The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 504 3 Steel Balls Ringing Simultaneously

Chapter 504 Three Steel Balls Ringing Simultaneously

Fang Qingrou let out a soft drink, swung the huge sword in her hand, turned around and threw the Guiji disciple who was trying to sneak attack her before flying away.

Don't get me wrong, the reason why they were sent flying instead of being cut in half was not because Fang Qingrou was showing mercy, it's just that these Guiji believers were wearing armor.

But after being hit by her sword, even if he was wearing armor, he should lie on the ground.

"Ha, ha, ha, hoo."

Fang Qingrou stood on the snowy ground a little tired, trying to adjust her state.

This battle has lasted for 10 minutes, and she couldn't help feeling a little tired after waving the big sword for a long time.

Except for the leading woman, these Guiji believers are not very strong, but their vitality is a bit too tenacious.

This is probably the so-called power of the void. She glanced at the Gui Ji believer who was lying on the ground. There were pitted marks on his face that seemed to have been eaten by something.

"You're the only one left." Fang Qingrou looked at the woman in front of her and said.

"What do you want to say?" No. [-] raised his eyebrows, twirling the sickle in his hand, and said, "Just defeating some miscellaneous fish, can we see the hope of winning?"

"Your strength is indeed surprising. If number three hadn't asked me to come over, maybe you would have survived."

"Be careful, don't die so easily."

The woman's voice gradually disappeared, and the other person's body disappeared along with the voice.

"Invisible?" Fang Qingrou quickly pulled out the crossbow, and shot an arrow at the place where the woman disappeared, but nothing was hit.

"." While re-stringing the crossbow, she frowned as she looked at the footprints left on the snow.

There are obviously no traces of moving footprints on the ground, so where did the other party disappear?

Even if it is invisible, it should leave traces after moving.

Thinking of this, Fang Qingrou suddenly felt the air flow being split by a sharp blade.


The sharp sickle was cut from the ear, and while avoiding the opponent's attack, Fang Qingrou wrapped the power of the wind element around the arrow of the crossbow,


The arrow entwined with the power of the wind element flew out of the crossbow at a very fast speed, but even so, No. [-] reacted the moment the arrow was launched, and turned his head to avoid the attack.


Fang Qingrou kicked No. [-] in the chest, causing him to stagger two steps back. Taking this opportunity, she raised the big sword in her hand and slashed at the opponent's head.

The big sword slammed into the snow, and Number Six, who was standing here before, disappeared without a trace.

"It's not invisibility, is it an ability similar to teleportation?" Fang Qingrou pulled out the big sword and looked around her vigilantly.

The traces left on the ground are still there, but after the opponent disappears, there are no new traces on the ground, which shows that the opponent's ability is not invisibility.

But it’s not quite right to call it teleportation, this kind of feeling is a bit like blurring!

It can turn the body into a substance similar to air, which can neither be seen nor touched, but correspondingly, the opponent cannot attack her in this case.

"If you have this ability, why didn't you use it from the beginning?" Fang Qingrou couldn't help thinking.

When she was fighting those Guiji believers before, she didn't see that woman use this move. Could it be that there are some conditions?

Before she had time to think about it, the disappearing No. [-] suddenly appeared above Fang Qingrou's head, slashing at her neck with the sickle in his hand from left to right.

It was too late to dodge to the left and right sides. If you wanted to block, it was impossible to block both directions at the same time with the big sword in your hand.

Thinking of this, Fang Qingrou squatted down resolutely, and rolled forward suddenly.

No. [-], who was shot in the air, had just landed when he was hit in the eye by a cold snowball and lost his sight.


Fang Qingrou's eyes lit up, and the huge sword in her hand swept out from left to right, trying to cut No. [-]'s body in half with one sword!
However, the familiar scene happened again, she slashed the sword directly on the air, and No. [-] disappeared into the air again.

"This trick is really disgusting." Fang Qingrou frowned, and suddenly had an idea in her heart.

She stepped back quickly, and pressed her body tightly against the thick rock wall.

With such a thick rock wall, she didn't need to worry about No. [-] appearing from behind her, and the pressure was reduced by more than half.


The dark red sickle slashed at the thick rock wall, leaving a deep gash on the rock wall. Seeing this, Fang Qingrou launched a counterattack. Unexpectedly, this time the opponent let go of the palm holding the sickle and stepped back. go out.


Fang Qingrou was slightly taken aback by the other party's actions, and then immediately realized that the other party's abilities could not be used indefinitely. This time, she did not disappear directly but let go of her weapon to dodge, which is the proof!

Thinking of this, Fang Qingrou immediately stepped forward, swiping the huge sword in her hand and swept across!

"Huh, I'm still a bit lacking in experience." The corners of No. [-]'s mouth slightly raised, and his body disappeared into the air again.

Sometimes, what is seen on the surface is not real. Her ability is indeed limited, but it is not that she cannot use it now.

That's just an illusion, and letting go of a weapon that is extremely important to him is just a means to increase the enemy's belief in his acting skills.

If that weapon isn't that important, what if it's even loose?

Number six appeared behind Fang Qingrou again. At this time, there was an extra dark red dagger in her hand.


No. [-] aimed at Fang Qingrou's heart and stabbed it with a knife. He never thought that when he stabbed with a short knife, he was suddenly affected by a force of resistance.


With Fang Qingrou as the center, the fierce gust of wind erupted suddenly. Caught off guard, No. [-] was directly thrown to the ground by the gust of wind.

[Storm Knight's Surge: This skill is a modified version made by players who love donuts based on the storm knight's protection skill. It releases the violent wind around him in one go, forming a strong shock wave, and blows the enemy away. overturned. 】


Then No. [-] was overturned on the ground, and before he had time to react, Fang Qingrou threw three pale black steel balls violently.

Not long after these steel balls flew out, they exploded violently, releasing a piercing sound. The steel balls used to deal with void worms are just as effective even for humans!
When she went out this time, she only had four steel balls on her body, except for one that was kept to deal with the void worms, she threw out all three of them!

Even though Fang Qingrou had taken precautions in advance, she opened her mouth and covered her ears at the same time, surrounded by air currents, her eardrums were exploding in throbbing pain, and blood flowed continuously.

She was already like this, let alone No. [-], the sound of three steel balls exploding at the same time rang in her ears, directly making her dizzy and unconscious for a short time.

Of course Fang Qingrou would not let go of such a good opportunity, raised the crossbow and shot out an enchanted arrow.


The enchanted arrow pierced No. [-]'s neck smoothly. Fang Qingrou stepped forward and checked it carefully. After confirming that the other party was dead and could not die again, she finally breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the ground to rest.

She can't do without rest, she's really going to be exhausted, and in her current state, going to Chaer is just a delay.

But she won't rest for too long.
PS: Sorry, something unexpected happened.

It was really an unexpected situation. My computer had some problems, so I wanted to redo the system. This is not a problem. I backed up all the files that should be backed up, including my codeword data and settings.


I have always used a software called Mogu for codewords before. I didn’t know that this software was already cold, the production team ran away, and the server exploded. I can open it without logging in because I have logged in before. Always use the stand-alone version.

This time I exported the file of the novel, and after redoing the system, I can't log in to this software!The previously exported novel file cannot be opened!
Then there is no way, I will change the code word software, the result
The file format used by the new codeword software is different from the previous software. My novel file cannot be imported, so I can only use stupid methods to go to the text, turn it bit by bit, copy and paste, Rearrange the settings.

My lungs are exploding, post! !

(End of this chapter)

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