The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 500 After all, the chess is one chip away......

Chapter 500 After all, it's even worse.
PS: Not only is there a double update today, but this chapter is still 2600 words, please praise me! o(^`)o
"Cough, cough, this is true"

In the snow, Char could not help coughing twice, and Fang Qingrou was standing beside him.

The two were resting in a cave at this time because they encountered an avalanche on the way.

Char didn't know the reason for the avalanche, and he couldn't figure out why even though he was struggling.

According to his experience, this place should not be so prone to avalanches, but the fact is, without any huge noise, avalanches still happened.

"Maybe it was caused by the void worm?" Fang Qingrou analyzed while lighting the bonfire.

Earth worms like to dig holes in the ground. Because they can control the earth element, this kind of creature moves very fast underground, and at the same time it is not easy to be noticed.

But since it is moving underground, there will definitely be vibrations, and it does not seem strange to cause an avalanche.

"Makes sense."

Char nodded, agreeing with Fang Qingrou's statement.

But in fact, he didn't think that the avalanche would be caused by the earthworm. As mentioned earlier, the earthworm can control the earth element, so when it moves underground, the vibration it produces is actually not high.

In this kind of place where avalanches are not easy to cause, just this little vibration is not enough to see.

Of course, what Fang Qingrou said is correct, no matter how small the shock is, it is still possible. Nature is mysterious and unpredictable, and anything can happen.

Even if a small vibration only affects a snowflake, under a series of chain reactions, it can trigger an avalanche.

"It seems that we can only spend the night here tonight. Huh!?"

Charles looked at the sky outside the cave, and wanted to continue to say something, but suddenly noticed something strange.

He quickly got down on the ground and pressed his ears tightly to the cave floor.


A small vibration sounded under Char's body, and as time passed, the sound became louder and louder.

"Get out of here quickly!!" Charle's eyes widened, and he stood up quickly and shouted to Fang Qingrou.


Fang Qingrou was stunned for a moment, then immediately reacted and ran out of the cave.

At this time, a huge figure emerged from the ground and blocked between the two of them.


Fang Qingrou looked back, and saw the body of the earth worm covered with a large amount of exoskeleton armor.

Without any hesitation, a gust of wind surged from Fang Qingrou's body. She pulled out the giant sword behind her and slashed at the body of the ground worm.


The sound of the collision echoed in the cave, and Fang Qingrou looked at the unscathed body of the earthworm in front of him with a serious expression, her palms were a little numb.

The shell of the earth worm's body is too hard, even with the power of [Wind Spirit Walker], she couldn't cut through the opponent's armor.


Fang Qingrou caught a faint airflow change instantly, and she quickly rolled towards her side, causing a sharp crossbow bolt to fly past her hair.


A deafening explosion sounded suddenly, Fang Qingrou raised her head, and saw countless stones falling from her head!

Fang Qingrou turned her head to look in the direction of Char, and then hurriedly ran out of the cave.

Huge stones buried the entrance of the cave, and when she ran out of the cave, she was surrounded by five enemies.

"She didn't die. It seems that the old man's daughter is not weak." Among the five people, the black-haired woman who was the leader said with some surprise.

She is the No. [-] member of the Death Sect, and her mission this time is to kill Char, the most famous authorized hunter in the Frey Mures area, and his daughter Fang Qingrou.


Fang Qingrou looked at the five people who surrounded her tensely, and couldn't help pinching the fingers holding the big sword.

Although she is very worried about Char's safety, her current situation is not very good.

She can guess without asking, these guys are probably the villain organization of this dream world, members of the Guiji Sect.

As for the reason for attacking her and Char.
Does the villain organization need any reason to attack the protagonist group?

As the dream caller of this dream world, it is normal to be attacked.

"Hurry up and defeat these guys, and then go support Char!" Fang Qingrou thought in her heart.

On the other side, with the deafening explosion, the entrance of the cave was buried by falling rocks, and Char finally figured out the reason for the avalanche before.

"Hehe, it turned out to be man-made." There was a bitter smile on Charl's face.

He thought of it too late, and the situation at this time was very bad for him.

[Apocalypse] is not a profession suitable for frontal combat, especially in such a dark and narrow environment
Before Char could think of any countermeasures, there was a vibration from the ground under his feet.

Before he had time to think about it, Char could only roll over to his side, avoiding the attack of the void worm.

But before he could stand still, a sharp soil thorn came out from under his body!

Char's reaction speed was not slow, a gust of wind surged from his body, his speed increased a lot in vain, and he quickly ran in the cave.

It has to be said that Char is worthy of Fang Qingrou's identity as a master, and he is quite skilled in controlling the wind element.

However, how could the attack of the earth worm be so easily resolved? One after another, sharp soil thorns were drilled out of the walls of the cave, giving no chance to dodge!

A gleam flashed in Char's eyes, and he slammed his hands on the ground.

[Swamp technique! 】

The moment the spell was released, all the earth thorns that pierced Char suddenly softened, turning into puddles of mud.


The void worm rushed out of the cave wall and slammed into Char like a tank!
Its body is covered with hard exoskeleton armor, and it is impossible for any attack by Char to break it!

"Master." Char looked at the Void Worm that was charging towards him, and couldn't help but recall the scene 45 years ago in his mind.

It was also the void worm that charged him and his master at that time, and as a result
The corner of his mouth couldn't help but raise a smile, Char raised the small ball like a steel pillar in his hand, aimed at the void worm and threw it over.

This is an item that he has painstakingly researched for many years after the death of his master, in order to meet this void worm again one day!

"The biggest difference between humans and monsters is here!" Charl laughed.


The ear-piercing sound wave sounded from the air and echoed continuously in the closed cave. Under this sound, Char's eardrums seemed to be shattered, leaving only the "humming" tinnitus.

A trace of nosebleed flowed from his nose, and Char stared at the Void Worm charging in front of him, with an expression of disbelief gradually appearing on his face.

This void worm was not affected in any way!

Before Char recovered from the shock, the void worm let out a deafening roar from its mouth.


The huge impact mixed with void and mental power hit Char's body, and immediately smashed him against the wall of the cave.

"I see."

Feeling the pain and bewilderment in the roar, Char could not help showing a bitter smile on his face.

"So you're deaf."

Char grinned, and tremblingly took out a crossbow from behind, and the sharp enchanted arrows on it were ready.


The void worm roared again, and its huge body slammed straight into Char.


Char raised the crossbow in his hand, his expression focused to the extreme, even though the wound on his body was continuously bleeding, he didn't look weak at all.

If he can hit the eye while the ground worm is moving at high speed, then he will be the winner of this gladiatorial fight!

Seeing that the earth worm was getting closer and closer to him, Char seized the only chance and pulled the trigger of the crossbow.


Because of the fierce battle before, the crossbow had actually been damaged. Even though the arrow was successfully fired, it still lacked the accuracy it should have.

Unsurprisingly, Charta, the shot went wrong!

"After all, it's a bad game."

With his hands drooping weakly, Char slowly closed his eyes.



(End of this chapter)

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