The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 519 Ah, the brain is shaking

Chapter 519 Ah, the brain is shaking

Lu Qing returned to the familiar hunter's hut. As soon as she opened the door, she heard the voice of the maid Irene.

"Ah, Your Royal Highness, you are back." Irene, who was burning firewood in the room, looked at Lu Qing and said after hearing the sound of the door opening. After speaking, she looked at the Pope standing behind Lu Qing and said : "Welcome back, Your Holiness the Pope."

"En." The Pope nodded, and then closed the door behind him to keep out the cold air.

"Have Hao Meng and Knight Myron come back yet?" Lu Qing looked at Irene and asked.

"They came back, just about 10 minutes ago." Erin replied after thinking about it for a while.

"They." Lu Qing captured the meaning of Irene's words, not only that, she also answered the time when the two came back, that is to say, Hao Meng and Myron Knight came back at the same time.

"But that doesn't mean anything." Lu Qing shook her head, the knight of Myron was very fast, and was able to catch up with Hao Meng before she came back.

"Where is Hao Meng now?" Lu Qing asked.

"Miss Hao Meng is currently in Miss Fang Qingrou's room." Irene said after thinking about it.

"Well, I see." Lu Qing nodded, then looked at the Pope and said, "I'm a little tired, I'm going to rest first." Her words were not a lie, she was indeed a little tired.

"Have a good rest." The Pope could naturally see the fatigue on Lu Qing's body, and said, "Ask me if you don't understand anything about the Soul of Resentment."


After Lu Qing finished speaking, she walked up the stairs to the second floor of the hunter's cabin. When she came to the door of Fang Qingrou's room, she had so many questions and thoughts in her mind that she forgot to knock on the door.

After pushing open the door, what happened in the room made her stunned for a moment.

Inside the room, Fang Qingrou was naked at the top half of her body, revealing the white and tender skin and strands of bandages wrapped around the skin.

Hao Meng, on the other hand, sat in front of Fang Qingrou with a red face, and took off the bandages on Fang Qingrou's body stiffly. On the chair beside her, there was a bottle of potion for trauma.

"Little Lu is back~" Fang Qingrou said with a smile on her face after seeing Lu Qing.

"I, I, we are here, no, I." Hao Meng looked flustered, and said some words that were completely incomprehensible.

Seeing this, Lu Qing showed a gentle smile on her face. She softly closed the door behind her, then sat beside Hao Meng, picked up the medicine bottle on the table and said, "Do you need me to help you?"

"Okay, I'm sorry to trouble you." Fang Qingrou nodded and said, she pulled off the quilt under her body indifferently, revealing her smooth, lean and strong legs.

For Fang Qingrou who often runs around wielding a big sword, it is very difficult to get fat on her body. The accumulated exercise makes her figure look very fit.

Lu Qing looked at Fang Qingrou's naked body with a normal expression. She was no longer the shy girl she was at the beginning. Now she has long been used to looking at girls' bodies. As for how she got used to it, of course, she was once Fang Qingrou coughed.


Lu Qing slapped Fang Qingrou's thigh with the palm of her hand, and said with an inexplicable smile on her face, "You're pretty strong."

"Huh?" Fang Qingrou looked at Lu Qing with some incomprehension, wondering what ailment she was suffering from.

"." Looking at Fang Qingrou, Lu Qing gradually lost her battle: "It's boring." She muttered in a low voice. No one in this world knows what she just played, which made her a little disappointed.

Obediently removed the bandages on Fang Qingrou's thighs, Lu Qing picked up the potion and dripped it on the wounds that had initially healed.

Knight Myron said that this kind of potion can ensure that the wounds on the body will not leave scars after healing. He also told Lu Qing the specific method and steps of using it. As for why he understands it so well?
Knight Myron said that he had a friend who once liked a female knight, so he studied these things carefully. When Lu Qing asked him if that friend was himself, Knight Myron denied the question.

Although Lu Qing really wanted to ask why that friend had carefully studied this kind of thing, and how did you know as a friend, but after thinking about it carefully, she felt that it was better not to ask this question.

"Hao Meng?" Lu Qing felt that it was time to ask Hao Meng what she wanted to know, so she called out her name.

After Lu Qing walked into the room with a normal expression and decided to help, Hao Meng gradually calmed down. After hearing Lu Qing's words, Hao Meng asked, "Yes, what's the matter?"

"Hmm..." Lu Qing asked while applying medicine to Fang Qingrou's thigh: "When you came back, did you come back with Knight Myron from the beginning to the end?"

"Here we come!" Lu Qing paid [-] points of attention in her heart, she wanted to hear her answer from Hao Meng's mouth!
"Yes, I came back with Knight Myron, from beginning to end." Hao Meng replied with a normal expression, then looked at Lu Qing, and asked curiously: "Yes, is there any question?"

Lu Qing's hands stopped, and after a moment of silence, she shook her head and said, "It's nothing, it's just that when you returned, the Pope was attacked by the Cultists."

What else can she say, is she going to tell Hao Meng that Knight Myron didn't leave with her at the beginning, and tell her that the Pope and Knight Myron have been stuck for a period of time because of what seems to be a system bug?
She couldn't tell, not just the reason for worrying about something, but also some irrepressible, creepy thoughts.

The Pope and Myron Knight are NPCs in the dream world, and they will be controlled by the dream game system. Their memories and ways of thinking may be changed for some reason. What about Hao Meng, Fang Qingrou, and even players all over the world? ?

The dream game is a game that appears in everyone's mind. Since it can appear in everyone's mind, it is not impossible to modify human memory. Lu Qing can accept this statement, but if, she is Say what if.
What if human beings in reality are just a created world similar to the dream game world?
It is even possible that the real world is just one of the dream worlds, but the existence of this world was created and such a dream game was created.

Maybe there are some beings observing the world outside the world, and this may even be an entertainment, just like Truman's World.
In Lu Qing's mind, this terrible thought could not be restrained. If this world is fake, then is the real world the one I once lived in? After my death, my soul drifted from the real world to the fake one. In this world, this may be able to explain the reason for time travel.

And it is precisely because she traveled here that Hao Meng's memory has been modified, but she has not, because she was not created?

No, there is another possibility, the hut protected me?
"Little deer, little deer?" The voice next to her ear awakened Lu Qing who was in deep thought, and she looked at Fang Qingrou, who was looking at her suspiciously.

"What are you in a daze for?" Fang Qingrou said, then, as if thinking of something, she looked at her worriedly and said, "Could it be that you got hurt somewhere while fighting the spirit of resentment, right? organisms with a large body seem to do some damage to the brain"

(End of this chapter)

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