The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 503 Breaking through the limit, 51 points of spirit!

Chapter 503 Breaking through the limit, 51 points of spirit!
"Hmph, I'm really not vigilant." Lu Qing recklessly aimed the gun at the smooth back of the bald man's head, with a smug smile on her face.

She didn't know why, but an uncontrollable joy suddenly surged in her heart.

Her pink tongue slightly licked her lips, Lu Qing slowly pulled the trigger and opened her lips at the same time.

"Please go to hell." She didn't make any sound, just said with her lips.


Fierce gunshots rang out suddenly, and at the moment when the bullet was about to be discharged, the bald man finally felt a crisis that went deep into his bones.

He subconsciously wanted to dodge, relying on his speed, if he was really allowed to act, then Lu Qing's blow that was supposed to kill him might only be able to injure him severely.

So how could Lu Qing make him react and dodge?
Almost at the moment when the gunshot rang out, a deafening roar reached the ears of the bald man.


[Spiritual Shock LV4-LV5]

[Spiritual Power Mastery LV2-LV3]

The news of the skill upgrade surfaced in the diary, which is the improvement that Lu Qing has made with the newly acquired knowledge these days.

Combining the two skills of [Spiritual Shock] and [Spiritual Power Mastery] with [Dragon's Roar], the effect is like putting a firecracker in a cesspit, it will explode!

Hearing Lu Qing's roar, vigorous spiritual power flew out carrying a mental shock. Those mages who were arranging the ceremony were blown away by the shock wave and passed out on the ground!
The bald man who just wanted to dodge was completely stunned.

Lu Qing didn't even have time to look at his slightly glazed eyes before he died, when she saw a "bang", almost splashing blood on her body.

"Plop, plop, plop!"

Lu Qing stood there in a daze, staring at the bald man's body as if she hadn't reacted.

The feeling of pleasure she had felt before was intensified, and at the same time, a strong desire was born?

I couldn't help but licked my lips. I don't know when, she has transformed into the form of a black rose vampire!

Taking a deep breath of air, Lu Qing's wine-red pupils became a little blurred, and she smelled the smell of fresh blood that permeated the air.

【Blood Sucking】

Both pupils lit up slightly, and Lu Qing manipulated the blood in the bald man's body, trying to drink it down her throat.

However, although she didn't feel any problem physically at this time, it was still difficult to accept psychologically.

Looking at the rituals being arranged by the mages, Lu Qing was thoughtful.


With a wave of her hand, the bald man's body shriveled up quickly, and after a while, she sucked out all the blood in his body, turning it into a blood-red gemstone.

【Bloodstone Conversion LV0-LV1】

[A ritual magic that can transform blood into solid bloodstones, which can retain the blood energy and nutrients in living organisms for a near permanent time. 】

[Note: This skill can only be used in the form of the black rose vampire. 】

[Prop Name: Blood Stone]

[Prop Quality: Blue]

[Introduction: It looks like a blood-red gemstone, but in fact, it is actually a magical product transformed with blood, which can preserve the blood energy and nutrients in the blood for a near permanent time. 】

[Skill: None]

[Remarks: Do you like jelly beans? 】

Lu Qing quickly read the introduction of the item, and after confirming that there was no problem, she couldn't wait to throw it into her mouth.


A happy smile appeared on his face, and at the same time, the inexplicable longing in his heart gradually disappeared.

What is certain is that there is definitely something wrong with her state just now, and the main reason for it is the blood of the bald man.

This man's blood seemed to be of high quality, so Lu Qing couldn't help having the idea of ​​wanting to devour it.

But is this really the case?

Lu Qing also gradually calmed down at this time. If it was really because of this, then why didn't she react to the very powerful Knight Merren and His Majesty the Pope?
Could it be that the blood quality of these two people is not higher than that of the bald man?
After thinking about it carefully, Lu Qing came up with two possibilities in her mind.

The first possibility is related to the void, which is one of the reasons why she thinks it is more reliable.

The Pope once told her that most of the people of the Guiji Sect are human beings who have been polluted by the energy of the void, and their thinking has gone wrong.

And this bald man must have a lot of void energy, so for some unknown reason, she couldn't help but become interested in void energy.

As for the other members of the Death Sect?
Forget it, those guys are so weak that it's normal for her to feel nothing.

As for the second possibility, Lu Qing thinks it is not very realistic.

That is, in ordinary novels, vampires survive by sucking blood. Once they do not suck blood for a long time, they will have a strong desire for blood, just like the withdrawal reaction of that, and even life-threatening!

Well, well, the second possibility can already be ruled out. She has been in the form of a black rose vampire for a long time, and there has been no problem.

What's more, if there is such a side effect, Lu Qing doesn't think it will be written on the attribute panel.


After thinking about the conclusion clearly, Lu Qing began to clean up the mess in the town.

Those mages and nearby miscellaneous soldiers ate her a lion head-on, no, after the [Dragon's Roar], they all collapsed on the ground and rushed to the street.

To be honest, she didn't expect the revamped [Dragon's Roar] to be so fierce.

In addition, those Gui Ji believers who were active in the small town were also defeated one by one by the defenders in the town under her command.

Later, Hao Meng's reinforcements came.

When it was dawn, the battle in the whole town was completely over. Lu Qing deliberately left a few magicians and miscellaneous soldiers of the Guiji Sect, and handed them over to the Pope for interrogation of information.

In fact, the best person to torture for information should be the bald man. Unfortunately, because of the special sense of desire at that time, she didn't have time to think about it, so she shot him in the head.

Just when Lu Qing secretly felt a little pity, suddenly, such a line of words appeared in the diary in her mind.

[Black Rose Vampire LV1-LV2]

[Your black rose vampire form has acquired new skills! 】

[Blood Magic·Blood Control (Blue): A magic that freely controls the blood. If spiritual power (magic power) (blood energy) is injected into the blood, it can also make the blood acquire properties such as toughness, cutting, and flow. 】

[Dark Magic·Dark Bullet (Blue): Launches a high-concentration dark element magic bullet, causing dark element damage to the enemy! 】

【Your attribute has been increased! 】

[Strength +1] [Agility +2] [Physical +2] [Spirit +1]

"Well, two new skills, the attributes have been increased, and the spirit has been increased a bit. Wait, wait a minute!?"

Lu Qing came to her senses a little belatedly, and quickly opened up her character attributes.

【Strength 44】【Agility 47】【Constitution 48】

Spirit 51!

(End of this chapter)

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