Chapter 520 Hey, scared (for subscription)
PS: Thank you book friend Tiandao Qingping for the 1500 starting point coins!

"Well, I'm fine." Lu Qing said with her hands separating her two palms covering her cheeks.

"Are you really okay? I think you should go to the Pope to check." Fang Qingrou looked at Lu Qing and said seriously.

"It's really fine." Lu Qing shook her head, her ice-blue pupils revealing a trace of helplessness.

"Oh, just in case, if you are told to go, you can go, Hao Meng is enough here." Fang Qingrou pushed Lu Qing's shoulder, then looked at Hao Meng and said, "Come on, Mengmeng help me , Push the deer out."

"Huh? Me, me, me..." Hao Meng stood up subconsciously, and then immediately realized that Fang Qingrou wanted to make herself do something, and stood there in embarrassment.

"Okay, I'll just go out by myself." Lu Qing smiled helplessly, and then left Fang Qingrou's room.

"Huh." After closing the door of Qingrou's room above, Lu Qing subconsciously let out a sigh of relief, and leaned against the wooden door of the room as if her whole body was relaxed.

"I will know." Lu Qing said to herself, and after a while, she added: "I will definitely know."

Lu Qing returned to the hall on the first floor, and saw the maid Irene who was throwing firewood into the fireplace, and two old people sitting on the sofa in the center of the hall talking to each other.

They seemed to be talking about the issue of teaching apprentices at this time, she stopped slowly and stood on the stairs, intending to continue to listen to the conversation between the two.

Of course the Pope and Knight Myron found out about Lu Qing, but since she didn't intend to come down, the two of them didn't shy away from anything and just continued chatting.

"The little girl you brought back has a good talent. After another five or six years of practice, she may be able to catch up with me in terms of swordsmanship." Knight Myron said in a rather emotional tone.

"Perhaps only two or three years will be enough." The Pope said with a smile: "Her blessing of the holy tree is [weapon mastery]. No matter what kind of weapon, the learning speed is very fast."

"Hmph, so what, my swordsmanship is not so easy to learn." Knight Meron snorted softly and said somewhat dissatisfied.

"Not just swords, Hao Meng also needs to learn more weapons." The Pope tapped his finger on the table lightly and said.

[Weapon Mastery] It can speed up the learning of all weapons by the owner. Optical swordsmanship is a bit too wasteful. Bows and arrows, spears, or some other things can be tried to learn.

A soldier who knows only swordsmanship can only be an infantry soldier, but learning bow and arrow can snipe and kill the enemy from a long distance, and learning spear can fight on a horse. Functional abilities are often more precious than single abilities.

After learning how to use a weapon, the speed of using other weapons will be much faster.

For example, it takes at least ten years for a swordsman to reach the master level in swordsmanship, and after he reaches the master level in swordsmanship, it only takes 2-5 years for him to make swordsmanship or dagger The skill level has reached the master level.

"Let her learn other weapons by herself. I only know swordsmanship, and at most I can add some knowledge of battlefield survival and horseback riding." Knight Myron said seemingly irresponsibly.

"There are a lot of these." The Pope smiled and stroked the beard on his chin.

The swordsmanship of the top knights in the kingdom, and the other party's personal guidance on how to survive on the battlefield and fight on horseback, if these words spread, all the knights in the whole country will give up everything to study.

"Yes, there are quite a few of these." Knight Myron leaned his back on the seat behind him, and said with some emotion: "It's time for me to find an heir."

"It's not easy for everyone." The Pope said after a moment of silence. People have to submit to old age after all, no matter how high-spirited they were when they were young.

"The good news is that we have all found a suitable heir." The Pope said with a smile on his face.

After finishing speaking, he shifted his gaze to the direction of the stairs, looked at Lu Qing and said, "Your Highness, didn't you go to rest?"

When Lu Qing went to the second floor before, she said that she was going to rest, but she came back within 10 minutes. The Pope guessed that Lu Qing probably wanted to find him something.

"Well, there are some problems." Lu Qing nodded, looking at the two people in the hall, some inexplicable emotions were surging in her heart.

The emotions of the Pope and the Knight of Myron are so realistic that she would never have imagined that they were created beings, were it not for the fact that they were once stuck outside of her perspective.

Lu Qing took out the pitch-black insect hunter mask from her pocket, and then put it on the table, saying: "This is the result of the power from the core of the soul of resentment pouring into the mask."

"This is different from what I had imagined, and when I tried to summon the soul of resentment, this was what appeared." Lu Qing summoned the phantoms of earthworms surrounding her, and showed them to The Pope and Myron Knight observe.

"." The Pope looked at Lu Qing's mask on the table with some doubts, and said, "I've never heard that the power of the soul of resentment can affect the appearance of the mask."

The pope said, revealing the series of wooden masks hanging on his body. Although these masks exude some special rhythms, they are not like Lu Qing's wooden masks. Not only the overall appearance of the masks has changed, but the surface It is also surrounded by black mist visible to the naked eye.

"Could it be because the soul of resentment is special?" Knight Myron said after thinking for a while. Although he doesn't understand [Spiritualism], he can still provide opinions based on his own ideas.

"It's possible. After all, human beings haven't been able to study all the secrets of the soul of resentment." The Pope nodded slightly in agreement.

"Can you feel the effect of this phantom?" the Pope asked Lu Qing.

"." After a little hesitation, Lu Qing said, "This phantom is probably a shield, but it can't resist physical attacks, it can only resist spells."

"The magic shield is not bad." Knight Myron said his opinion: "If I had such a shield back then, I could call those mages in our camp daddy."

"Don't make trouble, Her Royal Highness is not a knight." The pope glanced at the knight Myron and said.

"It's not something you can learn. Her Royal Highness's swordsmanship is no worse than that of Miss Hao Meng." Knight Myron said bluntly. With the blessing of cards, Lu Qing's swordsmanship is at the level of a purple master. Compared with Merren Knight, who has been continuously polished and practiced to reach the purple master level, he is still a lot worse, but that is still powerful enough.

Being able to possess such swordsmanship at this age, Knight Mellon often couldn't help but lament Her Royal Highness's swordsmanship talent, but, probably because of the teachings of the royal education instructor, Her Royal Highness's swordsmanship lacked some flexibility and spirituality.

This is nothing. Knight Mellon didn't know that it was because the sword skills provided by the Luqing card were different from the skills obtained by self-practice. He felt that this was a small problem that could be overcome.

"Uh." The Pope subconsciously wanted to refute the knight, but found that what the knight said was actually very reasonable, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Well, why don't you try wearing a mask?" Just as the three of them were silent, Irene said in a hesitant voice.

PS: I have been double-updating these days, but I have lost my favorites, and I don’t have many subscriptions, woo woo woo.

Please subscribe, please.

Straightforward, very strong.JPG (It used to be often broken, which is even more embarrassing, but I am updating normally now)

(End of this chapter)

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