Chapter 497 Existence X! (fog)

PS: Thank you book friends for the 5000 starting coins rewarded by a big dream!
Woohoo, I am so touched, there are still book friends who are willing to give me a reward, I am sorry for you.

"It was a special commission issued by a big man in the city. The content was to ask my master and I to destroy a void worm active in the border forest of Fremeures."

"I didn't think much about it at the time, and I never thought that the ground worm would be the one that helped me escape from the laboratory when I was a child."

"My master and I made some preparations, and found it from a damp cave after two months of investigation."

"It's really powerful. The enchanted armor-piercing arrows that my master and I prepared in advance to break through its armor have no effect."

"Because it was in the cave, we couldn't use explosives, so we had to retreat while fighting, and finally retreated outside."

"Wait a minute." Knight Myron frowned, and said, "If the enchanted armor-piercing arrows can't penetrate the exoskeleton of this earth worm, I don't think the explosives will be of much use."

For this world, gunpowder is a new thing. Although many people are interested in this kind of powder that will explode as long as it is ignited, because its effect is much worse than magic, it is abandoned by the nobles above. up.

In fact, in addition to the fact that the effect is much worse than magic, gunpowder also has problems such as excessive danger, unstable performance, and the most important point.

For the nobles, it is not a good thing for ordinary people to have the power to resist, so the research and development of gunpowder was terminated in this way.

It was not until later that the eldest son of an aristocratic family succeeded in making gorgeous fireworks, which reminded people of this thing again, and then made explosives that could blow down mountains.

However, the power of this kind of explosive is not high for modern technology. If it is armor that cannot be pierced by enchanted arrows, this kind of explosive will not be effective.

Char heard what Myron said, shook his head, and said: "The role of explosives is not to blow up the armor, but to paralyze the ground worms."

"Because they live underground all year round, the vision of ground worms has degraded to the point where they can hardly see anything. They only have the sense of smell and excellent hearing to hunt down their prey."

"Especially hearing."

Charlton paused, and then continued: "According to the findings of some scholars, ground worms hardly appear during thunderstorms, because the loud thunder will shatter their eardrums."

"The same goes for explosives. As long as the distance is close enough, the sound of the explosion can instantly confuse the worm's brain and cause it to lose its hearing."

"I see." Knight Myron touched his chin and said.

Seeing that Knight Myron had no doubts, Char continued: "At that time, we lured the earth worms out of the cave, and detonated a huge amount of explosives as planned."

"As a result, the plan changed because our act of detonating the explosives caused an avalanche"

"We know that there will be a certain probability of an avalanche after detonating the explosives, but there is no way, even the enchanted arrows can't pierce its armor, so we can only try to use explosives."

"Later, after the avalanche, my master and I climbed out of the snow and found the ground worm that was not buried in the snow because it was struggling all the time, and planned to give it the last blow."

"Master and I waited for more than two hours, and when it was exhausted, we walked over and aimed an armor-piercing arrow at its eyes"

"It stands to reason." Charlton paused, his voice a bit heavy.

"The ground worm has lost its hearing, and its brain is in a state of confusion. It is impossible to find that Master and I are approaching it."

"But the moment we were about to attack, the ground worm moved and opened its huge mouth to swallow me."

"I didn't realize it for a while. When I was about to be swallowed, it was the master who saved me, and then"

There is no need to say more about the rest, Charle's meaning has been expressed very clearly.

His master, that is, the Pope's father, died in the mouth of the Void Worm because of saving Char.

And how Char escaped from the mouth of the earth worm, or how the earth worm escaped from Char's mouth, is unknown.

"I searched for the place where the ground worm disappeared for a long time afterwards, and I have been asking someone to help me pay attention to the other party's news."

"But unexpectedly, no matter how hard I searched, the ground worm seemed to have disappeared."

"It is a creature polluted by the void, and its size is so conspicuous. As long as it is still active, it is impossible to have no news about it, but I just can't find it."

"I thought it was dead all these years, but I didn't expect it to appear in front of me again today."

Charl sighed, eyes full of complex expressions.

"Could it be that you read it wrong?" The Pope raised his eyebrows and said, "That happened more than 40 years ago. Can that earth worm really live for so long?"

"Maybe." Char shook his head, and then said, "Anyway, I have found what you are looking for, the creature polluted by the void."

"I will track down that guy later, and then I will practice for Her Royal Highness."

Regardless of the ground worm, the current pope is one of the strongest men standing at the apex of the world, and beside the pope is the equally powerful Merren Knight.

In front of these two strong men, the ground worm was just an ant that could be crushed to death.

"Is that void worm the experimental subject you released?"

In Fremeures City, in a dimly lit room, No. [-], who was wearing a noble robe, looked at his subordinates and said.

"Yes, my lord, in order to lure out that authorized hunter, I specially selected that experimental subject."

No. [-]'s subordinate said, took out a file from his pocket, and handed it to the other party.


Number three took the file and began to read it carefully.

"Authorized hunter Char, 64 years old, blessed by the holy tree [Apocalypse], occupation level 4, once searched for the ground worm experimental body with his master, and failed in the process of hunting the experimental body, resulting in the death of his master. "

"Afterwards, the news of the ground worm experimental body was inspected many times to no avail."

"Not bad." No. [-] nodded in satisfaction and praised.

"Hurry up and get rid of this guy, the 'sense of smell' of authorized hunters is still very sensitive, don't let him find out what we are doing."

Because No. [-] was pressing, and No. [-] had been struggling to collect bloodstones recently, but because No. [-] wanted too much, he had to think of other ways.

Before, he quietly sacrificed people from a village near the capital, but later because of the attack on Her Royal Highness, the guards there skyrocketed.

There is no other way, No. [-] can only choose to come to this relatively remote place to find a solution.

"Well, as long as the people in these four towns are sacrificed, all the bloodstones requested by No. [-] will be settled."

No. [-] looked at the four nearby towns on the map with a very cold expression. An X was drawn on the map, which was the cottage where Char lived.

As long as he is allowed to die in a place where there is no one for ten days and a half months, there is no need to worry that anyone will run away when the Guild of Returning Silence strikes, and they will have enough time to convert blood energy into sufficient blood stones.
PS: The moment the Pope possessed the talent of [Spiritualism], his news had already been sealed as a secret internally, so No. [-] didn't know that Char's master was the Pope's father.

The itinerary of the Pope and the Princess is also confidential, so No. [-] did not know that the Princess and the Pope came to Frey Mures.

(End of this chapter)

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