The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 515 Char's Memory

Chapter 515 Char's Memory

The ceremony was over, and the ordinary wooden mask gained power from the soul of resentment, and slowly floated in front of Lu Qing.

"Successful!" Lu Qing finally breathed a sigh of relief as she looked at the wooden mask that had changed greatly, and saw that the original brown wooden body of the mask had now turned into a jet black appearance.

The structure of the mask has not changed in any way, it is still Char's face, but there is a lot of black mist on the mask, just like the one floating on the grudge soul before.

In addition, a ferocious-looking earthworm pattern hovering on the left side of the cheek appeared on the mask at some point.

The next thing to do is much simpler. Lu Qing only needs to use the [psychic] talent to sign a contract with the mask in front of her, and she can summon a soul of resentment that completely obeys her orders.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing manipulated the spiritual power in her body and slowly poured it into the mask.

The world in front of her eyes gradually became dim and blurred, and Lu Qing appeared in a dilapidated house in a daze.

The simple wooden walls, the wooden roof, and because no one has maintained and cleaned it all year round, the whole building exudes an old and rotten smell.

"This is?" Looking around suspiciously, Lu Qing did not remember that the Pope had mentioned such a situation, and just as she was thinking about where this place was, the door of the room was pushed open.

A spoiled man reeking of alcohol came in from outside the room. After seeing Lu Qing, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

"You bastard, what are you doing here?" The man said slowly, and hiccupped in the middle of the sentence.

"Do you want to leave here, like those little kids before?"

"Report me for hiding the allowance from the orphanage? Don't be kidding, without me, you would have died long ago, so what if I hid the allowance."

"You don't know how to be grateful, but you still want to take revenge on me. You are really a bunch of white-eyed wolves who don't know what to do."

"Could this be Char's memory?" Lu Qing looked at the drunken man in front of her, thinking thoughtfully.

She remembered that Charl said that he used to live in an orphanage, and was later sold by the owner of the orphanage to the Death Sect as a test subject.

The scene in front of him was indeed the same as what Char described, but why, there was no Char's soul in the mask at all, and his soul should have dissipated the moment the core was broken.

Could it be said that the remaining power can also contain the information in the soul? This seems reasonable, but why didn't the pope tell her the memory of seeing the human beings in the soul of resentment when he subdued the soul of resentment?

Suddenly, Lu Qing remembered one thing, her [Spirituality] talent is actually different from the [Spirituality] talent possessed by the Pope, because after her [Spirituality] talent was awakened, it was suppressed by [Nightmare] 】Skills were devoured.

Although she didn't notice the difference when she was studying with the Pope these days, it doesn't mean that there are no differences between the two!

Perhaps it was for this reason that she was able to see the memory of Char in the power of the soul of grudge.

"Is this really the case?" Lu Qing muttered to herself, these are just her own conjectures, whether the fact is true or not, she will have to ask the Pope later to know.

During the time she was thinking, the man's complaints and insults didn't stop there. He seemed to get angrier as he spoke, picked up the broom placed in the corner of the house and slashed at Lu Qing.

Of course, it is impossible for this kind of slow attack to hit Lu Qing. She took a casual step back and dodged the man's attack. However, after she dodged, an illusory figure appeared in the position where she was standing before. Was hit firmly by the broom.

"It hurts."

Lu Qing frowned, obviously she had already dodged, but there was still a painful feeling on her body, as if she was the one who was hit by the broom.

That's right, this is the memory of Charle's childhood. Since it is Charle's memory, then she can also feel the feeling of Charle.

But for some reason, she didn't feel the thoughts in Char's mind. Since it was a memory, she could also feel the thoughts in Char's mind.

These are probably missing, after all, only part of the memory remains in the mask, not a whole soul.

Lu Qing walked around twice, and found that the outside of the room was nothingness, nothing could be seen, and the figure representing Char was also illusory. This may be because in his memory, Char didn't know what he looked like when he was a child. .

Now that she knew where this place was, and would not be able to find a way out for a while, Lu Qing temporarily settled down, watching this memory as a bystander.

After the head of the orphanage beat Char, Char passed out due to the severe pain, and Lu Qing's perspective also changed to another place.

Not knowing how long it had been since Char was beaten violently, Lu Qing appeared in a relatively clean house, and standing in front of her, besides the director of the orphanage, was another man with a scar on his face and wearing a A man in a black robe.

"You can live with this adult from now on, remember not to run around, if you try to escape, the end will not be as simple as being beaten up." The dean looked at Lu Qing (Charle) and said.

"Is this the only one?" the black-robed man said in a low voice.

"Yes, my lord, I tested it with the things you gave me before, and this is the only one." The dean said to the black-robed man with a flattering smile.

"That's it." The black-robed man nodded, then took out a large gold coin engraved with magnificent patterns from his pocket, and placed it on the table.

"Thank you, sir!" The dean couldn't wait to pick up the gold coin, and kept rubbing the pattern on the surface with his fingers.

Regarding this, the black-robed man didn't say anything, he just took Char and left the orphanage.

The memory has not been interrupted up to this point. Char seems to be very impressed with this memory. After being taken out of the orphanage, the man in black robe brought Char to a tavern and ordered a bunch of things that are very important to Char in his life. For the food he hadn't eaten, he was given a bath and changed into new clothes.

It doesn't take much thinking to know that after this set, for Charle when he was young, the status of the man in black robe in his heart must have soared rapidly.

As Lu Qing expected, Char was obediently taken into a carriage by a dark man, and his memory was interrupted at this point.

After the surrounding scenes resumed, Lu Qing found herself lying on a cold test bench with her hands and feet bound by tough belts.

No, to be precise, it was Char who was tied up like this. Lu Qing sat up from the test bench and found that besides Char, there were four other humans of different ages who were tied up on the test bench.

"You shouldn't have run away, so the experiment can be delayed for a few days." Standing outside the test bench, the man in charge of directing the experiment said in a cold tone.

(End of this chapter)

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