The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 521 That's right, this is the stand-in messenger!

Chapter 521 That's right, this is the stand-in messenger!

"Put on the mask?" Lu Qing froze for a moment, obviously not thinking about putting on the mask.

"Although it looks like a mask, if it's just worn on the face, it's no different from holding it in the hand." Knight Myron said.

"I, I'm just talking casually." At this time, Irene realized with some belatedness, how noble the identity of the person she was discussing was the discussion she interrupted.

"No, you're right, maybe you can give it a try." The Pope seemed to have remembered something at this moment, with a thoughtful expression on his face, and said, "Do you still remember the legend about the face-changing spirit?"

"You mean that if a person does not leave a mask on the face of the deceased after death, his appearance will be taken away by the face-changing spirit, and everyone will forget the legend of the deceased. Isn't that just a story?" Myron The knight asked with some doubts, he was afraid that the Pope would tell him that these legends were actually true.

"Of course it's false." The Pope glanced at Knight Myron, and explained: "When all stories spread, they have their origins and reasons."

"At present, the most widely circulated theory is that in ancient times, the ancestors believed that the soul of resentment was the resentment of the deceased after death, because no one went to visit for a long time, resulting in being forgotten by everyone."

"However, this kind of argument is totally untenable, because there are many people who have become resentful souls. It is obviously impossible for the family members and friends they knew during their lifetime to forget the dead."

"Therefore, some scholars, or some bards, invented a very special creature in order to invent some convincing reasons."

"That creature is the predecessor of the face-changing spirit, but according to the legend at that time, that creature will not make people forget the dead, but will replace the identity of the dead, so that when people worship the dead, the object of worship From the dead to another being."

"People who have died in this way have not been worshiped by their relatives for a long time, and they will think that they have been forgotten by the world, thus generating resentment and turning into a resentful soul."

"Aren't there many loopholes in this version of the story?" Lu Qing asked after listening to what the Pope said.

"After all, this is just a story. It doesn't need to be overly logical. It is enough for ordinary people at that time to believe it." The Pope smiled and explained.

"So is the story you're telling related to what we're discussing?" Knight Myron asked.

"Of course. It has something to do with it." The Pope smiled awkwardly. How could he say that he accidentally said too much? After organizing his words for a while, he said:
"It is estimated that the person who told this story at that time did not expect that this story would spread so widely later, and as the story continued to spread, the content of the story itself was constantly modified."

"The last and most widely circulated version is the version we are familiar with now, and what I want to say is that there are reasons why psychics use masks when subduing the soul of resentment."

"Because a person's face is the most representative of his characteristics." Before the Pope could continue, Lu Qing spoke first. This was not what she read in the book, but she guessed it herself.

The Pope gave Lu Qing a slightly surprised look, then nodded and said, "That's right, that's it."

"Spirits have no flesh and blood, but we can make containers for them, and this container must be familiar to the spirits."

It is unrealistic to artificially create a corpse that is exactly the same as the deceased's body, at least in this dream world, such a thing is impossible.

As for the statues carved out of wood or stone to show the appearance of the dead
It's too much work and not portable, so what can be both familiar to the spirit of the deceased and portable?

Lu Qing didn't know if there was anything else, but the psychics in ancient times thought of the way of carving masks with wood.

"This mask is the face of the spirit body." The pope tapped the bug hunter's mask lightly with his fingers, and continued: "If you put this mask on, it means that you have put the face of the spirit of resentment on yourself." face."

"Can this guide the power inside the mask?" Lu Qing asked curiously.

"Uh..." the pope paused for a moment, and then said very simply: "I don't know." It was also the first time he had encountered it, so how could he guarantee that what he said was correct?

"If it works, you'll know if you try it." Knight Myron expressed his opinion, "No matter how much discussion there is, if it doesn't work, it's useless, but as long as it succeeds, it's okay not to discuss it. "

"You're right." The Pope looked helplessly at Knight Merren, then looked at Lu Qing and said, "Anyway, let's try it first."

"Okay." Lu Qing nodded, reached out and picked up the mask from the table.

"Wait a minute." The Pope interrupted Lu Qing's movement, pointed out the door with his finger, and said, "Let's go out and try."

The power of the soul of resentment is very powerful. Anything that happens after Lu Qing puts on the mask is possible. In order to prevent the hunter's hut from being demolished, it is better for them to go outside to test.

Of course Lu Qing could understand what the Pope was thinking, so she picked up the mask and walked out of the hunter's hut with the Pope Myron Knight.

"It should be fine this far." After walking for about 5 minutes, Lu Qing looked at the hunter's cabin behind him and said.

"After walking so far, it would be embarrassing if nothing happened in the end." Knight Myron glanced at the mask in Lu Qing's hand and said.

"Just in case." The pope said while standing in the snow with his hands folded.

"Huh." Lu Qing ignored the two people who were talking, she let out a long breath, and then put the pitch-black mask on her face.

When the mask was designed, it didn't take into account the situation when it was worn on the face, so when the mask was put on the face, Lu Qing couldn't see anything.

What is strange is that the bug hunter mask can be worn on her cheeks even though the size has not been specially designed. There is no fixed string, but it hangs firmly on her cheek after she loosens her palm. face.

A cold touch emerged from the mask, and the next moment, Lu Qing saw the scenery outside the mask.

Her body has inexplicably increased a lot, and even the tall Meron Knight has become much shorter in her eyes, but soon, Lu Qing discovered that it was not that she had become taller, but that her perspective had changed to her. Originally the rear of the body.

Now she seems to be playing a game from a third-person perspective. She can see her original body standing in front of her, and she can also feel the touch on her body. She can even control her body in such a weird situation. Body.

(End of this chapter)

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