The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 511 Please, another me!

Chapter 511 Please, Another Me!

The abyss, the impression in the minds of ordinary people, probably refers to a huge pit that is deep and dark and cannot be seen at a glance, or the residence of those demons in online novels, which is another dimension of the normal human world.

In fact, the abyss does exist in another world. According to Wein, the place where human beings usually live is the real world, and above the real world, there is also the spiritual world, and the dream world is the human brain when sleeping. The manifestation of dreams in the spiritual world.

In addition to the real world and the spiritual world, there is also the Shadow Realm, which is full of shadow power, which is difficult for even dreamers to detect, and the Nightmare Realm, which is far deeper than the Shadow Realm.

The name Nightmare Realm is just a human term. Wein calls this layer the Abyss. Lu Qing once had contact with creations related to the Abyss, and even absorbed it, thus obtaining the form and power of the Black Rose vampire.

However, the black rose vampire is not brought by the item [Light of the Abyss]. Rose vampire form.

As for the red skill on Hao Meng, I can’t see any usefulness for the time being. Perhaps what Hao Meng said before, it’s the effect of this skill that he doesn’t feel uncomfortable with bloody scenes. It's just the nature of the character.

And how can a skill that the system judges to be red have such a simple effect?
Lu Qing asked Hao Meng some questions about this skill. Anyway, the skill has been revealed, so Hao Meng didn't intend to hide some secrets about this skill, so she told Lu Qing exactly.

She is not very clear about the effect of the skill [Draining Black Soul], but because of this skill, Hao Meng cannot make her own card characters.

What is the specific reason, Hao Meng is not clear, but the system of the dream game has reminded, which probably means that the card characters she created will be affected by the skill [Black Soul], and any card skills will not be effective in the game. Her body, as well as the inability to use the full fusion effect.

If you want to make a card character, you can make it, but it is useless, so the system reminds Hao Meng and advises her not to make a card character.

In addition to the card characters, Hao Meng has also happened many times. When he fell asleep or lost consciousness, his body acted on his own, as if there was another personality in his body.

This happened to her when she was very young. When she fell asleep, her body moved by itself, and she tore up the pillows and sheets at home, and sometimes threw objects at will.

At that time, Hao Meng's parents thought she was just losing her temper, but after experiencing such things a few times, they realized something was wrong and took her to the doctor for a checkup. The result of the examination was that she was sleepwalking.
I don't know if the medicine given by the doctor is really effective. When Hao Meng was eight or nine years old, her "sleepwalking" symptoms gradually improved. Her parents thought it was the doctor's credit, even Hao Meng herself. think so, but actually
When she was still in high school, an accident happened. Several blue-level dream callers organized a kidnapping activity. When Hao Meng was hanging out with her classmates, they kidnapped Hao Meng and her classmate.

This group of people was trying to kill them. It took less than two hours for the official personnel to locate them. However, when the official personnel arrived, they found that the place where the kidnappers were located was so quiet that they couldn't help it. I wonder if I have found the wrong place.

It wasn't until they came to the room where the kidnappers were hiding that they found that all the kidnappers had their necks broken by a strange force, while Hao Meng was sleeping on a chair in a room full of dead kidnappers.

No one knows how these blue-level dreamer kidnappers were killed by an underage girl who was still in high school. This girl had never even entered the dream game. The high-level dream summoner can do it at will.

And Hao Meng was also confused about the deaths of these kidnappers. She just felt very scared at the time. The last scene in her memory was the kidnappers sliding a knife on her thigh skin, and then she lost consciousness and woke up. Later, I found that I had been taken home by officials.

This kind of thing has happened more than once, especially in the dream world, every time she encounters too much stimulation, or when she is about to be unable to hold on, once she loses consciousness, her body will be blown by another force that does not know where it came from. After waking up, I found that the difficulties I encountered had been solved.

"You." The corners of Lu Qing's mouth twitched slightly. Although she knew that she and Hao Meng were discussing a very serious topic at this time, she couldn't help but think of a sentence when she heard this.

Please, another me!

"Perhaps, it's not the right time for us to come back?" Knight Meron's voice came from the entrance of the cave. Lu Qing turned her head and saw Knight Merlon watching the two with a strange expression on his face.


Hao Meng reacted abruptly, and quickly stood up from Lu Qing's arms. She was shy enough when there were only two of them before, not to mention that both Knight Merren and the Pope had returned to the cave.

Lu Qing didn't feel anything about it, she stood up and asked, "Are you and Hao Meng going back first?"

"Yes." Knight Myron nodded, and said, "The rest will be left to the Pope and His Royal Highness the Princess."

"Don't worry, we'll take care of it."

The Pope looked at the body of the Void Worm collapsed in the cave, and said in a heavy and firm voice, a spirit of resentment appeared in the Fremeures area, no matter who the spirit of resentment was, as the Pope, he They are all obliged to destroy them.

"Hao Meng, go back with Knight Myron, the Pope and I will take care of the rest." Lu Qing looked at Hao Meng and said.

"Hmm." Hao Meng nodded softly. What happened just now made her temporarily lose her ability to think complexly.

"Don't you wonder why I let Hao Meng and Knight Myron leave first?" After Hao Meng and Knight Myron left, the Pope looked at Lu Qing and asked.

"A little bit, but I know you will definitely say it." Lu Qing shook her head and said.

"En." The Pope stroked his beard, and then walked out of the cave. Lu Qing followed the Pope, only hearing the Pope's voice coming from the front: "The psychic's own combat ability is very low, so we need to rely on external forces to fight."

"Conquering vengeful spirits is the main means for psychics to improve their combat ability in the early stage, but powerful vengeful spirits are not so easy to find, and right now, you have the opportunity to skip the process of finding vengeful spirits."

"Are you asking me to subdue the resentful soul of Liozha here?" Lu Qing paused for a moment, feeling a bit inappropriate, and said in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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