Chapter 501 My old waist~

Fang Qingrou, who was wrestling with a few Guiji believers outside the cave, suddenly had an ominous premonition in her heart.

She couldn't help but look back at the entrance of the cave buried by gravel, with a worried expression on her face.

There was a piercing sound in the cave just now, and then the roar of the void worm, and then, no sound was heard.

Although she and Char have only been together for a few months, it is different from the close father-daughter relationship in the background story.

But as long as you are a normal person, after feeling the kindness of others, you will feel good about them more or less.

"We need to solve it quickly, and then go to Char." Fang Qingrou looked at the four people in front of him and thought.

Why are there four people, because one of them has been eliminated by her just now, so there are only four people left.

No. [-] didn't expect that Char, the daughter who had just awakened the blessing of the sacred tree for less than three months, was so powerful that he lost a member accidentally.

She took out her weapon a little bit angrily.

It was a weapon that looked somewhat similar to a sickle, but it was much smaller than the sickle, and the blade had a special structure that seemed to be used for gouging.

It is conceivable that using this weapon to pierce the human body and then pull it out forcefully can directly dig out a large piece of meat!

【Walking in the Wild · Forest LV8-LV9】

When Lu Qing was rushing fast in the snow, words about her skill upgrade suddenly appeared in the diary.

Lu Qing just glanced curiously, and then continued to concentrate on her journey.

At this time, about 45 minutes had passed since she and Hao Meng separated, and the small town in the distance gradually appeared in sight.

"Win, show me the situation of the town." Lu Qing contacted Wein in her heart.

After she finished speaking, another picture appeared in her mind.

That was Wein's perspective. Looking down from a high altitude, the town was already in chaos, residents were killed in every corner, and the defenders in the town could only occupy some buildings to fight on their own.


Lu Qing let out a sigh, carefully observed the situation in the small town, and various ideas gradually emerged in her mind.

【Field Command (Blue)】

【Tactical Expert (Blue)】

The card skills of Ezio the Eagle of Florence began to take effect, and Lu Qing began to subconsciously think in her mind how to let the defenders in the town defeat the elite Cultists.

"Well, it's not enough to rely on the strength of the defenders in the town, but it's not necessarily the case with me." Lu Qing thought to herself.

These Guiji believers are all stationed in the town in the name of private soldiers of the nobles. Not to mention their excellent equipment, their combat ability is much higher than that of the defenders in the town.

Now the number of defenders in the town is not enough, it is impossible to win.

But that was without Lu Qing!

Thinking of this, Lu Qing stopped, and took out a pack of pale white powder from her bosom.

This thing is called [Spirit World Dust], as the name says, it is the dust in the spirit world, as long as you go to the spirit world, you can grab a lot of it.

But now Lu Qing can only let her consciousness enter the spirit world, so even if this thing is a bad street thing in the spirit world, she can't get it.

So these [Spiritual Dust] were given to her by the Pope, and asked her to use them as materials for daily practice.

Quickly drew a circle on the ground with a dagger, and then drew a triangle inside the circle, and the outer frame of the most basic inner triangle circle was completed.

Lu Qing then added a lot of runes and special characters in the circle, and sprinkled [Spiritual Dust] on the lines she drew.

Injecting the spiritual power in her body into the magic circle, Lu Qing opened the channel between the real world and the spiritual world for a short time.

After the test of screening the runes, six spirit bodies responded to her consciousness soon.

Among the six spirits, two are butterflies, one is a bird, there is a mouse, a fox, and a worm.

Lu Qing briefly signed a spiritual contract with them, and then manipulated them to various places in the town where there were many defenders.

"Damn, what the hell is going on?"

Knight Qiaobo held the sword in both hands, kicked away the shield in the hands of the Guiji believer in front of him, and then beheaded him.

Unlike the motley guards stationed in the town, the Jobo Knights were genuinely retired from the frontline battlefield.

When he came to Frey Mures this time, he just happened to pass by here when he was returning home on vacation.


Feeling the sharp pain looming from the abdominal wound, Knight Qiaobo gasped, and could only wave his hands to the defenders behind him, saying, "Huh, everyone, let's rest for a while!"

He was sent home on vacation because he was injured when he was stationed at the border of the kingdom. At this time, he had experienced more than an hour of high-intensity fighting before his injury healed, and he really couldn't hold on anymore.

As for the defenders following him, they were gradually gathered by him after the turmoil in the town.

In addition to the defenders, there were also rescued residents.

The defenders in the town were not considered strong, and they would not be the opponents of those Guiji believers in a head-to-head battle. It can be said that this entire team was carried by Qiaobo Knight alone.

Although the situation in the town is very bad at this time, and I don't know how many people will die every second I waste, but Knight Qiaobo also knows that if he continues to be brave regardless of his body, in the end, even the people behind him may be killed. People can't protect them anymore.

He had no choice but to find an empty tavern and temporarily stationed here.

"Squeak, squeak"

While Knight Qiaobo was resting, a mouse with a dark blue body came in through the crack in the wall.


Knight Qiaobo subconsciously clenched his long sword and was about to attack, when he heard a slightly harsh sound.

"Gah, don't do it, we are reinforcements, my little master has something to tell you!" Wein said as he fell from the sky and came to Knight Jobo.

"A talking crow?" Knight Job frowned.

"Gah! I'm not a crow!" Wein lost his temper on the spot when he heard Qiaobo's words, but was quickly comforted (xie) by Lu Qing'an (wei).

"Hmph, forgive you for being so ignorant as a countryman, and I will forgive your ignorance."

"Ga, listen to me, my little master can observe the whole town through my sight, after a while I will fly back to the sky to provide my little master with vision Ga."

"Afterwards, you just need to follow this ghost mouse, and my little master will take you to where the other defenders are!" Wein said, passing what Lu Qing said to Knight Qiaobo.

"Why should I believe what a crow said?" Knight Jobo said with a guarded face.

(End of this chapter)

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