Chapter 510 o(▽)q
"Hey, Hao Meng, don't you feel anything when you see what happened just now?" After Merren Knight and Charle left the cave, only Lu Qing and Hao Meng were left in the cave. Lu Qing looked at Hao curiously. Moe said.

"Hey, me, me?" Hao Meng didn't expect Lu Qing to ask herself this question, and she didn't think much about it, so she spoke out her feelings truthfully.

"I don't feel anything, I just think it's a little too much." Hao Meng said.

"Have you seen similar scenes in other dream worlds?" Lu Qing asked, she didn't know if Hao Meng was like this, but she had indeed seen many scenes like this in other dream worlds, so Became a bit used to it.

"I'm probably born with it." Hao Meng thought for a while, then continued after hesitating for a while: "I don't know why, since the first time I entered the dream world, no matter how bloody the scene was, I always There won't be much reaction."

"Including the first murder."

"I read that the seniors on the forum have said that some instinctive physiological reactions are inevitable when killing people for the first time or seeing bloody scenes, but I have never experienced these feelings."

"Why?" Lu Qing couldn't help asking, no matter how you look at it, with Hao Meng's character, she shouldn't have such a reaction, she thought so.

"I don't know either, no, actually I have some clues." Hao Meng walked to Lu Qing's side and sat on a clean stone next to her.

She gently took off the helmet and put it on her knees, then shook her long hair that was originally bound by the armor, lowered her head, and said softly:

"I've had nightmares a lot since I was a kid, but the strange thing is, no matter how many times I have nightmares, I never enter the dream world."

"Then, you were the same last time." Lu Qing remembered the last time, when Hao Meng came out of the dream world and was still in a coma, she brought Hao Meng to her home, and when she woke up the next day, she found Hao Meng's body It was cold, and the expression on his face was slightly painful.

At that time, she subconsciously asked Hao Meng if she had a nightmare, but then she realized that this world would fall into a dream world when dreaming, but Hao Meng nodded after hearing her words.

"Well, I also had that nightmare last time." Hao Meng closed her eyes gently, her long and dark eyelashes trembling slightly, and said, "I will never forget that nightmare. It has been haunting me since I was born. , alone, and can’t even make a sound.”

When Hao Meng recalled the nightmare, her body couldn't stop trembling slightly. It could be seen that she was very afraid of that dream. If it was really like what Hao Meng said, that dream had been haunting her since she was a child, then she I am afraid that the character of social fear is not incomprehensible.

"Mengmeng~" Lu Qing looked at Hao Meng and suddenly called softly.

"Yeah!" Hao Meng raised her head subconsciously when she heard Lu Qing's words, but Lu Qing pulled her over and fell into her arms.

The petite body was in the arms, but there was no soft and warm feeling, because Hao Meng was wearing thick metal armor except for the head.

At this time, Lu Qing could also understand why a girl would like to be armed with full body armor and sword and shield, and why she was such an extreme social fear.

It was precisely because of the cold, deep, dark and lonely place in the nightmare that Hao Meng became so insecure that he "protected" himself with thick armor.

"Thank you." Lu Qing gently stroked Hao Meng's hair with her hand.

"I, I, I, I..." Hao Meng didn't realize what had happened until now, and she was lying in Lu Qing's arms like a child!
"It's okay, anyway, there are only two of us here now." Lu Qing said with a smile.

"No, I." Hao Meng subconsciously wanted to break free from Lu Qing's arms, because it made her feel very shy, but at the same time, a strange feeling rose from her heart.

It is a sense of security different from the cold armor, warm and nostalgic.

"Sniff." Shrugging her nose, Hao Meng smelled a faint scent of flowers, which was so enticing that she couldn't help but smell it twice more, but soon, she realized that she doing something.

She actually smelled someone else's body in someone else's arms, how could this be like a pervert!But, but, this smell is really good. Thinking of this, Hao Meng couldn't help sniffing it twice.

o (* //// ▽ //// *) q
"Is this smell from Lu Qing's body?" Hao Meng raised her head, looked at Lu Qing's cheek, and thought to herself.

"Well, what's the matter?" Lu Qing didn't expect at this moment that Hao Meng was fascinated by the cosmetics on her body, the dreamy black rose perfume.

"No, no, no." Seeing Lu Qing looking at her, Hao Meng immediately thought of her idiot-like behavior, and explained with a blushing face. Then she suddenly thought of something, and said hastily:

"I, I, I, yes, there is something I want to show you." Hao Meng stammered.

"What?" Lu Qing thought it was Hao Meng being held in her arms at this moment, she was shy, and she didn't notice anything wrong.

"Yes, it's a skill." Hao Meng whispered, and then shared her skill panel with Lu Qing.

【Drain Black Soul (Red)】

[Children's hearts are pure, and because of their incomparable purity, they are more easily contaminated with darkness. 】

【You don't intend to witness the abyss, but you have to accept it. 】

【"It was a dream. I dreamed that I was drowning in the deep ocean, and I couldn't see a ray of light."】

【"There seems to be some kind of terrible monster lurking in the darkness, and it will tear me apart and swallow me in a certain moment"】

【"I shrank my body in fear and dared not make any sound. The fear made me tremble all over, and the tears gradually blurred my eyes. I was lost in the darkness, and in the darkness, I merged with the darkness."】

"Red skill!? Is it a talent skill?" Lu Qing opened her eyes wide the moment she saw the skill panel.

"Well, this skill has existed since I first entered the dream world." Hao Meng nodded slightly.

There are not many people who know her skill, because it is a red skill, although even she herself does not know what the effect of this skill is, but unless she is a very new person, she will not say it .

"It's this skill that causes you, Hao Meng, to have nightmares?" Lu Qing looked at the skill and frowned.

"Abyss." She looked at the two words on the skill panel and fell into deep thought.

PS: Double update, you can't see women's clothing, what a pity.

(End of this chapter)

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