LV6】

【Purification LV1】

【Mystery LV2】

【Psychic LV1】

【Spiritual Contract LV1】

These are the recent changes in her skill list, and most of the newly acquired skills are just reading books and can be used in theory.

Because of this, these skills are all at LV1 level. To be honest, if you let her use it now, she may not be able to use it.

Back on the first floor, to Lu Qing's surprise, Fang Qingrou came back at some point and was sitting on the wooden chair in the living room with the Pope.

"What happened?" Lu Qing didn't see Char, but saw the serious expressions of the two of them and asked.

"I don't know." Fang Qingrou shook her head, and told Lu Qing about what she had encountered in the wild.

"Don't worry, Charles won't get into trouble so easily." The Pope comforted Fang Qingju.

"En." Fang Qingrou nodded.

She didn't think anything would happen to Char, on the one hand, because of Char's strength, and on the other hand, because he still had some skills that he hadn't taught her, so the system should not let him have any accidents.


Just as everyone in the room fell silent, footsteps gradually came from the snow outside.


The wooden door was pushed open by someone, causing a lot of cold wind to blow into the house.

Seeing that there was nothing strange about him, Char pushed open the door, walked up to everyone and said, "Two news, one good and one bad, which one do you want to hear first?"

"Don't tell me if there are any of these, tell me, what did you find?" The Pope said angrily.

Char didn't care, and then told his discovery: "I found a creature polluted by the void, but the opponent is very strong."

"And" Charlton paused, and continued: "That's a ground worm, I still know that guy."

"!?" The Pope froze instantly when he heard what Char said, as if he remembered something.

"Is it the one from 45 years ago?" The Pope looked at Charle with a serious face.

"I don't know." Char shook his head and said, "I always thought it was dead. I haven't heard about it for so many years. Why is it suddenly?"

"Are you sure you didn't read it wrong?" the Pope asked.

"I was absolutely right, it was exactly as I remembered it."

"If it is really alive, it is impossible that there has been no news in these years." The Pope said.

"I think so too. Its size can't hide it at all." Char shook his head, his face also full of puzzlement.

"Wait, who are you talking about?" Knight Myron asked a little dissatisfied.

These two people are talking riddles here, he, Lu Qing, Fang Qingrou and Irene don't know what they are talking about.

Riddler, get out of the dream world!

"Sigh." Charles sighed, and then said: "This matter starts from 51 years ago."

"I was an orphan when I was young and lived in poverty. One day, I was given to a man by the director of the orphanage."

"That man is a member of the Guiji Sect, and he took me away only to conduct human experiments on the energy of the void."

"A lot of people besides me were also caught there at that time. I was lucky and survived. Instead, I gained the ability to communicate with animals."

"Maybe it was because of my ability, or maybe it was another reason, an earth worm that was hibernating underground and covered with tough exoskeleton armor came to the laboratory and made a big fuss."

"I was lucky enough to escape during the turmoil, but lost my way in the vast snowstorm. When I was about to freeze to death, I met my master, the father of His Majesty the Pope."

"I told him about the laboratory, and then passed out, and the laboratory was later wiped out by the knights of the kingdom, and also uprooted many other strongholds of the Death Sect."

"And I was adopted by my master, and I started to learn hunting skills with His Holiness the Pope."

It turned out that this was the reason why the Pope and Char got acquainted, which made Lu Qing a little surprised. Then what happened to separate the two?

Listening to Char's words, Lu Qing gradually learned the story that happened 45 years ago.

After Charles became the Pope's father's apprentice, the three lived and hunted together in Frey Mures for six years until the Pope came of age.

The Pope, who originally planned to inherit his father's identity and become an authorized hunter, unexpectedly received the blessing of the Holy Tree of [Spiritualism], and had to learn from the previous Pope.

And two years after the pope came of age, Charles also became an adult, and was blessed by the holy tree named [Apocalypse], and inherited the pope's father's skirt.

Together the two maintained the nature and villages of the Frèmeures region until one day.
PS: 51 years ago: Char was taken away by the dead believers.

47 years ago: The pope became an adult, received the blessing of the holy tree [psychic], and left Frey Mures.

45 years ago: Charles became an adult, received the blessing of the holy tree [Apocalypse], and inherited the skirt of the Pope's father.

(End of this chapter)

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