Chapter 514

Although she had already guessed that the wolf spirit that chases and kills people can cause huge damage to the spirit body, Lu Qing still did not expect that the wolf spirit would bite off the head of the soul of resentment in one bite.

However, just when she was about to say something, behind the soul of resentment, a huge phantom of the earth worm suddenly appeared.

A strong sense of crisis emerged in Lu Qing's heart. Without hesitation, Lu Qing opened her lips and used the skill she had just used.

【Dragon's Roar】


The deafening roar sounded again, but this time, the soul of resentment did not respond at all. The huge phantom of the earthworm swallowed the human body of the soul of resentment in one gulp. The next moment, a large amount of black mist filled the air, and a body of A huge and ferocious earthworm-like soul of resentment emerged from the mist.


The soul of resentment in the shape of a ground worm roared, and his body suddenly burrowed into the ground. No, there was no trace left on the ground at all. He disappeared in front of Lu Qing as if he had penetrated into a different dimension.

An unprecedented sense of crisis emerged behind Lu Qing, and her subconscious told her that she could not dodge this blow!

The Eternal Hunting Twins card is fully activated, use the skill [Sheep Spirit Breathing]!
[The sheep spirit blesses the ground under its feet for 4 seconds, creating an area where no creature will die.After the creatures within the range are dying, their bodies will no longer receive any damage, and they will be immune to any healing effects! 】

[When the blessing ends, creatures within the range will receive a certain amount of healing. 】

A huge shadow emerged from behind Lu Qing, and the next moment, an earthworm-like soul of resentment appeared behind her and swallowed it in one gulp!

One second, two seconds, three seconds.
After swallowing Lu Qing, the resentful soul in the shape of an earthworm stood motionless on the spot. His body continued to disintegrate, turning into dots of black light and floating in the air, until his body was completely broken. Under the effect of Lamb's Breath, the disintegration stopped.

After the fourth second passed, the healing effect of the sheep's spirit breath decreased, and the body of the soul of resentment, which looked like an earthworm, recovered a little, and then disintegrated at a faster speed.

When the body of the soul of resentment completely disintegrated, Lu Qing appeared at the place where the other party disappeared, with a scared expression and her heart beating non-stop.

Fortunately, she reacted fast enough just now, otherwise she would have died just now. After being swallowed by the soul of resentment, a strong corrosive mist was constantly eroding her body. The spirit of the sheep is alive, and I am afraid that it only takes three seconds for her to be completely corroded.

Well, her body can only last for one second, and the two seconds are due to the silver-gray evening wind's [Spider Silk Cocoon] skill.

Having said that, this is what the Pope said, the soul of resentment after being suppressed by him?

Lu Qing felt very angry, let alone the fight with the human form of resentment before, why didn't the Pope help her in that situation just now?
After all, what is this so-called trial? By the way, there is also Knight Merren.

Lu Qing also felt very angry when she thought of the Knight Merren who was following behind. Although she would not die in reality even if she died in a white dream, what about the trust between people?

You are my guardian knight, you didn't come to help me when I was facing life and death crisis?

And when Lu Qing thought this way, at the place where the soul of resentment dissipated, a ball of pitch-black round sphere gradually floated up. This sphere looked like the previous soul of resentment, showing the characteristics of thick fog, constantly flowing. squirming.

After seeing this sphere, Lu Qing quickly came back to her senses, and remembered what she should do after eliminating the soul of resentment.

As I said before, when a psychic does not have a spirit body that can be controlled, his combat ability is very weak, and if he wants to subdue the soul of resentment, he needs to defeat the soul of resentment with his own hands.

After defeating the soul of resentment, the soul of resentment will leave a core, and the appearance of this core is related to the soul of resentment that formed this core. If you leave it alone, after a period of time, the soul of resentment will be resurrected .

If you want to completely destroy the soul of resentment, you can only destroy the core of the opponent after defeating the soul of resentment.

Of course, what Lu Qing wants to do is not to completely eliminate the other party, but to introduce this core power into the wooden mask she carved earlier through the ritual.

Remember, just bring in the power, not bring the soul together in the core!
Manipulating human souls so they can never rest in peace is not what a psychic does, and the teachings of Manulife Samuel would not allow such a thing.

According to Manulife Samism, after the death of human beings who believe in the holy tree, their souls will not float on the earth unconsciously, but will be guided by the holy tree and return to the embrace of the holy tree. It can also be seen from here What is the general teaching of Manulife Samuelism?

As for Wraith
In addition to human souls, any other souls are fine. Manulife Samism only cares about human beings, regardless of animals.

Thinking of these things in her heart, Lu Qing placed the char wooden mask she had carved before under the core, and then quickly outlined the weakened spiritual circle on the ground with a dagger, and placed the spiritual circle on the ground. The world dust evenly spread in the circle.

After all this was done, Lu Qing carefully checked the integrity of the magic circle, and after confirming that there was no problem, she injected spiritual power into the magic circle.


An illusory feeling enveloped Lu Qing's side, because her weakened spirit circle was activated, blurring the barrier between the real world and the spirit world.

In human terms, it opened the way to the spirit world, but it was not fully opened, only half opened, which made Lu Qing feel like everything around him became illusory.

Then she sat cross-legged on the ground, entered a state of meditation, and used her mental power to touch the core floating in mid-air.

Only in the environment of the spirit world or semi-spirit world, can the spiritual power of human beings resonate with the soul in the core of the soul of resentment. Lu Qing recalled the knowledge she had learned in the past few months.

This was her first attempt to subdue a spirit body, and she was a little nervous at the beginning, but after the official start, her heart became calmer.

She carefully and conscientiously searched for the fluctuations in the core of the soul of resentment, and then let her spiritual power resonate with it.

"Have it!"

The corners of Lu Qing's mouth curled up slightly, feeling the throbbing from the core just now, she let her mental power gradually move closer to the fluctuation of the core, and then pulled the power inside to flow into the wooden mask she carved.

The soul in the core trembled slightly after feeling the appearance of the wooden mask, but it didn't stop Lu Qing from pulling away the power in the core.

The soul in the core is in a state of half-asleep and half-awake at this time. Although he has lost his mind after turning into a soul of resentment, he will still subconsciously relax his vigilance to his appearance before he was alive, and the mask is not carved into a harmonious His face was exactly the same when he was alive, and it would not cause him to wake up immediately.

"Crack." After all the power in the core poured into the wooden mask, the core that was originally floating in the air gradually turned from a misty sphere into a solid body, and then turned into debris and scattered on the ground, while the soul inside , and finally dissipated in the air like relief.

(End of this chapter)

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